Tuesday, July 31, 2007
day 27
Today my camp went on Oceanquest. Oceanquest is when you go out on a boat and learn about living and non-living creatures. I was Chief Scientist. I was the only one that got to take something back home; it was a button that says Chief Scientist! Also I went to Walmart with my mom and got a new video game. The video game I got is Transformers Decepticons:Destroy. We got Esther a CD. The CD we got is Hannah Montana Two.
Monday, July 30, 2007
day 26
Today I went back to camp. The camps I went to were Drama camp and CSS. In drama camp the play we are doing is Mufaros Beautiful Daughters. I am Mufaro one of the main characters. In the play the daughter of Mufaro are Manayary and Nyasha. At science school we went to Lydia's beach. We started an experiment. To do the experiment you need to find 50 or so periwinkles and some way to mark them. Then two days later you come back and see how far they moved.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
day 25
Today I had my friend Gibson over. We played Nintendo DS and Doomsday which is a game I made up. To play it you need two players. You can be good or bad. Then you do missions. If you're good you have missions running away from and attacking the bad guys and if you're bad you have missions trying to defeat non-teamed monsters, attacking the good guys. Other things we played were having a water gun fight and going to the beach. At the beach we played transformers. To play transformers you just splash the waves.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Day 24
Yesterday I went to the Purisky's house in Mashpee. We had dinner which was a sausage roll. After we ate, we went to the beach. We played pickle and baseball. There was a beautiful sunset. My Dad went to college with Jill Purisky so we have known them for a long time. Brian Purisky is my age and we have fun together. Yesterday, I also went to CSS(Children's School of Science). We made Seaweed Pudding, but it won't be ready until Monday. I was a taster, though, and it is good.
Friday, July 27, 2007
day 23
Yesterday my friend Jarrett sent me his Yu-Gi-Oh cards because he doesn't like Yu-Gi-Oh anymore. He sent me the strongest Yu-Gi-Oh card, Blue-Eye Ultimate Dragon. Also yesterday I went to two marshes, Penzance Point and Waquoit Bay Estuary. At Penzace Point my camp collected fiddler crabs to see if the male or the female was more aggressive. It was the males. At the Waquoit Bay Estuary my camp found all sorts of animals like Blue crabs, Horseshoe crabs and all sorts of molts.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
day 22
We were stuck in London for 3 extra days. On Sunday we went to Legoland Windsor. Witch a amusement park that's bast on Lego's. My favorite ride is Jungle Coaster. It's the scariest ride there. There only 1 big drop but whats the most scary is there is lots of turn. The turns are scary because it feels like your gonna fall the track. We picked are kitten Gooey. Gooey hasn't met Lucy because Lucy needs to get use to cat before they can meet. I'm now a Lego club member. Witch means I can play club games online.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I'm in england!
It's the first day I'm in Woodstock with James, Matt, aunt Cynthia and uncle Charles. Esther and I went to hamleys. Hamleys is a big toy store. There is 5 floors. Its the worlds biggest toy store. I got a transformers watch and a stuffed dog named deputy. Esther got a cat that that purs and sleeps and is really annoying. I went on the London Eye. The London eye is a large Ferris wheel. You can see almost all London from the top. We also went to the tower of London. The tower of London is a old castle.
Monday, July 9, 2007
day 20
Today I played a basketball game with Kyle. I won by one point. It was 14-13. I was the maverick. Our motto is "You think you can win that easily." I can't wait until we go to England. We leave Wednesday morning. In England I'm going to see Big Ben, the queen's palace, the changing of the guard, and Uncle Charles, Aunt Cynthia and my cousins Matt and James. It's going to be a long plane ride so Dad and Esther picked out an ipod for the family. It can play songs and you can watch movies.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
day 19
It was Reverend Linda Hey's last day. We said goodbye to her itinerant puppy (puppet) preacher named Abby. She gave us little crosses made of yarn. Mine was blue with white inside. Esther's is purple with white in the middle. I went to my friends Lukas's birthday party. I got him a Red Sox Uno card game. At his party he had a pool and a Slip'n'Slide. His party was at his house. It was really rough but it was fun. Mom and I went to the Community Garden to check on our plot and our tomatoes are really tall. My dad got me a new game for my Nintendo DS. It is New Super Mario Bros.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
day 18
Today I went tubing for the first time on my family's new tube. Tubing is when you go in the water on a thing sort of like an inner tube but without the hole in the middle and then Dad lets us out on a rope while we're sitting on the tube and then Dad tows us. My friend Jarrett came tubing with my family. He tried tubing for the first time. Today was the annual Paul White road race. My babysitter Eileen came and walked up to the finish line with us. My sister and I both got Italian ice. Mine was cherry and my sister's was blue raspberry, lemon, and cherry.
Friday, July 6, 2007
day 17

Today I stayed at camp. It was really boring. But my dad took me early to go see transformers. The Autobots were Optimus Prime [ also known as Prime or Optimus ]. He transforms into a truck. Another autobot is Ironhide. He transforms into a G.M.C truck. There are three more autobots-- Bumblebee, Jazz, and Rachet. Bumblebee transforms into a sports car. Jazz transforms into a Porche. And Rachet transforms into a fire-rescue vehicle. We getting a kitten named Gooey.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
day 16
Today I went to the castle playground. I got Smitty's ice cream. I had Oreo ice cream. I lost my old charger for my game boy so today my mom let me buy a new one. In my video game Mega man ZX I'm on the last level. What you need to do on the last level is destroy model W. Model W is a huge Bio mental that with the power of it you could destroy the world. A Bio mental is a thing that can connect with people and make them stronger. There is more than 1 Bio mental. The different models are model X, ZX, HX, FX, LX and PX.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
day 15
Today is the 4th of July. I went to my next door neighbors house to have breakfast. I was hoping my friend Kyle would wake up because it was Kyle's house the party was at. I had a Boston cream donut. That is my 2nd favorite. My1st favorite is Bavarian cream. I went to Tyler Axon's house to play basketball. He won 20-19. For dessert tonight I'm having The Cone which is a unique waffle cone with vanilla ice cream, cookie dough swirls and fudge chips topped with more fudge chips.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
day 14
Today I went to Surf Drive beach. I got a bubble gum snow cone because the ice cream truck came and Tina got one for every one at camp. Today we also went down town. My mom and I went to our Community Garden. Gery is about to sprout some pink flowers. Gery is a geranium. We also went to Dr. Fitch's office to pick up my new frames, but my mom forgot my old glasses so we couldn't pick them up. Dr. Fitch needs to take the lenses from my my old glasses and put them in my new ones. I also delivered newspapers today. It was the last time because I was only doing the delivery while my neighbor was away on vacation.
Monday, July 2, 2007
day 13
Today I went to Water wiz. I went on a new ride. It's a slide that is covered. It's mostly pitch black. My favorite part is when you pass a light spot and then it seems like your gone go straight the rest of the way and then just when you don't expect it , it drops. Before we left we played flag football. I was on yellow and then half way through I changed to blue. Two minutes left, tie game. We each had 1 down to score. But blue got 2. The reason blue got 2 is after a kid went out of bounds another kid stole the ball from him and at the second down blue got a touch down and won
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Today me and my dad are going to see Fantastic 4 Rise of the silver surfer. I played basketball with my next door neighbor Kyle trusket. I was the Mavericks and he was the Pontiac's. He won by 1 point. we went into over time at 10-10. We dicided that first one to thirteen won. we had 5 seconds left it was 12-12 and he got a point winning it by 1. So now we play every Sunday after church. I just got back from watching Rise of the silver surfer. My favorite part was when the Thing was trying to put the pulse generator in a bear walks up and starts growling and Thing gets up and growls even louder and then says " Yeah, you keep running.
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