Friday, August 31, 2007
day 51
Today I went to the mall with my mom and my sister. We got some school clothes it was torture. Then we saw Mr.Beans Holiday. My Favorite part was he need money and he started dancing to make money. My mom made me go on a cheap Merry Go Round with Esther. It was a real rip off. Four dollars for two tickets !Wow. Now I'm going on a bike ride with my dad. We are down old main and back. We are hoping to go out on the boat tomorrow. We are going to go swimming if we can go put on the boat.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
day 50
Today me and Jarrett played allot of Nintendo DS. I got allot farther in Eragon. I beat the underground level and know I am on the Dragon Tower level. Me and Jarrett also went to McDonald's with my mom and sister. I got two chicken snack wraps and a Mcflurry. Then we went to the play ground and saw marysia. Me and Jarrett finished Adventure 2:Climb the tower and started Adventure 3:befriend Dark night. Last night me and Jarrett and dad went to lazy sundaes. I got milky way with jimmies and gummy bears. Jarrett got a sundae.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
day 49
Today I'm having my friend Marisia over. I don't know what were going to do. I can't wait to four O'clock because my friend Jarrett is sleeping over. We are probably going to play Adventure, Wii and Nintendo DS. We think are cat Lucy is gone because she hasn't came back since Saturday night. We are also going to our neighbors house to swim at two O'clock.We went school shopping on Monday. We got some shoes for me and Esther and I got a coat. Since I was good I got two new video games, Eragon and prince of Persia.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
day 48
Today I went out on the boat with Dad and Esther. We went to Bassett's island. We went swimming there. We made mazes on the beach on Bassetts island. Then we went fishing. We didn't catch anything. Then we saw Chet and his girls. Casey, China, and Helena. Then we came home. Louie, Brenda, Hadley and Sarah are coming over for dinner tonight. Were having Hawaiian, meat ball and Veggie special pizza.
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Today I went to the air show. We saw the thunder birds (click here for YouTube movie). The thunder birds are like the blue angels but the cape cod version. They weren't as good as when we saw them a couple years ago. We went on a Hercules and saw a Night Hawk. A Night Hawk is a stealth plane. The reason it is stealth is it has so many angles it can't be picked up on radar. Plus it is black so it blends in with the night sky. The Red Sox beat the White sox 14-2. But there best player Big Papi is hurt. He got hit in the hand by a 95 MPH fastball.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Day 46
Tomorrow I'm having Silas over. Silas is one of my friends from VBS(Vacation Bible School). At VBS Today we played Red Rover. To play Red Rover you need two teams. Then your team joins hands. Then one team says "Red Rover, Red Rover have (Somebody on the other teams name)come over and then that person runs over and trys to break through two on the other teams arms. If you break through the other peoples arms you stay on your side if you don't you go to the other side.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
day 45
I've been playing Pitching Practice. To play Pitching Practice you need Two player and a beach ball(or a soft ball)then you through the ball back and forth changing speeds until someone misses. When someone misses it you stop and the person who misses it loses. Today at VBS(Vacation Bible School)we went on a field trip. We went to Nye park then went to holy cow ice cream store. At Nye Park we met Molly from the 300 Committee. Then at holy cow we got ice cream. I had Dino Crunch. Dino crunch is vanilla ice cream died blue with Oreo and marshmallow.
Monday, August 20, 2007
day 44
Today I bought a transformer. It's name is Undermine. It's an Autobot. An autobot is the good guy. He transforms into a T-Rex. My sister has swimmers ear. It is a ear infection that you get by swimming allot. At VBS(Vacation Bible School) my class didn't like the music so were trying to pick new music. School starts in two weeks. They already have school supplies in the schools. We looked at backpacks today.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
day 43
Today me and my dad went to BJ's and his office. Then we went to Game Stop and he let me get a game. The game I got was MegaMan Starforce Dragon. It's allot of fun and it is quiet easy. I am going to play it after I finish writing my blog. I have a couple other MegaMan games and there different. The way there different is in the other ones you can just shoot the bad guys but in this one you to walk up to the bad guys to fight them.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
day 42
Today I got a Shining Star. A Shining Star is a stuffed animal that you can put on line. It's sort of like a WebkinZ but its a different company. I also went to a birthday party. It was Nicky's birthday. We went to the lake. There was a raft at the lake. We played corners. To play corner Mr.Pingle stands on a corner and it goes under water and you try stay on the raft as long as possible. The last one on the raft wins.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
day 41
Summer is almost ending and I don't want school to start. For the rest of summer I'm going to VBS(Vacation Bible School)and then I have the last week to do what ever I want. My neighbor have a pool I want to go swimming in. The one and only thing I look forward to is being able to ride my bike to school. My new cat gooey likes this cat ball that we through and she chases. I'm doing that with her while I write my blog.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
day 40
My dad and I got the Wii it will be here at 6:00 or so. My dad got at a game story today. I get money for doing the blog and I earned half the money for the a Wii. Wii Sports is already on the Wii so we don't half to buy a game. My sister went to Adventure Isle with my mom. She won a flashy egg a plastic unicorn and a bounce ball. She went on the go karts, bumper cars, super slide and she played arcade games.
day 39
Yesterday I went to Jarrett's house. We played 2K Spots Baseball on Xbox. I was the National League and Jarrett was the American League. I won six to five. This week the camp I'm going to is Animal Friends. The classes I'm going to at Animal Friends are wood shop and camp news. My mom has been sick with the same thing I had my last post. The Falmouth Commodores are doing really well but they lost yesterday. So they lost the title.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
day 36
I'm sick today. I have the Flu. Tom and his family left yesterday. I've been trying to make a sky scarper out of magnetics for a while but it keeps falling over. Magnetics are rods with magnets on the ends and magnetic balls and you can put them together to make stuff. Yesterday my sister my dad and I went to the Simpson's movie. At the movie theater they gave us token for the arcade next door. My dad let us go over there and play some games. I won a new watch.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
day 35
Today I at story boards we finished all are story. Today it was last day of CSS(Children's School of Science). At Karate I won a Bronze medal at the the tournament. It was just Sparring so I didn't get hurt. Tom and his family came and are staying here until Saturday morning. Next week I'm going to Animals Friends. Witch is a camp were you do two classes and you play games. It is provided by the Boston Rescue league.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
day 34
Today I went to wood Neck beach with CSS(Children's School of Science). The marsh at Wood Neck beach was closed because it failed its water test so we just went to the beach. We thought that it was very disappointing until Sam Kane, Theo, and I found a sea sponge. At Falmoth Academy I wrote a story about a Giant squid at least that's what every one thinks its actually an alien from the planet GliGli.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
day 33
Today I twisted my ankle at Falmouth Academy. At Falmouth Academy I'm doing story boards. Today we were finishing are storeys about a king that slept with an umbrella. At CSS(Children's School of Science)we went on a tour at the MRC(Marine Resource Center). We saw the tour guide feed Dog sharks and Stripe Bass. I just did two back to back Karate classes. In the summer my teacher does a summer fun schedule. Today was sword and shield day. To play sword and shield you get a noodles and a blocker then you try to hit your partner from the belt to the neck.
Monday, August 6, 2007
day 32
today I started story boards. In story boards we wrote a story and then we drew a picture. At CSS (Children's School of Science) we went to some beaches like Garbage beach and The yacht club. The reason we went to the beaches is we are going to make a mini ecosystem so we needed animals.
day 31
Yesterday I went to the commodores game last night. The commodores won 12-0. They played the bourne braves. I caught a foul ball. I had five players sign it. I saw Joshua and Coleman from CSS(children's school of science). I also saw Justine my friend Devin's sister. Yesterday I also had my friend Jarrett over. He has Action Replay. Action Replay is a thing were you plug it in to your DS and then you put a game card into the Action Replay and then you can get cheats for the game.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
day 30
Today I went to the beach. There were really big waves. It would of been a good day for surfing. We made a sand castle it got wrecked because of the waves. Dad made a water gate that didn't last long ether. We also made a ball drop that lasted quite a while. I made two friends, Denniss and Clark. We jumped over the waves together. Then it was time to go. Later today we are going to see Harry Potter Order of the phoenix.
Friday, August 3, 2007
day 29
Today my Creative Arts camp performed Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters. It went well. At CSS(Children's School of Science) we went to Lydia's beach. At Lydia's beach we went crabbing I think I was the only one that didn't catch a crab. After CSS I went to Marysia's house. We played Quidditch(you'll know what this is if you're a Harry Potter fan) and we went for a bike ride and we did a play.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
day 28
Today my camp went to Lydia's beach. A couple weeks ago my camp went to Lydia's beach and found fifty periwinkles and painted them with nail polish. Then today my camp went back to Lydia's beach and saw how far they moved. They moved a tiny bit towards the water. So, we found out that they like to be near the water, but not in it. I played more of my new Nintendo DS game and I'm on a wicked hard level. This level is where you are a helicopter and you have to destroy 5 satellite dishes and then, you have to scan 3 buildings to get information that you need.
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