Sunday, July 27, 2008
Day 35
Today we went to San Fransisco. We also went to china town. I got a shirt that said Got Rice and Esther got some Chinese PJ's. Then we went on a tour of China town. Only men got to perform in Chinese opera in olden days. Most Chinese moved here at the time of the gold rush. Most of them were from the Pearl River Delta region. It was a really really poor region. They were also right next to a river and there was a lot of flooding. They didn't really come for the gold as to improve there life.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Day 34
Today I saw Journey to the Center of the Earth. It was in 3D. I saw it with Esther and Grandma. My mom and dad saw The Dark Knight. Journey to the Center of the Earth ended about 45 minutes before The Dark Knight so we went to Barnes and Nobles. I got the next two volumes of Naruto. I am obsessed with Japanese Graphic novels. They are actually really good. I suggest picking one up there are really good. The best ones are Naruto. For lunch we went to Fuddruckers. Fuddruckers specialty is burgers. They give you a plain burger and there is like a salad bar with the toppings I had a veggie burger.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Day 33
Today I went to the Giants game. It was fun. The Giants pitchers name was Matt Cain. They played the Washington nationals. The final score was 1-0 Giants. Matt Cain threw his second shut out. There was a giant Coke bottle slide. There was a long line. It was fun but it wasn't worth the wait. Yesterday I went on Grandpa's plane. I got some good pictures from and of the plane. I don't have the uploader so I can't post a picture:(, but trust me there good. We were at about 300 feet and going over 100 MPH. It was fun.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Day 32
Today I woke up at 3:30 to go to CA. When we got to CA it was only 10:00! The rental car we got is a Toyota Highlander. It was really hot on the plane. I got a new video game. I got the game Lego Indiana Jones. So far I have beaten Raiders of the lost ark and half of The Temple of Doom. Esther got a DS. she also got the game Crayola Color Adventure. Then we went to the pool in CA. There was a big slide. I went round and round. There was also a water playground. I didn't do that much. There was also just a pool. I went on the slide a lot along with the pool
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Day 31
Today I had my last day of acting camp:( because we're going to CA:). I just beat Keighl (again) 17-14. Today I got a book by Mike Lowell, with a forward by Josh Beckett. I'm going to read it on the plane. It's about Mike Lowell and his story about winning the World Series last year. I really like this show on TV called Air Racer. It's like an obstacle course but, pilots fly through it. There are 13 gates the planes have to fly through and whoever has completes the course with the fastest time wins. Yesterday a British pilot won against an American pilot by 1.84 seconds.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Day 30
Today I had acting camp. We watched the movies we made. I posted the movie on my blog today. After camp,I went to Wal-Mart with Mom and Esther. For the plane ride, I got myself Naruto Volume 25:Brothers. Naruto is a graphic novel about a ninja with powers. It should take me about 2 or 3 hours to read the whole thing. If the comic wasn't read right to left(like in Japan) it would only take an hour. We went to Subway for lunch. I had a Veggie Delite. It is a sandwich with veggies and honey mustard.
Day 29
Today we stayed at home most of the day packing for California. It was really boring! But at about 4:00 we went to Old Silver beach. There big waves. We went under the waves and over the waves. My dad gave us missions. He told us to ride the waves. I went about 20 feet. It was really fun. I played basketball with Keighl yesterday. I once again beat him 30-24. It was a really good game. We were playing first one to 30 points. It was 24-23, Keighl. Then I came back and won it. I can't wait to go to California. It's going to be fun.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
day 28
Today I went to the county fair. I won a medium sized husky. I named him Snowy. Esther won a rainbow dog and a blue dog. She hasn't named them yet, I don't think. Then we came home and watched the second episode of Stargate Atlantis. In it Jeniffer Keller(the doctor)got infected by a hive. A hive is were the wraith(one species of bad guys) live. My favorite character is Rhonan because he is a warrior. Rhonan mostly carries guns and sometimes swords. Then we went out for dinner. We went to The 99's(You'll always come back for more). I got a veggie burger. Then for dessert I had Smore Pudding. It was vanilla pudding for the first layer then under that was chocolate moose. Under that was crushed graham cracker mixed with cinnamon sugar. Topped with marshmallows and hot fudge. Boy, I wish I had s'more.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Day 27
Today was the last day of science school. I gave my teacher Cory the smokey quartz today which I got from the Stone Store. He liked it. My class went to Stoney Beach and found some souvenirs. I found a rock that had a lot of this soccer ball shaped mineral called garnet. I also found a rock. Cory could not tell what it was. The color of the rock is whitish and orangeish. Last night I had karate. The power went out during karate last night. Even worse it was popcorn day so they couldn't make more popcorn for my class! On the bright side, we had enough popcorn for 1/2 a cup each.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Day 26
Today I went to acting camp. Since we were done filming we played theater games. It was fun. At the end of class we had a dance off. Our group danced to "No Parking". Then I went to science school. We went to Webster Woods. There were big piles of clay and rock(murain). There some cool rocks in the pile - gneiss and quartzite. Then we went to the Stone Store. Esther got some wind chimes but instead of metal the chimes are rock. I got a bracelet made out of Mah Jong stones. It's cool. I got some smokey quartz as a thank you present for my teacher, Cory.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Day 25
Today my group taped "Boys in Blue". I think it came out really well. I'm going to get a DVD of all the movies. I will be able to post my video when I get the DVD. The movie is about 3 1/2 minutes long. Today in science school we went on OceanQuest, a boating service that takes people on educational cruises through Woods Hole passage. We looked at the murain on the first island in the Elizabeth Island Chain. A murain is all the different sized sediments the glaciers from the last ice age left behind. Surprisingly MOST(everywhere except Falmouth)of Cape Cod is murain, but Falmouth is an Outwash Plain. That means the melted ice ran down and picked up some murain and made Falmouth.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
day 24
Today I went to acting camp. We practiced our movies. We could film tomorrow but my group won't be ready. We will start filming on Thursday. As I said in my last post(I think) we're doing silent movies so we're having a soundtrack in the background. We are doing one song. I forget its name. Then when we are about to catch a tourist the "Jaws" music comes on. I have that in my music library because there is a lot of french horn in it. In science school we did an experiment on glaciers. We covered big chunks of ice with sand then saw how long it took for them to melt. By the time we were done with science school they still hadn't melted. We'll just have to wait 'til tomorrow:(.
Monday, July 14, 2008
day 23
Today I had acting camp. This week we are making movies. My group's movie is "Boys in Blue" a parody of "Men in Black". Instead of aliens there are tourists. My friend Tyler and I are the "Boys in Blue". My friend Emma is the chief. Everyone else are tourists. We are doing it all around Woods Hole. We first see the tourist at the sundial. Then they scatter to tourist traps like the aquarium, Cape Cod Sweats, Candy go Nuts, and the bridge. Our finished movie should be approximately 3 minutes. I can't wait to see all the other films!
day 22
Today I went to the Purisky's. The Purisky's are my Dad's friends. He knows Jill Purisky from college. Jill and her husband John have a son named Brian that is my age. They also have a daughter named Kim that is 13, and one more daughter, Sara, that is 15. Sara is visiting Berkeley, CA right now so she wasn't there. I played mostly with Brian. We went to their beach. They live in New Seabury (a neighborhood on Cape Cod). The people who live there have a private beach. We went there. There were big waves. I strained my neck swimming in the waves.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Day 21
Today my babysitter came to our house because Mom and Dad ran the Paul E. White Road Race. It's 4.81 miles. Dad ran it in 42:30. Mom was 1 minute slower. I was surprised that Dad was faster than Mom. Mom ran track in high school and Dad didn't so she has more practice. Plus she usually beats him anyway. There was a softball game going on at the field near the end of the race. I watched some of that game. It was 7-7 when I left. There were Italian ices for the runners, but Esther and I had one, too.
Friday, July 11, 2008
day 20
There was no acting camp today:(. Instead we went to the beach:). Yesterday I got a skim board. The way you use a skim board is you throw it on the edge of the water and jump on it. I used it at the beach today. It was really hard to use. In the water I was giving Esther piggyback rides when we got stung by a red jellyfish. It really hurt, but if you put wet sand on the spot where you got stung it feels a little better. In science school we went to Beebe woods. We looked at an erratic rock. Erratic means it doesn't look right where it is. Glaciers from the last ice age brought all the big rocks to Cape Cod.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Today in acting camp we did trust drills. First, we stood in a circle and one person stood in the middle. The person in the middle fell back then each person in the circle had to push them to keep them up. Then, we did a second drill where the lightest person laid down in the middle. Then, the people in the circle picked up the person in the middle and moved him/her. We paired up for the last trust drill. One person in the pair was blindfolded and the other told the blind person where to go. My partner almost led me into a telephone pole. I also went to science school. Tomorrow we are going to Beebe Woods. I was just there yesterday. My teacher said we were going to visit something and he thought we would wonder it got there. Because I was just there, I know that he's talking about a big rock in the middle of Beebe Woods.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
day 18

Today we put on our performances at the Woods Hole Library. It went really well. The picture is of my play, Caps for Sale, where we were selling all the hats to the owner of the orphanage. I also went to Science School. We learned Cape Cod is just one big dirt pile. After science school we went to Esther's guitar lesson. Joe Scott(her teacher) was running late. Her lesson was supposed to start at 4:00 but they didn't start until 4:20. The we walked through Beebe woods. We walked in one big circle. It was really fun. We also climbed a rock in Beebe Woods.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
day 17
Today in acting camp we practiced our skits. We had our costumes today. I wore a ripped shirt and a lot of hats stacked on top of each other. Tomorrow we are showing our plays at the Woods Hole Library. My friend Sam is coming to watch. I can't wait. I also had Science School. We went to Stoney Beach. There are three types of rock; Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic. Igneous rocks are formed by cooling magma. Sedimentary rocks are formed by sediments being squished together. Metamorphic rocks are formed by rocks being heated, squished, or a combination of both. We found out that Stoney beach is made up of mostly igneous rock.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Day 16
Today I went to acting camp. It was fun. We are dramatizing stories this week. My group is doing the story "Caps for Sale." The story is about a poor man that is selling caps. He falls asleep under a tree after not selling any of his hats. Then some monkeys steal his hats. Then the man wakes up and throws his hat on the ground. Then all the monkeys do the same. I'm the man who sells the caps. We changed the story so I have an assistant. Other than that the story is the same. We are doing the plays at the Woods Hole library on Wednesday at 11:00.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Day 15

Today we went out on the boat. I was fun. I caught the fish in the picture. We had it for dinner. It was yummy. Unfortunately half the lure we used was bitten off. We were in Buzzards Bay when I caught my fish. After we got home from from boating I went to the end of the season baseball party. It was a pool party. I had fun. It was at my coaches house. My whole team was there except one player.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
day 14
Today Kay, our neighbor, had a yard sale. She let Esther and I sell some of our old toys there. I sold my old action figures. I made $9.25. Esther sold her old dolls and toys. She made $9.00. I had fun. I made some good money. I'm getting some money for writing my blog, too. I can't decide what to save up for. I'm either going to get Rock Band for Wii or Guitar Hero III:Legends of Rock for Wii. Mom and Dad cleaned out to the garage and took some things to the dump. I was in the Falmouth Youth Baseball raffle. I won Red Sox tickets. Unfortunately the game is while we're in California. My dad and I are going for a bike ride after I finish writing. I like going on bike rides with my dad. We get to hang out.
Friday, July 4, 2008
day 13 (4th of July)
Today I went to Water Wizz. I went with my mom, my dad, and Esther. For the first time I went on all the rides in one visit. I went on the tallest ride there a couple times. It's called Pirates Plunge. If you click on the link below you will see me going down Pirates Plunge. There are also not so scary rides like the Lazy River. In the Lazy River you go around and around in a circle while on a tube. It's really relaxing. My favorite ride is the Pirates Plunge. My mom and Dad didn't really like it. But I think it was fun.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
day 12
Today was the last day of acting camp for the week. Mr.Switzer gave us the first line and we could do what we wanted to with it. Our first line was "I have a great idea." Me and my friends Sarah and Ruth were robbers. I said the first line. Then Sarah said "every time you have a good idea it goes wrong." My dad just got back from camping and he actually had a beard. This morning he shaved it so he has a goatee. I just beat my dad in The Bigs (a baseball game for the Wii) 11-10. The score in the fourth inning was 10-7, my dad. Then he changed his pitcher and I just crushed the ball and won.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
day 11
Today in acting camp we did commercials. My group actually did an infomercial. It was about recycling. Holly and I were spokespeople, James and Lucy were celebrities, and Gus was a random person on the street. Riley and Emma were people who sang "Recycle!" every time any one said recycle. After they did that a couple times I said to Holly, "Can we shut them up?" Lucy's first line was, "Cut! Is my hair OK?" Then Holly said, "Sorry. We can't cut. We're live!" It was really fun. After that, I went to science school. We looked at the rock buildings in Woods Hole.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
day 10
Today in acting camp we worked on "who" we are. In the first skit I was with Elijah, Bob, and Bennett. Bennett and I were fathers. Elijah and Bob were our toddlers. Elijah was really misbehaved, while Bob was really good. I had to drag Elijah out of there, then Bennett said, "Come on Bob! Let's go get some ice cream." The second skit we did was called "The Teacher's Pet". It would take way too long to go into detail but I'll tell you a little. The problem was Elijah(the Teacher) wouldn't call on anyone but Ann. He sent everyone else to the principal. Then Magical Janitor John(Me) turned Elijah into a frog. The last line was "That's some teacher's pet." The rest of the people had to guess what the play was called. They guessed it on the first try.
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