Monday, September 7, 2009
The final post of the summer
This is the final post of the summer. School starts tomorrow. Esther can't wait to start school. It starts at eight thirty. My school starts at nine. Will is going to be on my bus. There are thirty six kids in my class!! Dad and I are going out for a bike ride when I am done with my blog. Yesterday dad friend from work invited us to a community pool. He has three daughter. Two of them are twins. We went swimming for a little while then we had pizza. Then we went swimming some more. The pool had a diving pool. The diving boards weren't that high. It was fun swimming. I think the school year is going to be good. My teacher is nice. I will make some friends. My desk is right up in the front of the class. Esther and I played video games most of the morning. This summer was good!!! Thank you all my readers this summer!!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
day 67
Today I went over to Will's. I had fun. We played basketball. Then we played Wii. I had fun. He is going on the same bus I am. When I got back Dad was on skype with uncle Charles. Then he called grandma and they talked. Dad and I were hungry but there was nothing to eat. Mom was out with Esther getting school supplies, so she got us something at burger king. I had a veggie burger. Dad had a whopper jr. I still needed some stuff for school. So mom got me a awesome calculator. Tonight Dad is teaching me how to program it. I really like our new house. My room is long unpacked. I am about a week ahead of the rest of the house as far as unpacking goes. My book case is organized by genre. Esther just founded he snow making kit so she is making it. All you do is add water and it grows like snow!!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
day 66
We are now moved into the house. I all ready unpacked my room. Yesterday was the open house for my school. I have Mr.Nussbaum. Since I am new to the school, Mom contacted some parent that have been in the school system for a while. Mom made plans to meet up with one of them at Esthers open house. She has a kid one year younger than I am. His name is Will. Will live in the same neighborhood that I do so I am going over to his house tomorrow. He is coming over with his bike and we are riding to his house on our bikes. It is going to be fun. Today we went school shopping. We got most of the stuff we needed. We still need to get loose leaf paper, composition note books, hand sanitizer, and a scientific calculator. School starts on Tuesday so there not much more blog left this summer.:(
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
day 65
We are moving into our house tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will be fun to be in our new house!!!!!! Yesterday we went to the mall. Esther and I went shopping. I went to Gamestop, and Barnes and Nobles. Esther went to Build-a-bear. I got the little league world series game for the DS at Gamestop. It is good. I got some manga at Barnes and Nobles. The manga it called Toto. It is a modern day version of the Wizard of Oz. it is very good. We went to Teachers Mart. We got some school supplies. I got an eraser that looks like a piece of sushi. We went swimming everyday this week. It is fun to swim at their pool. The little league world series ended on Sunday. I watched the whole championship game. California won. The score was 6-3.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
day 64
Today we went to the Arlington National cemetery. We saw the tomb of the unknown soldiers. I my favorite part was the changing of the guards. I saw that twice. They guard the tomb of the unknown soldiers. One of the soldiers was done with they assignment. So there was a special ceremony. He laid some roses on the three tombs at the monuments. Then when we got home we went swimming. No one else was down there. So I played with Mom, and Esther. It was fun. Then I watched the little league world series, international semifinal. The teams that were playing were China Tapie vs. Curacao. The final score was five to two. I watched the final three innings. The starting pitcher let only five hits. Then when Dad got home we went for a quick swim. Today was a good day.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
day 63
Today was my dad first day on his new job. He likes it. Esther, Mom, and I went to Bonne Brae Elementary, the school Esther and I are going to. I looks nice. Mom enrolled us in the school. We also looked at a church we might go to. We are going to try it out on Sunday. I looks like a nice church. We met the pastor. He is a nice man. Then we went to Oak Marr recreation center. I has FOUR pools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went swimming. The diving pool was closed for construction. We went swimming in the wading pool and the swimming pool. Then we went by the library to bring some books back. When we left Esther and I wanted to get a smoothie. So mom took us to Panera Bread and we got smoothies. Mom and I got strawberry. Esther got mango. They were very good. Esther gave me a sip of hers and it was good to.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
day 62
Dad and I went to the Nationals game yesterday. They lost. The score was 7-1. They played the brewers. They scored six runs in the sixth inning. I got a hat. It says DC on it. We had dinner at the game. They didn't get there shipment of veggie burgers so I had to have pizza. We saw our house in the mornings. The old owners have an old piano that they are giving to us. I am going to leave that one down stairs and put the electric on in my room. The house looks really nice. My room is bigger than my old room!!! There is also a nice closet in it. Today we bought the house. Then we went to the library to get library cards. I got some books. I got a science fiction book call, Starfist: Firestorm. It is about a war that takes place in the twenty-fifth century. It is really good. I am on chapter three.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
day 59-61
Thursday, August 20, 2009
day 58
Yesterday went to Jarretts all day yesterday. We played video games most of the time. Then Mom, Dad, and Esther picked me up and we went to Betsy's diner. I had an egg sandwich with coleslaw on the side. Then we all got Falmouth clothes. I got sleep pants, a hat, and a -shirt. I am going to miss cape cod.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
day 57
Yesterday I played Wii for the last time before we move. Since the packers are going to be here I am going to my friends Jarrett, and Coopers house on Wednesday and Thursday. When I am at Coopers house we are going to the beach. I got a new game for my DS for the drive. It is called Zubo. In the game you are in Zubalon and you fight Zombos with Zubos. It looks like a lot of fun. Esther went to art camp today. She will go there all week. We are leaving on Thursday. I don't want to move though. I think it is going to be an adventure so it will be kind of fun. Our house looks cool. My room is going to be green which is my favorite color. Dad gave me his old baseball cards. I also got my self some aviator glasses while mom and I were getting some stuff for the move.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
day 54, 55, 56
Day 54
Two days ago was the last day of vacation bible school. We did water balloon games. Some of the things we did was play catch with the them. Then we did some relays. Then I had my piano recital. I played Humoresque, Highly strung, When Rivers Flowed on Mars, and Little Song. The other people that played where, Cooper, Jessie, Karen, Hannah, and Grace. There was an intermission. They had snacks and stuff too. There was cake at the end too. It was good. It was lemon flavored. Hannah and Grace are going off to college this year so the concert was a goodbye concert to them. Cooper and I are good friends. Tomorrow I am going to Jame's birthday party it will be fun.
Day 55
Yesterday I went on the boat with my neighbor Jack and his sister Bridget. My dad and there dad came to. We went to west Falmouth. We also went swimming. Then we went to Megansett. The ice cream truck pulled up while we were there so my dad docked and we all got ice cream. I got a malt crunch and Dad got an ice cream sandwich. Then we went home. There dad invited us over to go swimming at there house at four 'o clock. So we did. That was also fun. Then I went to Jame's. The people that came were, Gibson, Cooper, Nicky, and I. We all went swimming in his pool too. I went swimming THREE time yesterday!!!!!!!! I got him a gyroscope and magic eye glasses.
Day 56
Today I slept in to eight ten. Then we went to church it was our last day at that church. They got ice cream for fellowship cause we are leaving. I had hot fudge sauce on mine. Liese gave a puzzle and a lollipop for helping out at bible school that week. Lukas was there to. We hung out the whole time. In Sunday school we learned about baby Moses. Then we colored. I drew a abstract picture of Esther. Then I drew a picture I call a random fence, a random boy, and a random cookie. I think I am going to swim with my neighbors after I finish my blog. They are swimming in there pool. There pool is and above ground pool. It isn't very deep. But it is really big.
Two days ago was the last day of vacation bible school. We did water balloon games. Some of the things we did was play catch with the them. Then we did some relays. Then I had my piano recital. I played Humoresque, Highly strung, When Rivers Flowed on Mars, and Little Song. The other people that played where, Cooper, Jessie, Karen, Hannah, and Grace. There was an intermission. They had snacks and stuff too. There was cake at the end too. It was good. It was lemon flavored. Hannah and Grace are going off to college this year so the concert was a goodbye concert to them. Cooper and I are good friends. Tomorrow I am going to Jame's birthday party it will be fun.
Day 55
Yesterday I went on the boat with my neighbor Jack and his sister Bridget. My dad and there dad came to. We went to west Falmouth. We also went swimming. Then we went to Megansett. The ice cream truck pulled up while we were there so my dad docked and we all got ice cream. I got a malt crunch and Dad got an ice cream sandwich. Then we went home. There dad invited us over to go swimming at there house at four 'o clock. So we did. That was also fun. Then I went to Jame's. The people that came were, Gibson, Cooper, Nicky, and I. We all went swimming in his pool too. I went swimming THREE time yesterday!!!!!!!! I got him a gyroscope and magic eye glasses.
Day 56
Today I slept in to eight ten. Then we went to church it was our last day at that church. They got ice cream for fellowship cause we are leaving. I had hot fudge sauce on mine. Liese gave a puzzle and a lollipop for helping out at bible school that week. Lukas was there to. We hung out the whole time. In Sunday school we learned about baby Moses. Then we colored. I drew a abstract picture of Esther. Then I drew a picture I call a random fence, a random boy, and a random cookie. I think I am going to swim with my neighbors after I finish my blog. They are swimming in there pool. There pool is and above ground pool. It isn't very deep. But it is really big.
Friday, August 14, 2009
day 53
Yesterday I had bible school. Lukas was back. We helped Mr.O again. I was fun. Then I had my final piano lesson with my teacher, Nancy. She gave a song I really wanted to learn. It is the moonlight sonata. I learned the first four measures. Then I had Gibson birthday party. We saw G-force. It was pretty good. It wasn't that memorable though. Then we went to his house. We had a big war with his toy weapons. I used a really big plastic sword. The teams were Gibson, Cooper, and I VS Jarrett, Lukas, and Jeremy. Then we had dinner. His mom made mac and cheese. Then we had sundaes. Mine had chocolate cake, Cookie dough ice cream, chocolate fudge sauce, cupcake sauce, chocolate sauce, and vanilla whipped cream, and chocolate whipped cream.
day 52
Two days ago I went to bible school. I did more games. Lukas wasn't there. He had a piano lesson. It was fun though. Jarrett and I had a sleepover too. We played the Bigs on the Wii. We played Worms on the Ds. We had ice cream at Sommerset Creamery. I had a creamcyle frappe. Jarrett had cookie dough in a cup. It was delicous. We tried to sleep out in the tent. But it was too hot and started raining. So we moved into my room around midnight. I am going to miss Jarrett. I'm too tired to write any more. All for now. See you later.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
day 51
Today I had vacation bible school again. Lukas was there again. We both helped Mr. O with games again. The kids had to do an obstacle course while holding a baby doll on a beach towel with four of there class mates. They also did the parachute. I am having a sleep over with Jarrett tomorrow. My dad is going to set up the tent and we are going to sleep in it. Then Dad and I went to Wareham. We needed some stuff at Target. My dad also had a five dollar gift certificate to best buy. So we went to best buy. He let me get a new case for my Ipod touch. It is very nice. It is leather with metal bindings. It came with a screen protector so that the screen won't get dirty. Then I went to karate. It was sword and shield day. We took a bopper and a noodle and fight each other. We have to try to get the noodle so that it touches there chest.
Monday, August 10, 2009
day 50
Today I had vacation bible school. I am a councilor with my friend Lukas. We help out with the games. It is fun. We get to set up the games. Them show the kids how to do it. The person that tells us to do is Mr.O. Sometimes we come in and have a snack before we start our second group. Then Lukas came to my house. We went to the beach. We played in the water. It was really shallow. We could walk out to the no swim buoys. He brought his water gun. It shoots balls of water. Esther had his sister Helen over. They also went to the beach. Dad let us get ice cream. Lukas and I got sour wow-ers. They were NOT sour at all.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
day 49
Today we went out on the boat. We went tubing. Esther fell off. She leaned forward and flipped over. I went over lots of waves and went over the wake. Mom also went too. She had fun. I think Dad should get to go tubing some time. As soon as I can drive a boat I am going to take Dad tubing. Then we went to Bassett's island. We went swimming. I found a lot of good skipping rocks. Dad skipped them. Esther tried to ride me like a pony and I tried to run away from her in the water. I really don't like it when someone rides on me. We also had breakfast out on the boat. All mom brought was bagels and juice. The bagel were okay. Then we had a quiet afternoon here. I walked to Dean's ( which is a convenience store) and got a drink. I also got a pack of Twizzlers for Esther and I to share.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Day 48
Today was Esther's moving party. We had a moon bounce. It had a tiger head on it and it had orange and white stripes on it. The people that came were Jack, Mckayla, Helen, Sara, and Hadley. Esther invited a lot of people but not many could come. She also had a scavenger hunt. The treasures were pieces of a hand puppet. Mine was a Luppasaur. It is a cross between a puppy, a dinosaur, and a Lion. Esther was a monkey. Jacks was too, and Hadley and Sara's were both dinosaurs. There also was a magician. His name was John Anderson. I did four tricks. They were all mind reading tricks. I got paid twenty dollars for doing it! It was also fun. I think Esther had a lot of fun. Tomorrow we might be going out on the boat that will also be fun.
day 47
Yesterday I had a piano rehearsal for my recital. It is next Friday. Then I went to game stop with dad and I got a new game. It is called Legendary Starfy. You play as a star and you have to find shards to help save a stranded alien. It is a lot like Kirby. It is fun. I played it for most of the rest of the day. But I had a Karate pre-test. I have to have three pre-tests to get my black belt. Since I'm moving I only have to do one I have practice in Virgina. I did all my forms. I also did all my self defense moves. I practiced my take downs and wrist grabs. As well as neck grabs. My friend Austin was there. On Monday Vacation Bible School starts and I am going to be the assistant game director with Mr.O. He is a teacher at North Falmouth. It is going to be very fun.
Friday, August 7, 2009
day 46
Yesterday was the last day of science school. We played jeopardy. We got to name our group. Our group was named the Purple flying rabbits. I was in a group of two. everybody else was in a group of 3 or 4. I was with Jakob. We came in second. The winner got to pick there Popsicle first. We got to pick second. I had cherry. Jarrett and I were going to go to the Commodores game but it was canceled, so we went to the Ninety-nines. Only Dad, Esther, Jarrett, and I went. Mom had her surprise moving party. I had fried shrimp. Jarrett had a steak. I forget what Dad and Esther had though. I also had Piano. I learned some more of Pachebells Canon. Tomorrow I have rehearsal for a recital. It is on the fourteenth at seven. My friend Cooper is going to be there.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
day 45

Yesterday was my moving party. It was fun to see all my friend together at the same time. We went to the beach. It was fun. We played Wall Ball. You throw a ball at a wall and if you touch it and don't catch it you have to run to the wall before someone else throws the ball at the wall. Earlier I went to science school. We went orienteering. My group came in second. Mom had to drive because they didn't have enough drivers. I was with a girl named Kayla. We found the first 4 easily. It was hard to find the last two though. We needed to find six flags. We were only like a minute behind the people in first place. Jarrett might come to bring a buddy day at karate, then go to the commodores game with Dad and I tomorrow. I hope he can come. It will be fun.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
day 45
yesterday I went to Wareham Crossing. We got stuff for the party's. For my party we got beach ball, and Nerf rocket. To eat we got donuts, chips, and freeze pops. To drink we got Gatorade, and Izzes. Izzes are a type of soda. It is tomorrow. We also went to petco. We got a new cage for Gooey. She can see out of it better now. Then I had science school. We made a Topographic profile. It is the hardest thing EVER! You plot point s at the height of a contour line to show the landscape. Tomorrow we are going orienteering in Webster woods. We are going to find out our groups tomorrow. Thursday is the last day of science school. Then I had Karate. It was snowball day. We played a game called snowball fight. We have balls and we try to hit the people on the other side while one person is in the middle doing a form.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
day 44
Yesterday I stayed home in the morning and played Wii. It was fun. Then I had science school. We learned how to use the sun to navigate using the sun. We are orienteering on Wednesday. I think I will win. Science school ends on Thursday. We are going to have a party. I am having a moving party on Wednesday. There is only one person that might not come. It is going to be fun. I got Shonen Jump. Shonen Jump is a magazine with lots of manga. Then George and Hilary came over. We went to the Silver Lounge. I had a grilled cheese sandwich and shrimp. Esther had the same thing without shrimp. George had the chicken cordon bleu. Mom had a lobster salad bowl. Hilary had the crusty steak. Dad had pork chops. Then we went out for ice cream I had Chocolate Chocolate chip with chocolate Jimmy's.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
day 43
Today we went to church this morning. I was the oldest kid there. We did crafts the whole time! It was so boring. I am going to be the junior game instructor for vacation bible school in two weeks. I am doing it with Mr.O. He is a teacher at my old school. Esther is doing the camp so I will see her sometimes. It will be fun. Then we stayed with Eileen while Mom and Dad went out on the boat. I played the Bigs. Then Esther, Eileen, and I walked to deans. I got a Gatorade Tiger, and Twizzlers. Then I Dad and I played Zelda. We got pretty far. I beat a mini boss that Dad couldn't. It was a giant bug. We are going to watch the end of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. We watched the beginning earlier today. Esther is trying to watch the whole harry potter series on DVD in order again.
day 42
Yesterday we went out on the boat. We went to Greater Sippewissett marsh. It was very shallow. It was also very wavy. Dad forgot the tow rope so we couldn't go tubing. Then we had to get ready for Dad's party. Holly, Nehah, Mat, Eddy, Marina, Judy, Amanda, and Julia. Esther played with Amanda and Julia. I hung out with the grown ups. We had hot dogs and hamburgers for dinner. Then we went to Smitty's for dessert. My dad and I shared a frappe. It was vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup. Esther got mint chocolate chip in a cone. Mom had Kahlua Fudge on a cone. Nehah had a kiddy cone she couldn't finish it! Holly had a large and she finished it! Tomorrow we are going to church. Eileen out babysitter is also coming over, so mom and dad can go out on the boat.
day 41
Two days ago I had Jarrett over in the morning. We played the Bigs. Once I beat him 36 to 5. Then I had to go to science school. We did the treasure hunt. I was in a group with Jakob and Brenden. They hid it and I found it then we switched. I found a butter finger and a crunch bar. I ate them both. Then Dad took me to Karate. We practiced forms most of the time because there were only two people in the class. Then Dad and I went to the Commodores game. They played the Bourne Braves. The final score was nine to two Commodores. On guy on the Commodores hit a grand slam. I also caught a foul ball and had one guy sign it. He was a pitcher. I saw Gibson and Lukas. They can both come to my moving party. It is going to be fun. So far most of the people that are coming to my moving party.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
day 40
Two days ago I went to piano. I started Pachelbel Canon. I am kind of learning it. Then I came home and played the bigs. Then I had karate. It was pretzel day again. It was fun. Jarrett is coming over tomorrow. Then I had science school. We learned how to use a GPS. It was fun. My dad has one like the one we learned how to use so he is going to lend it to me. Tomorrow we are going to do a treasure hunt with the GPS. We are going to find little candies. I hop it is going to be fun. We are going orienteering on Monday. I can't wait to go orienteering. We have to find flags and all we have is a topographical map. We practiced it on our field trips to Webster woods. I am pretty confident I will be able to get them all. We are doing it in Webster woods. So we kind of have experience.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
day 39
Today I sent out invitations to my moving party. We walked to the post office to send them. We didn't have one of my friends address. So we weren't going send his today but then we saw his dad and he gave us his address. My dad and I are going to the commodores game on Friday. My friend Alex might come. I haven't seen her all summer. Then I had science school. We started to draw out map. We probably won't finish it by Friday though. We are going to go orienteering on Monday. It is going to be really fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I played basketball with my friend Tyler and his friend Sasha. We played knock out and horse. The play knock out you need two basketballs and at least three people. You get in a line and the first person tries to make it from the three point line. If the miss it the have to keep shooting until they make. If the person behind them makes it before them they are out. You keep going until one person is left. Then I had Karate. It was pretzel day so we did games with pretzels.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
day 38
Today I was supposed to have Kenny over but he canceled (again). He was supposed to show up at nine thirty. He wasn't here by ten so we called him and he said he had company over so he couldn't come. So then to drown my sorrows I played Bigs for two hours. My team won the world series against to the Yankees. Then I went to science school. We went on a field trip to Webster woods. We brought a topographical map and tried to find where we were. I was really close to finding where we were but I was off by a couple inches on the map. Dad got home today. He is very tired. He became friends with a guy named Guy. Tomorrow in science school we are going to work on our map some more. We are going to start drawing it. It is going to be very fun. We have decided on a scale for our map. It is 1ft in real life = 2cm on the map.
day 37
I have no camp in the morning this week so mom and I took Esther to art camp. Then we went to the grocery store. We were almost out of food! We also got paper at staples. We got a pack with one thousand five hundred pieces! We won't run out for a while! Dad had a good meeting with the new company. He can't wait to work there. I am have my friend Kenny over tomorrow. I can't wait. He might also come to my moving party. I am having it at the beach. I am inviting 7 of my best friends. Then I went to science school. This week we are going make a poster sized map of the science school property and donate is to the science school. Today we measured the stuff we needed to measure for the map. I measured the perimeter of the yard with Jakob.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
day 36
Today I saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It was pretty good. One of the best scene is when Dumbledore has to drink a poison so that they can get one of the horcrux. If you destroy all seven you can kill Voldamort. Then we came home because Dad had to go to providence so that he could go to VA so that he can have a meeting with Arete. I had a veggie burger and coleslaw. I played some Wii. I played Metroid, and Mario Kart. Metroid is really really really really hard. In the game you have to kill bad guys on other planet. I am stuck at a part where a space station is going to explode in six minutes and you have to get out. It is really hard to get out. I raced Esther in Mario kart I beat her. We did a course call Wario Coliseum. It is really long.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
day 35
Today we had the yard sale. We sold quite a bit. Dad gave Esther and I each twenty dollars. Then I sold some of our stuff to our neighbors and mom said I could keep the money I got from them. I made five dollars from them. We sold Dad's old wind surfer for one hundred dollars. We also sold the old sleeper couch for fifteen dollar. I sold all of my transformer for ten dollars. Then we went to the beach. I was supposed to go over to Kenny's house but he canceled. I had fun at the beach. Esther had her friends Jack, and Lexie at the beach. No one I knew was at the beach. Tomorrow we are going to see Harry Potter. Then I played the bigs. I am in the middle of a game right now. I am the rays and I am playing the giants.
Friday, July 24, 2009
day 34
Today I played the bigs 2 for two and a half hours this morning. Then I went to science school. We went around eel pond to find a good hiding spot for our treasure hunt. We our going to split up into groups and hide a treasure. Then we give hint and they try and find it. I made a friend at science school today. His name is Jakob he is from Germany. We got ready for our yard sale tomorrow. It is from 9-2. I am selling old toys, bats, and a gamecube. We put an add in the paper for our yard sale. We just found it in the paper. It says what we are selling, when it is and where it is. I don't think many people are going to come though. Then I played my dad on the bigs 2. My dad was the red sox. I was the dodgers. We went into extra innings I ended up winning 8-6 with a walk off home run.
day 33
Yesterday I went to acting camp. It was the last day of acting camp. It was fun. We had a talent show and dance party. We also did skit about acting camp. He gave us the titles and we had to make a play about acting camp using the title. Ours was called the hippie village. In the skit I was a camper and I walked across the street really slowly and got hit by Sam who played a car. I was fine though. Then I went to science school. We went on a field trip to Webster wood to learn how to use a topographic map. I was really get the hang of it. I was about and inch off on the map. Mom forgot to wear sneakers so she almost got poison ivy. We got back about 15 minutes early. So we played hangman for the rest of the time. I had a lot of fun at science school. I have again tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
day 30 & 31
Yesterday I went to acting camp. We stared our music shows. We are dramatizing music. Our group is doing Secret agent man. Then we went to Seafood Sam's for lunch. I had butterfly shrimp. Dad had fried haddock. It was really good. Then we went to the library and looked at some books. I got a manga book. It is about a really really good swordsman. Then I went to science school. The class I am doing is Terrestrial Navigation. We drew maps of the school yard. We learn how to navigate on land in this class. Then we went to the fair. We got wristbands so that we could go on all we could ride. I went rides called the orbiter and the tornado. I went and watched a rock band called Aston play at the fair. They were really good. They were from Attleboro, MA.
Today I went to acting camp. We kept working on the music shows. Sam and I are evil minion who steal a baby and take him to an island. Secret Agent Men try to get the baby back. It is really cool. Then I went to science school. We wrote direction to draw our name using degrees as in a compass. Then we traded with another person and they saw if they could write your name using the directions. The person I traded with wrote my name correctly. So I did a good job. Then I beat Keighl in the bigs 2. I won the first game 16-1. I won the second game too 1-0. Then I had karate. Today was backwards day. So we did the obstacle course first and the warm up last. For basics we did retreating moves. For forms we faces the wrong way. We even turned our belts backwards. I also got mt bike computer today. It is really cool.
day 29
Two day ago my dad and I went out on the boat with Rev. Fred. He brought his daughter, Rachel and his nephew Ramsy. We went tubing. Everyone but my dad and Esther went tubing. Then we went to Bassetts Island. Esther and I went swimming. Then Rachel and Fred came in. Ramsy forgot a swim suit so he stayed on the boat. Then that afternoon. Sara and Hadley came over and played. We played fashion show. It was not my idea. Then we played hide and seek tag. Then we had dinner. For dinner we had hot dogs and hamburgers. Then we went and got ice cream. I got a Frappe that I split with my dad. Esther got chocolate chip cookie dough. Mom got Coffee heath. Then we came home and played pickle. Dad and Louie (Sara and Hadley dad) were thorougher. I won once.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
day 28
Today I went to Keighl's We played LIFE with his girlfriend, Alice and his nephews Sam and Sara. I came in 4Th place out of 5 people. I was making a lot of money off my stocks. I had 5 stocks. They were 10, 8, 5, 3,and 2. Then I had lunch at his house I had a cheese sandwich with honey mustard. Then after dinner Esther, dad, mom and I went to Whistlestop to get ice cream. I got moose tracks with hot fudge in a cup. Dad had moose tracks in a cup. Moose Tracks is Vanilla ice cream with peanut butter cup and fudge swirls. Mom had grasshopper. That is mint ice cream with crushed Oreos. Esther had Chocolate cookie dough. That is vanilla ice cream with chocolate chip cookie dough pieces in it. Tomorrow Dad, Esther and I are taking Rev. Fred out on the boat. He is the pastor at our church. He is on vacation.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Day 27
Today I had rehearsal for my piano concert. It is for the kids that take from my teacher that are going to college. Cooper and I are playing the Arkansas Traveler together. Then I had Cooper over. We played the bigs 2. I won. Then we went to the beach. We found a cap to something and an old fishing lure without the hook on it. Then the ice cream truck came. Cooper got cookies and cream and I got a drumstick. It was good. Then we came home. Then we went to Deans and got drinks and twizzlers. We bit off the ends and used them as straws. It works really well. Tonight we are watching the Iron Giant. The movie isn't as good as I remembered it. Esther forgets most of the story. We haven't watched it in a long time. I remember the story but not very well. We had it for VHS.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
day 26
Today I went to acting camp. We did film games in the morning while the last group filmed there movie. Then we played whose lying. In the game you right on a piece of paper a saying and then 2 people each with two saying act out something and they pull out the saying at random times and you try to add them in. It makes it really funny. Then mom pick me up. She had grocery's in the car so I had to carry some of them in to the house. Then I played the Bigs 2. Then I played with Keighl. We played basketball. I won. Then I had piano. We have rehearsal for our concert tomorrow at 10:30. I am playing When Rivers Flowed on Mars, A Little Song, Highly Strung, and Arkansas Traveler. Then I had Karate. Mr.Fraser, one of my teachers gave me a book with stretches in it for when I move to Virginia. It is called The Mystic Arts of the Ninja.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
day 25
Today I went to acting camp. We filmed our show today. Our show is awesome. We will get them on Monday. Then Dad and I road our bikes all the way down the bike path. We road every square inch of the bike path. We went 11miles. It took us an hour and a half. Then I came home and played The Bigs 2 for a couple hours. I unlocked new uniforms. We had the house inspected. Allan and the inspector inspected the house for things we will have to fix. Mom got back from Virginia. I am really glad she is back. We got some brownies from grandma. We are going to have them for dessert with some ice cream. She also sent us hats. I got a cardinals hat and Esther got a hat that says cardinals girl. I really like my hat. It is a Nike hat. We got a letter from her to that says she loves reading our blogs.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
day 24
Today I went to acting camp. We worked on our films. We got permission film in the aquarium. Last year we got in trouble for filming at the aquarium. Then my dad, Esther and I watched Inkheart. It was a good movie. I ordered a bike computer. It tells how far. how fast, and how long you've been riding. For the speed it tells your maximum speed, average speed, and the speed you are going now. I got on amazon. It is made by Sigma. It is called the SIGMA BC906 9. It uses a battery so I will have to charge it. I went to karate. It was bring-a-buddy day. I forgot to bring a buddy so I brought Esther. Our teacher dropper a target and we tried to punch it. We used are timing to punch it. Another thing we do is tried to walk on bubble wrap and not pop the bubbles.
day 23
Yesterday I went to acting camp. We started our films. The counsellor in charge of my group is Margo. We are doing a spoof on Fear Factor. We are doing really lame challenge but we look really serious about it. Some of the challenges are eating gummy worms, going across the zip line, and jumping off the wall at garbage beach. We are filming them on Wednesday. Our film is going to be awesome. My friend Kenny is in my group. Then we went out of the boat with the Purisky's. It was really bumpy. Brian and I went swimming. We brought the ball but I over through it and we lost it. Esther and Dad went up to the beach and found fiddler crabs. I am saving up for a bike computer this summer. I found some for ten dollars. They tell you how fast you are going and how far you have gone.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
day 22
Today I went to the Red Sox game with my friend Jarrett, his brother Tyler, and his Dad. The game started at 1:35 and ended at about 5:00. Josh Beckett pitched for the Red Sox, Bobby Chen pitched for the royals. The final score was 6-0. The Red Sox won. Beckett pitched a complete game shut out. He let three hits all game! Beckett won his one hundredth game today. For lunch at the ballpark I had french fries because they didn't have anything vegetarian. We sat right on the left field foul line. The seats were really really good. For souvenir I got a flat billed Red Sox cap, a bracelet that says big papi it looks like a piece of a baseball, and a program. The traffic was really bad coming home. We got out of the ballpark at 5:30 and didn't get out of Boston until 6:30.
day 21
Yesterday was the Paul white road race. Dad came in 187Th. Mom walked with Fred our pastor. Dad finished 41 minutes 10 seconds. Mom finished in 51 minutes. Then I bought some new songs on my ipod. They were Coming undone by Korn, You spin me round like a record by dead or alive, and Super Bon Bon by soul coughing. Then we went to the Purisky's. I played with Brian. We had hamburgers for dinner at their house. Mom made brownie with chocolate chips but the chocolate stuck the the pan. Then we went down to the beach and played pickle. I won once. The rules were you can tomahawk and shovel but then you can be pegged. A tomahawk. when you knock down the ball in air so you the thrower can't get it. A shovel is when the thrower misses it and you hit the ball out of bounds.
Friday, July 10, 2009
day 20
Today we went out 0n the boat. We went Tubing. I have the new record for fastest speed while on the tube. My friend Jarrett used to have the record at 18 miles per hour. I went 23 miles per hour. Then we went west falmouth harbour and went swimming. Esther and I went swimming to the beach. We swam to the beach and back. The I had my friend Jarrett over. We played the bigs. I beat him 12-0. We also walked to the park. On the way we were going to get slushies but the machine was broken. We got A&W root beer instead. We played basketball at the park. I beat him. Then we took Jarrett home. I went to karate for a make up after that. It was beach ball day. So we kicked and punched the beach balls back and forth to our partners. My partner was Austin.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
day 18 & 19
Yesterday I did the plays at the library. Mom and Dad came and saw it. In one of the plays they messed up. I also got the Big 2. It is a baseball game on the Wii. It is awesome. There are many cool modes. Like Season where you become a baseball season. There is also pick up game you pick from two players and make a great team. I played Keighl. He won both times. My dad and I went to the commodores game. They were the road team. They play the Bourne braves. It was a really good game. Bourne won three to one. It would of been three to two if the Bourne right fielder robbed a home run. He jumped and fell on the fence with the ball in his glove. It was really cold out. I still had an ice cream though. I had a hoodwich. It is a ice cream sandwich with chocolate chip cookies rolled in chocolate chips.
Today I played some bigs in the morning. Then I went to acting camp. We did trust drills. One of them is when a group of six or seven people pick up one person. Then we did a trust drill where one of the pair was blindfolded and the other one directed them around Woods Hole. My partner was Jackson. Then my dad picked me up and we went and got hair cuts. I got mine really really short. It is a one all the way around. For lunch we went to Steve's pizza. I got two slices of cheese. Dad had one slice of cheese and one slice of pepperoni. Then I went for a bike ride to Megansett beach. I went swimming. The water was actually really nice. Then I played some more bigs.
Today I played some bigs in the morning. Then I went to acting camp. We did trust drills. One of them is when a group of six or seven people pick up one person. Then we did a trust drill where one of the pair was blindfolded and the other one directed them around Woods Hole. My partner was Jackson. Then my dad picked me up and we went and got hair cuts. I got mine really really short. It is a one all the way around. For lunch we went to Steve's pizza. I got two slices of cheese. Dad had one slice of cheese and one slice of pepperoni. Then I went for a bike ride to Megansett beach. I went swimming. The water was actually really nice. Then I played some more bigs.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
day 17
I went to acting camp. We worked on our plays. We watched the other plays people are doing. The stories are hidden treasure, are you my mother, rainbow fish, How I became a pirate, and Edward and the pirates. Then I played with Keighl. I beat him twenty two to twenty. Then I went to the dentist's office. I have no cavities. My dad and I tried to go to the Commodores game. It rained so the game was canceled. We went to the library instead. I got three books. They are Naruto Anime Profiles, Bleach Volume one, and Robotech. Naruto Anime Profiles tell about the characters in the Naruto Anime series. Bleach is a manga about a soul reaper. Robotech is a comic that I have no clue what it is about. My dad got a Science Fiction book. It is called Rainbows end.
day 16
Yesterday I had acting camp. We started dramatizing are story's. The story we are doing is How I became a pirate. I am the captain. The other characters are the sister, narrator, brother and three other crew members. I made a friend. He is only going to go to acting camp this week a though. His name is Levi. He is a family friend of Mr. Switzer. He runs the acting camp. We had a playoff baseball game. We played total orthopedic. They have 3 wins in the regular season. 2 of them were against us. The playoff are single elimination. We lost the game. We will not play again until next season. I played left field all game. The final score was 12-9. I hit one single. I also hit a triple. The score was 8-9 until the 6Th inning. Out pitcher let in 3 runs. We could only score one back.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
day 15
Today grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, Esther and I went out on the boat. It was very very very windy. Esther and I went swimming. We went to bassett's island. We had breakfast on the boat. I had an egg and cheese sand witch. Esther had a bagel with butter. Grandpa had the same are me. Dad also had the same as me. Mom and Grandma had the same as Esther. When we got home Dad and I took grandma and grandpa to the bus stop so that they could go up to Boston. Dad took me to gamestop to get a video game. It is called Rhythm Heaven. It is really hard because you have to be really exact when you tap or flick the touch screen. I am going to return it. For the rest of the day we rested at home. Dad and I are going to play Wii after I finish my blog. Dad wants to play Zelda but that is only 1 player.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
day 14
This morning I went to my neighbors fourth of July party. The neighbors are the Truscotts. I played bad mitten with Keighl, Tyler, Alice, and Julianne. My dad fired up the old steam engine. It worked. I played basketball with Tyler and Glen. Then we came home and rested. Dad and I went for a bike ride to the west Falmouth market. Then we had dinner at the silver lounge with Grandma and Grandpa. I had a shrimp Cesar salad. Dad had a steak, Esther had a black diamond steak, Mom had rainbow trout, Grandma had scrod scampi, Grandpa had bluefish. Tonight we are going to set off the sparklers. We are probably going to the house we wanted in Virginia. Tomorrow we are going out on the boat with grandma and grandpa. I am going to try to catch dinner.
Friday, July 3, 2009
day 13
Grandma and Grandpa are still here today. I saw Transformers Revenge of the fallen with Dad and Grandpa. My dad say "I think it was a bit to much action for me." Grandpa says "Violent, lots of action, I saw metal parts flying everywhere bout no motor oil spilt." Grandma, Esther and Mom, saw Ice Age 3. Then we went to the beach for 3 hours. I jumped off the raft many times. I tried out my dad new goggles he got for fathers day. They are really cool. They stick to the skin around your eyes so they are water tight. I will probably buy some of my own with my money from my blog. I had no acting camp today. Acting camp only goes from Monday to Thursday for four weeks. I went to the library to get my prizes for summer reading. I got a coupon for a free kiddie cone a Smitty's. We a going there tomorrow. I can't wait.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
day 12
I went to acting camp today. We made skit. I did a skit were each person added something different to the soup. At the end the soup had stinky cheese, onion, cookies, sprinkles, waffles, chicken broth and carrots. Our camp went to candy-go-nut. I got Malted milk balls, Jelly beans, and chocolate covered gummy bears. After acting camp I beat my dad in the Bigs. The Bigs is a baseball game on the Wii. I was the mariners, he was the cardinals. I won 7-2. Don't tell my dad but I know how to hit a home run a lot of the time. My grandma and grandma are the best in the world. Grandpa and I went to the hardware store and got a new American flag for the front door. I also got and owater for my dad and Sobe life water for me. I love Sobe life water! My favorite kind is Acai fruit punch.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
day 11
I went to acting camp today. The counselor that was in Honduras during the coup was at camp today. We did made machines today in camp. we also made commercials. Our commercial was for Kool-aid. My dad and went to Laureen's for lunch. I had black bean chili and a portabello mushroom quesadilla. Dad had a lamb kabob roll up. I put one of my songs on the piano on you tube. It is called Highly Strung. Grandma and Grandpa are coming tonight. They are stuck in traffic so they won't be here until later. Tomorrow in acting camp for snack we are going to candy-go-nut. That is a candy store. I can't wait to get candy. I am carpooling to acting camp with Jonah and Ellis tomorrow. They are my friends that do acting camp with me. Jonah is on my baseball team.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
day 9 and 10
Yesterday was the first day of acting camp. We did skit about where we are today. Everybody calls me Allan. We walked to the post office. Esther and I got munchkins. I had 2 chocolate. Esther had one chocolate, and one glazed. Mom had one chocolate and one glazed. I had a baseball game. I hit a double and a single. We won 7-6. Cameron hit a walk-off single. Today I went to acting camp again. Today we did skits about who we are. One of the counselors is in Honduras she was there during the Coup. She is supposed t o be back tomorrow. We hope she is O.K. We did a cool skit. It was about a secret. The secret was we found a feathered lobster. My dad placed a bid on a house in Virginia so we might have a house there. It is really nice. He is getting back from Virginia today. I had my friend Jarrett over again today. He is the same age as I am. We went to the beach. We made up a really cool game. It is like base ball. For dinner we are having chicken satays. I don't know what I am having since I am vegetarian. We might watch the Simpson's while we eat dinner tonight. The Simpson's is very very very very very funny. But my favorite show is Mythbusters. My dad and I don't watch TV much together anymore because Stargate Atlantis is over. We did find this show called Starrunner we haven't watched mush over it but it's good so far. It is science fiction like Stargate Atlantis. Esther is reading right now. I will go and read when I am done writing my blog. I have to read 30-45 minutes every day to get a prize at the library. I will probably read Sgt.frog or Garfield. The chapter book I am reading is I,robot.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
day 8
Today I decided to go by Allan. I think John is to common. My mom hasn't remembered to call me Allan yet. I don't answer to John anymore. My day was mostly pretty boring. We counted money. I had my friend Gibson over. We played outside mostly. We went to the park and went to Deans and got candy and drinks. I made dinner tonight. I made cucumber soup and grilled cheese. Esther didn't have any cause she was sick. She has a fever. I start acting camp tomorrow. I can't wait. I will start going by Allan then. My friends Jonah, Bennett, and Ellis are doing acting camp. Mr. Switzer run the camp. He is a teacher at Morse Pond. My sister ate a hamburger yesterday so she isn't vegetarian anymore. Yes. I am about to go to bed. I am very tired.
Friday, June 26, 2009
day 7
Today we went out for breakfast. I had a beligan waffle with whipped cream and fruit. It was very good. Then we went to Roches brothers and got groceries. For dinner we are going to have rice, vegatables, egg rolls, and sushi. We went to the library and got books. I got Garfiels, and requested Sgt.Frod 4-6. Sgt.Frog is a Manga, about aliens that look like frogs invading the earth. The meet Pokopenians ( humans). It is really funny. We saw my friend Isabell. She was in me 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade classes. More people looked at our house today. We went for a walk. I got my new glasses today. They fit perfectly. My sister got a season of Hannah Montana. My mom is enjoying her dinner right now. I am really hungry. I can't wait to eat. I will eat as soon as I'm done with my blog.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Today two people came through our house to look at it. So we went to the beach. Esther and I went swimming. Mom said it was cold ( she lied). I had baseball practice tonight. Coach said if we hit the giant at third base we got ice cream. Nobody did though. But he also said if we make a diving play we get ice cream. Smoltz is the new pitcher tonight. In the first two innings he has all ready let up four runs. They are playing the nationals the worst team EVER. They have only won 20 games this season. They have lost 47. I played with Keighl today. I won (again). My sister is a vegetarian now just like i am. I HATE it. She used to LOVE meat. Now she's a vegetarian! Whats wrong with the world! I didn't rain today. Yeah. I played outside a lot today. I am sunburned.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
day 4+5
Sorry I didn't write yesterday. So I will write about both days. Yesterday was my mom's birthday. She got earrings, facial cleanser, tank tops, knives, make-up case, and visors. Then we saw UP. It was very good. Then we went to the Flying Bridge for dinner. I got fried shrimp. Mom got salmon. Esther got fish and chips. Dad got a chefs salad and clam chowder. Today I had Jarrett over. We played basketball he won on one on one. When we played with Keighl we won. We also went mini golfing. Jarrett won by one point. Jarrett and I walked to Deans and got drinks and Twizzlers. They were very good I love Twizzlers. After Mini golf we had ice cream. I had a root beer float, Jarrett had a Sundae, Esther had Italian ice. Next week I start acting camp with Mr. Switzer. I can't wait! I have a baseball game tonight. We are in third place and we are playing the first place team. We are probably going to lose:(. It was a close game last time the score was 16 to 15. We have gotten better so we might win but probably not. Jarrett is taking me to a Red Sox game on July 12. They are playing the royals. I can't wait! I am doing the Children's School of Science. The class I am taking is called Terrestrial Navigation.
The people to look at are house since it's for sale are coming tomorrow at 12:30. A lot of people want to look at it. I have a piano lesson tomorrow. I am working on some really cool songs. We have been mostly cleaning up for our house showings. Today and yesterday were really fun I hope the rest of my summer is fun too.
The people to look at are house since it's for sale are coming tomorrow at 12:30. A lot of people want to look at it. I have a piano lesson tomorrow. I am working on some really cool songs. We have been mostly cleaning up for our house showings. Today and yesterday were really fun I hope the rest of my summer is fun too.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Today we went down town to do stuff. We went to the library and got some books. The book I got was a mange a book called Sgt. frog. It is really funny. We went to the library to get my dad a book but we forgot. Then I went to my friend Connors moving party. I got him a baseball cap that said Falmouth on it. We bowled. I got 78 on my first round and a 91 on my second round. They are moving to Texas. We also went to Eight cousins, a bookstore, I got Mad libs, and Howl's Moving Castle. I got a gift certificate from a friend at church because we were pen pals. Tomorrow we are going to see UP with our mom for her birthday. With Karate I'm going to take some extra classes so i can come back to Massachusetts in November and test for black belt.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
day 2
Today I went to Fairhaven to watch my dad in a race with his friends, Charlton, and George. Charlton beat, George and my dad. Then my mom, dad, Charlton, Kelly (Charlton's wife), and I went to Marc Anthony's and had pizza. I had the Veggie special. We also got cheese pizza. Esther got the 9 inch hot dog. Then we went to Walmart to get fathers day presents and Mom's birthday presents. I got my dad for fathers day car cleaning kit with wheel shiner, waxer and things like that. I also got him a Spinal tap CD. Esther got him a hose attachment. For my moms birthday I got her (please don't tell her till Tuesday) some Pearl earrings with sterling silver on the back. It has been a very rainy day. So we are watching the movie Short Circuit. For dinner we had shrimp, lobster, steak, salad, and for me tofu.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
First post
Today we went out on our boat Fiver. Esther and I went swimming, even though the water was only 63 degrees. Dad caught a black sea bass. We had egg and cheese sandwiches for breakfast on the boat. Tonight we are going to Somerset Creamery and getting waffle cones. I have a baseball game this afternoon. The game is at 1:30 today. We are playing Northern images. We are probably going to win. We crushed the Amvets, 17-9 our last game So now our record is 3-4. If we win today we go up to 3rd place! While my mom takes me to my baseball game my dad will take my sister to the dump and lunch. If I were to go to Morse Pond next year I would have the Mrs. Gawel/ Mrs. Brennan team. Over the School year I made a new friend. Her name is Alex. She goes on my bus. She is in 6Th grade.
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