Monday, September 3, 2012
Last blog of the summer
Today we went to microcenter. It is a big computer parts store. Dad wants to build a new computer for our living room. It is going to be a really good computer. Then we came home and Dad started working on the computer. Esther and I went to the Pilgrim Fellowship Cookout. Esther is finally old enough to go now but there is no one else her age. I think she had a good time though. It was good to see my friends from PF again. There wasn't PF over the summer. Tomorrow is the last day of summer. I am going to hang out with Chase tomorrow. I also have to finish reading my book for school. It had been a really good summer. I don't want it to be over. I have to wake up at 545 tomorrow. The bus comes at 625 tomorrow morning. It is going to be really annoying. Thanks for reading.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday
It is the last week of summer. I am getting my schedule tomorrow. I hope I have all the class I wanted. Today we didn't do much. Esther had Marcy over for a while. We also met a new piano teacher who would come to our house. His name is Aaron. He is one of Paula's friends from college. He is really nice. He gave me another classical song to work on. It is from a french composer I had never heard of. It is a very nice song though. Esther liked him too. We think he is going to be our new piano teacher. My new amp for my bass arrived today. It is about twice the size of my old amp. It is also neon orange. We are going to try to have band practice this weekend. Jake's phone is broken though so we have no way to get in touch with him. It will probably be just Chase, Cece, and I. Thanks for reading.
Today I got my schedule for school They put me in the wrong drama class I think. So I emailed my counselor. Turns out they did because Chinese is only offered the same period as the drama class. So I transferred myself out of Chinese and and going to take Spanish. I have gym with Chase and at least one class with Miranda but that is all the people I know of in my classes. Then after we went on a tour of the Pentagon. It was really boring. I didn't learn much. The guy giving the tour was in Navy. There was a lot of stuff he couldn't tell us. After that we were going to pick up dad from work because we were near his office anyways but he was in a meeting when we were done so he took the train home. Then Chase and I went to the Ram Rally. It is a pep rally at Robinson right before school starts to celebrate the fall sports. Thanks for reading.
Today I did absolutely nothing. I have been reading my book for school. It is called Blink. It is about the subconscious part of the brain. I have found it really interesting. I have learned that you can decide a lot of things in the first fifteen seconds using the subconscious part of the brain. The writer calls it "Thin Slicing". They have also talked about how your "gut feeling" usually has something for you to do with your subconscious part of the brain and is usually right. He also talked about how too much information can actually hurt your decision making. I didn't expect that because usually you try to get as much information before making a decision. According to research though, it is usually best to go with your gut decision. Out of all the books we could choose from to read this summer I am glad I choose this one. Thanks for reading.
Today I woke up at 645 because Dad and I were going to clean the boat. We got there at around 830 and started cleaning. It took us about 2 hours to completely clean it all. Then we headed out on the water. Dad made me drive the whole time. It was a lot of fun. I think I will try to get my boating licence this winter. We headed out to a mansion with a little beach on it. We parked our boa a little ways off and hopped into the water. It was 82 degrees in the water. Then we headed back to the marina. When we were cleaning Dad told me to put my phone over near the boats GPS. It ended up getting soaked. So we went to get lunch and my phone basically died. Luckily there was a Verizon Store right near the restaurant we were eating at. Dad decided that he would get an upgrade on his smart phone and give me his old smart phone. Thanks for reading.
It is the last week of summer. I am getting my schedule tomorrow. I hope I have all the class I wanted. Today we didn't do much. Esther had Marcy over for a while. We also met a new piano teacher who would come to our house. His name is Aaron. He is one of Paula's friends from college. He is really nice. He gave me another classical song to work on. It is from a french composer I had never heard of. It is a very nice song though. Esther liked him too. We think he is going to be our new piano teacher. My new amp for my bass arrived today. It is about twice the size of my old amp. It is also neon orange. We are going to try to have band practice this weekend. Jake's phone is broken though so we have no way to get in touch with him. It will probably be just Chase, Cece, and I. Thanks for reading.
Today I got my schedule for school They put me in the wrong drama class I think. So I emailed my counselor. Turns out they did because Chinese is only offered the same period as the drama class. So I transferred myself out of Chinese and and going to take Spanish. I have gym with Chase and at least one class with Miranda but that is all the people I know of in my classes. Then after we went on a tour of the Pentagon. It was really boring. I didn't learn much. The guy giving the tour was in Navy. There was a lot of stuff he couldn't tell us. After that we were going to pick up dad from work because we were near his office anyways but he was in a meeting when we were done so he took the train home. Then Chase and I went to the Ram Rally. It is a pep rally at Robinson right before school starts to celebrate the fall sports. Thanks for reading.
Today I did absolutely nothing. I have been reading my book for school. It is called Blink. It is about the subconscious part of the brain. I have found it really interesting. I have learned that you can decide a lot of things in the first fifteen seconds using the subconscious part of the brain. The writer calls it "Thin Slicing". They have also talked about how your "gut feeling" usually has something for you to do with your subconscious part of the brain and is usually right. He also talked about how too much information can actually hurt your decision making. I didn't expect that because usually you try to get as much information before making a decision. According to research though, it is usually best to go with your gut decision. Out of all the books we could choose from to read this summer I am glad I choose this one. Thanks for reading.
Today I woke up at 645 because Dad and I were going to clean the boat. We got there at around 830 and started cleaning. It took us about 2 hours to completely clean it all. Then we headed out on the water. Dad made me drive the whole time. It was a lot of fun. I think I will try to get my boating licence this winter. We headed out to a mansion with a little beach on it. We parked our boa a little ways off and hopped into the water. It was 82 degrees in the water. Then we headed back to the marina. When we were cleaning Dad told me to put my phone over near the boats GPS. It ended up getting soaked. So we went to get lunch and my phone basically died. Luckily there was a Verizon Store right near the restaurant we were eating at. Dad decided that he would get an upgrade on his smart phone and give me his old smart phone. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Today Mom decided I needed to start setting an alarm so I am ready for school. I don't think its a good idea because I will be tired enough once school starts. When I got up I started watching some tv. Esther woke up soon after and kicked me off of the tv. Then Mom needed to go on the meals on wheels route. Esther and I went with her and we brought her bike along too so we could get it fixed. It took them like 10 minutes to fix. The wheel was really warped and they just tightened the spokes. Then Esther saw a burger place and begged mom to stop. She did. I didn't get anything though. Sandy is going to the vet today to get her ears checked out again. She has been taking eye drops for the last couple weeks and they want to check them again. Sandy is always getting sick. Thanks for reading.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Last week of summer
Today is the first day of the last week of summer. I do not want summer to be over. I get my schedule on Thursday. The electives I am taking are Chinese two and Robinson production company. I am sort of excited to be in those elective. I still don't want summer to end. Today was a pretty lazy day. I woke up and watched a show or two. Then Mom and Esther went to target to pick up some things. Later they went to the mall so Esther could get some school clothes. I am just going to order some shirts online and get some jeans. Then I played some xbox with my friends from Falmouth. We are trying out a new piano teacher on Wednesday. I haven't practiced in a while though because we were in Falmouth. The new amp I ordered for my bass should arrive soon. I am excited, we are probably going to have band practice this week some time. 你好。 我叫JOHN。 你好吗? 你喜欢橄榄求? 我喜欢橄榄求。 我爱我的家。 我是美国人。 我不是中国人。 谢谢。再见。
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Today Charleston and his family were here. They are staying here for another two nights. Dad was having breakfast in Woods Hole with some of his old friends and Charleston had to work down in Woods Hole in the morning. So the rest of us went down to the Surf drive. We saw an old friend there. He taught karate to Esther and I. His wife was also a teacher at our North Falmouth Elementary. Lilly, Charleston's Daughter, had never been to a beach before. I think she liked it. Esther built a sandcastle with Lilly. It turned out pretty well. After we were there for a while we went back to the rental house. After we had lunch I went over to my friends house. When I got back Dad's friend Matt was over. I talked with them for a while before I got tired and decided to go to bed. Thanks for reading.
Today we went to Betsy's diner for breakfast. Charleston ordered the super platter. It had two eggs, two pancakes, sausage, toast and home-fries. He finished it all. I ordered the veggie omelet. I couldn't even eat half of it. Lilly wanted to go to the bookstore for story time. Esther and Kelly, Charleston's wife, went with her. The rest of us stayed here. After lunch Charleston and his family headed to airport to head back to South Carolina. Soon after Sarah Kerr came over to spend the night with Esther. After dinner Dad and I went down to Woods Hole to go fishing with Louis. Dad's old friends AJ and Joe were out on there sail boat so we tied our boat up to theirs and talked with them for a while. Then after low tide had passed we went fishing some more. We still didn't catch anything. Thanks for reading.
Today we all went to Old Silver beach. Dad and I build a ball drop. It wasn't very long because the beach was kinda full. Esther and Sarah were swimming most of the time but they stopped for a while and built a sandcastle. It came out surprisingly well. It had three towers a wall and a moat. After we headed out to the Wild Harbor General Store to get some sandwiches. Then we headed home. We all had sandwiches for lunch. After that I went over to my friends house. On Thursday we don't have any plans at all. On Friday though, we are having a cook-out with the Kerr' out on Devils Foot. It is an island off of Woods Hole. It will probably be fun. I don't want to leave Falmouth. I am having a good time here. We only have one and half weeks before school starts. Thanks for reading.
Today Charleston and his family were here. They are staying here for another two nights. Dad was having breakfast in Woods Hole with some of his old friends and Charleston had to work down in Woods Hole in the morning. So the rest of us went down to the Surf drive. We saw an old friend there. He taught karate to Esther and I. His wife was also a teacher at our North Falmouth Elementary. Lilly, Charleston's Daughter, had never been to a beach before. I think she liked it. Esther built a sandcastle with Lilly. It turned out pretty well. After we were there for a while we went back to the rental house. After we had lunch I went over to my friends house. When I got back Dad's friend Matt was over. I talked with them for a while before I got tired and decided to go to bed. Thanks for reading.
Today we went to Betsy's diner for breakfast. Charleston ordered the super platter. It had two eggs, two pancakes, sausage, toast and home-fries. He finished it all. I ordered the veggie omelet. I couldn't even eat half of it. Lilly wanted to go to the bookstore for story time. Esther and Kelly, Charleston's wife, went with her. The rest of us stayed here. After lunch Charleston and his family headed to airport to head back to South Carolina. Soon after Sarah Kerr came over to spend the night with Esther. After dinner Dad and I went down to Woods Hole to go fishing with Louis. Dad's old friends AJ and Joe were out on there sail boat so we tied our boat up to theirs and talked with them for a while. Then after low tide had passed we went fishing some more. We still didn't catch anything. Thanks for reading.
Today we all went to Old Silver beach. Dad and I build a ball drop. It wasn't very long because the beach was kinda full. Esther and Sarah were swimming most of the time but they stopped for a while and built a sandcastle. It came out surprisingly well. It had three towers a wall and a moat. After we headed out to the Wild Harbor General Store to get some sandwiches. Then we headed home. We all had sandwiches for lunch. After that I went over to my friends house. On Thursday we don't have any plans at all. On Friday though, we are having a cook-out with the Kerr' out on Devils Foot. It is an island off of Woods Hole. It will probably be fun. I don't want to leave Falmouth. I am having a good time here. We only have one and half weeks before school starts. Thanks for reading.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Today we drove up to Falmouth. It took us 11 hours in total. I watched three movies, listened to music and texted my friends. It took a long time. We were making pretty good time until we hit Connecticut. After that is was pretty much deadlock. When we got to Rhode Island it was about 6:30 or 7:00. We went out to get dinner. We went to Uno's. Esther had steak and shrimp but her shrimp took a little longer to get to the table because the first batch was knocked on the floor by accident. I had some salmon. It was nothing special. After that we went back to the hotel room and went to sleep. We were really really tired because we had been driving all day. The hotel room was not very good either but I eventually did fall asleep. Thanks for reading.
Today we drove the rest of the way. It took us almost an hour and a half. The traffic on the Bourne bridge was pretty bad but we got over it eventually. After that we went and had lunch. We went to visit the Kerr's. They were having a wedding reception in there backyard later that day. When we headed out we went to get some lunch. We went to the Corner Cafe. I got a veggie melt sandwich. It was good. Esther got a BLT with onion rings. The onion rings were really really good. At 1:30 we went to pick up Matt from the bus stop. He was supposed to come on the bus that arrived at 12:30 but they over sold there bus so he had to come on the next one. Mom decided to get some groceries. Esther, Matt, Dad and I, went to Surf Drive beach. It is the one right next to our rental house. Mom and Dad went to a wedding reception. Matt was left to watch Esther and I. We were walking down main street when my friend showed up. I had invited her to hang out with us for awhile. It was a lot of fun. Thanks for reading
Today we woke up and had breakfast. The Kerr's gave us some eggs from there chickens so we had those for breakfast. Then we headed to Woodneck beach. They have a lazy river kind of thing because of the current in the water. So Esther, Matt, and I raced down it. Esther and I won every time. Then we headed home for lunch. We had Sandwiches. Dad's friend Charleston, his wife and his daughter showed up soon after got home. Dad and Matt were heading to the bus station when my friend texted me and invited me over. I brought my bass to cape cod so we could play some songs together. She plays drums. She is really good. We played a couple different songs before we decided to play some xbox. We are about evenly matched. It was really fun. Thanks for reading.
Today we drove up to Falmouth. It took us 11 hours in total. I watched three movies, listened to music and texted my friends. It took a long time. We were making pretty good time until we hit Connecticut. After that is was pretty much deadlock. When we got to Rhode Island it was about 6:30 or 7:00. We went out to get dinner. We went to Uno's. Esther had steak and shrimp but her shrimp took a little longer to get to the table because the first batch was knocked on the floor by accident. I had some salmon. It was nothing special. After that we went back to the hotel room and went to sleep. We were really really tired because we had been driving all day. The hotel room was not very good either but I eventually did fall asleep. Thanks for reading.
Today we drove the rest of the way. It took us almost an hour and a half. The traffic on the Bourne bridge was pretty bad but we got over it eventually. After that we went and had lunch. We went to visit the Kerr's. They were having a wedding reception in there backyard later that day. When we headed out we went to get some lunch. We went to the Corner Cafe. I got a veggie melt sandwich. It was good. Esther got a BLT with onion rings. The onion rings were really really good. At 1:30 we went to pick up Matt from the bus stop. He was supposed to come on the bus that arrived at 12:30 but they over sold there bus so he had to come on the next one. Mom decided to get some groceries. Esther, Matt, Dad and I, went to Surf Drive beach. It is the one right next to our rental house. Mom and Dad went to a wedding reception. Matt was left to watch Esther and I. We were walking down main street when my friend showed up. I had invited her to hang out with us for awhile. It was a lot of fun. Thanks for reading
Today we woke up and had breakfast. The Kerr's gave us some eggs from there chickens so we had those for breakfast. Then we headed to Woodneck beach. They have a lazy river kind of thing because of the current in the water. So Esther, Matt, and I raced down it. Esther and I won every time. Then we headed home for lunch. We had Sandwiches. Dad's friend Charleston, his wife and his daughter showed up soon after got home. Dad and Matt were heading to the bus station when my friend texted me and invited me over. I brought my bass to cape cod so we could play some songs together. She plays drums. She is really good. We played a couple different songs before we decided to play some xbox. We are about evenly matched. It was really fun. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Today I woke up at eight thirty. Everyone else was up already though. I watched a show or two before Esther kicked me out so she could choose. After that Mom decided we needed to go to Target. We got a bunch of more stuff for our trip to Falmouth. We are waking up at 6:45 tomorrow so we can get on the road. That is way to early for me. We are dropping Sandy off at Affectionate at 7 and heading out toward Falmouth. It is a nine hour drive. So I am probably going to spend all day in the car. So that is going to be really boring. We are staying at a hotel in Providence tomorrow night before we drive the rest of the way on Saturday. I am really excited to go to Falmouth. I haven't been there in over a year. We might see Matt while we are there but we aren't sure. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Today I woke up and Mom was getting ready to go to for a run. I watched sports center for a while before Esther decided she wanted to get bagels at the Chesapeake Bagel Bakery. I got an everything bagel with jalapeno cream cheese. Esther got a plain bagel with cream cheese (how boringf). After that Mom wanted to get a goodbye card for our neighbors who are moving to North Carolina. We also got some protein bars and flour. Once we got home we started to clean the house so it isn't really dirty when we get back from Falmouth. Mom decided we should all go to the pool. I do not like the pool though. I didn't go swimming. Esther and Mom did though. I don't have any friends that go to the pool anymore since Will moved. He is in Thailand now. School starts in two weeks. I don't want to go back to school. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Today Mom woke me up at ten. I could of slept a lot more. I am still tired this morning. I was a little bit sick yesterday. I am feeling better today. I started packing for Cape Cod today. I got all my clothes picked out and put in the bag. After that Esther wanted to go to Fuddruckers. It is a burger restraunt. Esther had been complaining for a while cause she wanted to go. We finally went today. I have been there before and so had Esther. After the musical is over at Robinson we always had an "unofficial" cast party. There burgers are pretty good. After that we came home and Mom got ready to take Sandy to the vet. Her ears are looking a little red and we want to make sure they are fine before we leave for the Cape. She is staying at Affectionate pet care. I think gooey is staying there too. Thanks for reading.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Boring day
Today I didn't do much. I woke up and worked on my computer for a while. After that Esther and Mom went to Walmart. Esther was getting supplies for the doll house and bed she is making for a doll of hers. She worked on that for a while. Soon she decided to go to the pool with her friend Marcy. That is where she is now. I have stayed home all day. It feels good after such a long weekend. I miss the people at the camp though. The other thing I did today was play xbox with my friend from Falmouth. That is about all I have done all day. This week I don't have anything planned. My friend Jake gets back from California so We can have band practices again. My new bass amp will arrive while I'm in Falmouth but they are holding at the guitar center near us so I can get it when I get back. Thanks for reading.
你好。 我叫John。 我是美国人。 我爱音乐。 我家是妈妈,爸爸,妹妹,和我。 我爱我的家。谢谢你。 再见。
你好。 我叫John。 我是美国人。 我爱音乐。 我家是妈妈,爸爸,妹妹,和我。 我爱我的家。谢谢你。 再见。
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Today was the last day we had before we had to perform the show. We got into costume and everything for the show. I have to wear a British military jacket and black pants. They jacket is a little small but it looks really cool. We did a full run through of the play. It went pretty well. It was fairly uneventful. My scene was good. I have two shows tomorrow. One at two and one at eight. On Sunday I have a show at two. Esther and Mom are going to see the show on Sunday. None of my friends are going to see the show. U an glad I did this camp and hope to do something with them again. After camp I didn't really do anything. Dad leaves for Utah on Saturday. He is going to a Civil Engineering conference. He plans to go hiking in the mountains too. He will be there for almost a week. Thanks for reading.
Today I spent all day at George Mason for the play. The first show was a little shaky. Everyone seemed to like it though. Between shows we had a potluck. We played a bunch of different games. It was really fun. After the potluck we got ready for the second show. It went really well. Almost everything went perfectly. At the very end a picture fell off of Rudyard's house. Other then that everything went well. I didn't forget any of my lines in either of the performances. The show is two and a half hours long. It is one of the longest shows I've ever been in. Tom Sawyer was only two hours and fifteen minutes. Music Man was only an hour and a half. The play is very good though. Lisa is a very good at writing. She also directed the play. Lisa didn't direct Esther's show though. Thanks for reading.
Today was the last show. Esther and Mom came to see the show. I am sad that it is over. Mom said she cried during the show. It is a very sad show. She also took some pictures. I will post them later. After the final show I said bye to everyone and left with Mom and Esther. We went to Friendly's after and got ice cream. It took them along time to get our ice cream. We also got some dinner too. Today was a pretty good day. I am sad the camp is over though. I definitely want to do it again next year. Lisa writes a new play every year just for this camp. It was really good this year. They recorded it. They let is buy a DVD. We bought one so Dad can watch it when he gets back home. We leave for Falmouth on Friday. I am excited to go. I also ordered my new amp for my bass also. Thanks for reading.
Today was the last day we had before we had to perform the show. We got into costume and everything for the show. I have to wear a British military jacket and black pants. They jacket is a little small but it looks really cool. We did a full run through of the play. It went pretty well. It was fairly uneventful. My scene was good. I have two shows tomorrow. One at two and one at eight. On Sunday I have a show at two. Esther and Mom are going to see the show on Sunday. None of my friends are going to see the show. U an glad I did this camp and hope to do something with them again. After camp I didn't really do anything. Dad leaves for Utah on Saturday. He is going to a Civil Engineering conference. He plans to go hiking in the mountains too. He will be there for almost a week. Thanks for reading.
Today I spent all day at George Mason for the play. The first show was a little shaky. Everyone seemed to like it though. Between shows we had a potluck. We played a bunch of different games. It was really fun. After the potluck we got ready for the second show. It went really well. Almost everything went perfectly. At the very end a picture fell off of Rudyard's house. Other then that everything went well. I didn't forget any of my lines in either of the performances. The show is two and a half hours long. It is one of the longest shows I've ever been in. Tom Sawyer was only two hours and fifteen minutes. Music Man was only an hour and a half. The play is very good though. Lisa is a very good at writing. She also directed the play. Lisa didn't direct Esther's show though. Thanks for reading.
Today was the last show. Esther and Mom came to see the show. I am sad that it is over. Mom said she cried during the show. It is a very sad show. She also took some pictures. I will post them later. After the final show I said bye to everyone and left with Mom and Esther. We went to Friendly's after and got ice cream. It took them along time to get our ice cream. We also got some dinner too. Today was a pretty good day. I am sad the camp is over though. I definitely want to do it again next year. Lisa writes a new play every year just for this camp. It was really good this year. They recorded it. They let is buy a DVD. We bought one so Dad can watch it when he gets back home. We leave for Falmouth on Friday. I am excited to go. I also ordered my new amp for my bass also. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Run through
Today I had camp. We finished blocking the show today. It sounds really good. We finished blocking the show just before lunch. After lunch, we did a full run through of the show. I remembered most of my lines but not the order they were in. I need to work on my lines a bit more. The rest of the show looks really good but it is very long. It is almost two and a half hours long. My friend might be coming to see the show. I am excited to perform it. It is a very good play and I want to do more with this group. Esther had a lot of fun in this camp too. I want to do another show with them this fall. A week from tomorrow I will be going to Falmouth. Mom and Dad are going to Dad's friends wedding in Falmouth this year. I am not invited though so I will be staying at the rental house. I might be going to hang out with a friend while they are at the wedding. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Tuesday-concert, Wednesday- camp
Today I had camp. We blocked my scene. It is pretty cool. I have to walk with a limp. I don't have much movement but my lines are usually really long. I need to be off book by Thursday. I am getting pretty close. Then soon after I got home my friend John came over. We were going to see a concert at the Verizon Center. The bands playing were System of a Down and the Deftones. System of a down is one of John and I's favorite bands. The Deftones were opening for them though. They were not very good. You couldn't understand what the sing was saying at all. System of a Down was much better. The singer is from Lebanon. He is really good. They had just gotten back together after they had broken up and formed different bands. All in all it was a very good concert and is probably the second best concert I have seen after A Day To Remember. Thanks for reading.
Today I had camp again. I didn't really do much today. They were blocking the big group scenes. I am not in any of those. They are using big puppets for the animals in the play. They are very cool. I have made some really good friends in the camp. I want to do more stuff with the group in the future. The play is going to be very good if we can finish all the blocking tomorrow and everyone knows there lines. I have learned all of mine I think. We are planning to do a "Stumble Through". That is where you just try to go through the play even though you know it will not be perfect. We don't have many of the human costumes ready yet. I am probably doing to have a soldiers outfit. My character is fun to play. The play is this weekend. Two times on Saturday and 1 time on Sunday. Thanks for reading.
Today I had camp. We blocked my scene. It is pretty cool. I have to walk with a limp. I don't have much movement but my lines are usually really long. I need to be off book by Thursday. I am getting pretty close. Then soon after I got home my friend John came over. We were going to see a concert at the Verizon Center. The bands playing were System of a Down and the Deftones. System of a down is one of John and I's favorite bands. The Deftones were opening for them though. They were not very good. You couldn't understand what the sing was saying at all. System of a Down was much better. The singer is from Lebanon. He is really good. They had just gotten back together after they had broken up and formed different bands. All in all it was a very good concert and is probably the second best concert I have seen after A Day To Remember. Thanks for reading.
Today I had camp again. I didn't really do much today. They were blocking the big group scenes. I am not in any of those. They are using big puppets for the animals in the play. They are very cool. I have made some really good friends in the camp. I want to do more stuff with the group in the future. The play is going to be very good if we can finish all the blocking tomorrow and everyone knows there lines. I have learned all of mine I think. We are planning to do a "Stumble Through". That is where you just try to go through the play even though you know it will not be perfect. We don't have many of the human costumes ready yet. I am probably doing to have a soldiers outfit. My character is fun to play. The play is this weekend. Two times on Saturday and 1 time on Sunday. Thanks for reading.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Today was the first day of my acting camp. We are doing a play called "Just So". It is about Rudyard Kipling and some his works including "Just So". It is semi-biographical about his life too. His son, John, wanted to be in world war one but he had bad eye sight so he was turned down. After being turned down three times Rudyard pulls some strings to get him into the army. He goes to Fredrick Roberts and gets him to meet with his son John. I play Fredrick Roberts. He is a real person. He is one of the most decorated generals in British military history. Here is a Wikipedia page about him: I really like the camp and am excited for more of it tomorrow. After I got home from camp Cece and I hung out for a while. It was a really good day.
你好。我完篮球。你完篮球吗? 我爱音乐。你爱音乐? 我是很高。你是很高吗? 我是美国人。 你是美过人。 谢谢你。
你好。我完篮球。你完篮球吗? 我爱音乐。你爱音乐? 我是很高。你是很高吗? 我是美国人。 你是美过人。 谢谢你。
Sunday, August 5, 2012
saturday and sunday
Today Dad had his summer work party. It was a t a golfing place called Top Golf. The whole family went. We had a bunch of golf balls to hit at a driving range. They had a game where you tried to hit targets out on the range. I played against dad and a bunch of his friends. I came in last place but I made a big come back at the end. I liked playing golf and would like to play again sometime. Esther, Dad and I also played some mini-golf. We didn't keep score but I think Esther won. We had lunch at the golf place. I didn't eat much because they only had salad for vegetarians. I had some of that though. It was pretty good. There were also burgers and chicken wings. Esther was very happy. The party was from eleven till two. I had a good time and I think dad did too. Thanks for reading.
Today I woke up and the hand I hurt skateboarding was hurting really badly and as pretty swollen so Mom made me an appointment at the Urgent Care Center in Falls Church. We drove out there and we waited for a little bit before they called me in. The doctor took a look quick look and sent me to Radiology. That made me a little nervous because it was my left hand and I am getting pretty close to starting school again. I went to Radiology and they used this block thing to get my hand in the right position it really hurt. They took a few X-rays before they were done. I went back upstairs and they told me it wasn't broken. They bandaged it up really good and I was on my way out. It took them about an hour or so. After that Mom and I went to get some lunch. We went a bagel place. It was really good. Thanks for reading.
Today Dad had his summer work party. It was a t a golfing place called Top Golf. The whole family went. We had a bunch of golf balls to hit at a driving range. They had a game where you tried to hit targets out on the range. I played against dad and a bunch of his friends. I came in last place but I made a big come back at the end. I liked playing golf and would like to play again sometime. Esther, Dad and I also played some mini-golf. We didn't keep score but I think Esther won. We had lunch at the golf place. I didn't eat much because they only had salad for vegetarians. I had some of that though. It was pretty good. There were also burgers and chicken wings. Esther was very happy. The party was from eleven till two. I had a good time and I think dad did too. Thanks for reading.
Today I woke up and the hand I hurt skateboarding was hurting really badly and as pretty swollen so Mom made me an appointment at the Urgent Care Center in Falls Church. We drove out there and we waited for a little bit before they called me in. The doctor took a look quick look and sent me to Radiology. That made me a little nervous because it was my left hand and I am getting pretty close to starting school again. I went to Radiology and they used this block thing to get my hand in the right position it really hurt. They took a few X-rays before they were done. I went back upstairs and they told me it wasn't broken. They bandaged it up really good and I was on my way out. It took them about an hour or so. After that Mom and I went to get some lunch. We went a bagel place. It was really good. Thanks for reading.
Friday, August 3, 2012
This morning I watched some tv. Esther and Mom went to Walmart to buy school supplies because it was a tax free holiday. They got almost all of the school supplies Esther and I needed. Then I played Mario Party for a while. We played on a team. We won 25 stars to none. After that Esther went to a pool party with her friend Marcy. When Mom got home from taking Esther to the pool she took me over to Chase's house. I brought my longboard and we went skating for a while. We were going down a big hill and my knees locked up and I hit a sewer cover and fell. I got hurt kinda bad. Chase and I walked back to his house and Mom came and picked me up. When I got home I washed off my cuts and bandaged them up. After that I watched some Olympics. It was the first day of the track and fields events. I watched the women's 10k. A woman from Ethiopia won. I also watched some rowing the U.S did really badly. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Today Esther, Mom and I went to the Newseum in Washington D.C. It is a museum all about the media. They had a full sized replica of the unabombers cabin. It was really interesting. We had lunch at the museum but it made me sick. I got a very bad headache and a stomach ache. So we moved quickly through the rest of the museum. One of the highlights I think of the Newseum was they the head lines of every major newspaper in the United States. I would really like to go back to the museum when I was not feeling sick. We drove Crystal City where dad works and took the metro in to d.c where the museum was. It was really easy to get there. Next week I am doing an acting camp. It is the same camp Esther did for the Wizard of Oz. Except we are doing the show Just So. It was written by there Acting For Young People's resident playwright. I have no idea what it is about. I am looking forward to it. Esther said she had a great time. Thanks for reading. P.S Karen, the word for tall is the same word for high it depends on context. 你好。 我爱看电影。 我有猫。 它叫gooey。 我完橄榄求和篮球。 我的爸爸叫Steve。 我的妈妈叫britt。 我爱我的家。谢谢。
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
This morning I got a new game on my laptop that I can run now since I have got new parts in my computer. It is running really well. The game is called Half Life. It is from 1998. After I played that for a while Mom made me get off. She was almost ready to leave for the animal shelter. She volunteers for them a couple hours a month. Since there is a Barnes and Noble's right near it she dropped me by and I read my book for school. The book is called "Blink" it is about the subconscious part of the brain. It is very interesting but I have to annotate it for school. When we got home Esther, Mom and I played Life. I won with $2,050,000. After that Esther's friend picked her up and they went to the mall. Mom and I took Sandy to Burke Lake and walked her for a while. I am going to be starting to write 2 lines in Chinese today. Thanks for reading.
我爱我的朋友。 我的朋友叫Chase。 我爱我的猫。 它是白色。 我是高和旁不癌。 我是美国人。 我不中国人。 我爱我的家。 谢谢。
我爱我的朋友。 我的朋友叫Chase。 我爱我的猫。 它是白色。 我是高和旁不癌。 我是美国人。 我不中国人。 我爱我的家。 谢谢。
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Today I woke up and played some video games on my laptop. Mom was walking sandy when I got up. When she got home Mom and I worked out in the basement. I mostly lifted weights. When we were done Mom had to do her meals on wheels route. Esther and I went with her. I listened to music the whole time. After that we went to the grocery store. Esther had chosen some ingredients for us to do chopped with. She choose shrimp, orange juice, peaches, and cream cheese. It was fun. After that I watched some of the Olympics. I watched water polo today. It was the only thing on. My favorite events are boxing, basketball, table tennis, and swimming. My computer is definitely running faster then it was before Dad and I upgraded it. I am happy we did. Thanks for reading.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Today Esther and I played Mario Party while we waited for Mom to get home from getting the oil changed in Dads car. We unlocked the last character we hadn't unlocked in the game. It took us a while since we kept losing but we finally did it. Then we went Guitar Center so I could try out the amp that i want to buy when I have enough money. They didn't have the model I wanted though so I will have to order it online. Then Esther and Mom ran into the knitting store. Esther wanted some new yarn so she could make a hat. When we got home We played a bored game. I won by a lot. Then I went and played Xbox with my friend who lives in Massachusetts. When dad came home we worked more on my computer. It is taking a lot longer then I expected. Thanks for reading.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Today the day started off pretty boring. I have just been watching the Olympics. Then Dad decided he wanted to upgrade my laptop. So we went to Microcenter and got some more RAM and a new SSD. I am writing my blog on the home computer while my old SSD is backing up to my new one. Esther and I played Mario Party on the Wii for a while. We were trying to unlock the last two characters and the last map on the game. We unlocked one of the characters and the map. We need to beat it again with the character we just unlocked to get the last character. We will probably do that tomorrow. Ryan Lochte won the 400 IM against Michael Phelps yesterday. The U.S is doing very well so far. I like watching the Olympics. I do prefer the winter Olympics though. Thanks for reading.
Today Esther and I stayed at home while Mom and Dad ran some errands. I watched the Olympics most of the time. Esther was on her iPod most of the time. When they came home they brought Wendy's. I got a fish sandwich. The rest of the family got hamburgers. Mom and Esther had a swim banquet yesterday. Dad and I didn't go. We stayed home and we watched the Olympics for a while, then we were walking sandy but ended up talking to our neighbor Marty for a while. They are moving to North Carolina so they are giving us some of there lamps they don't want to move to the new house. We watch there cats whenever they are away. After we were done talking to him Dad and I went to Dairy Queen. I got a blizzard but couldn't finish it. Dad got a sundae but couldn't finish his either. Thanks for reading.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Today Esther, Mom, Dad and I all went to see The Dark Knight Rises. It was pretty good but not that original. I prefer Prometheus to The Dark Knight. I would recommend it though. After that we went to Wegman's for lunch. Mom and I had pizza and Esther and Dad had subs. The Olympics started today. The opening ceremony was really cool. I am really looking forward to the basketball and the fencing. When I was in London I saw a lot of where the Olympics are going to be. The stadium was impressive. The day I was leaving London was the day all the athletes were arriving. There were supposed to be 13,000 athletes arriving at the airport that day. I'm glad were didn't have to deal with all the traffic. I heard it was really bad in London. I would really like to be able to go the Olympics someday. Thanks for reading
Thursday, July 26, 2012
boring day back home
Today I didn't really do anything. Esther had a cello lesson. Mom and I walked sandy while she was in her lesson. It was almost 100 degrees out. Sandy is now feeling kind of sick. Dad is taking the day off of work tomorrow and we are either going to see a movie or going to see the space ship in D.C. We don't know which one yet. I want to see the space ship though. This week and next week I am doing nothing but then I have an acting camp. It is the same one Esther went to for the wizard of oz but it is the advanced one and it is a play written by a play write at George Mason. It is called "Just so. I have no idea what it is about. Then we are going to visit Cape Cod and that's basically the whole rest of the summer. I kind of want school to start again though. Then I won't be so bored. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
I am back
I got back from Europe yesterday but my duffel bag didn't. It is supposed to be here today though. Here is a list of everything I did.
Day 1
Day 1
Tower of London, which i had seen before
Dinner: eggplant lasagna
Day 2
Sightseeing tour
Changing of the guard
Lunch: French deli
Covant garden
Dinner: fish and chips
Day 3
Salisbury cathedral
Lunch: boston tea party
Bath: old roman baths
Dinner: Indian
Day 4
Blackwells: book
Lunch: tavern, more fish and chips
Stratford upon Avon, Shakespeare's birthplace
Anne Hathaway's house
Magic shop
Dinner: tomato rissoto
Day 5
Chunnell to paris
Driving tour of Paris
Dinner: leek tart, mashed potatoe
Day 6
Note Dame
Dinner: pasta and mushroom sauce
Day 7
New hotel
Versailles, Louis the 14th's palace
Dinner: salmon
Day 8
Ladies palace
Amboisse castle
Cooking class/dinner: salmon riette, vegetable stew, chocolate cigars, apple tart and Chantilly cream
Day 9
Saint Michael
Lunch: mussels ala creme
Saint mallo
Dinner: salad
Day 10
Point du hawk
Lunch: cambert sandwich
Driving back to Paris
Day 11
Free day
The Paris sewers
Smokes salmon sandwich for lunch
Shopping 5 CDs for 10 euros
The fnac
Luxembourg gardens
Japanese wedding
Dinner : Jules
Vegetables, salad, brownie
Group picture
Paris plage
Day 12
Flying home
Let me know what you would like more description of. Thanks for reading!
Monday, July 16, 2012
I have got my email working and the tour guide says there is wifi in France. I am having a great time.
Here is a list I have been keeping of all he things I have done if you want to post that.
Day 1
• Tower of london
• Dinner: eggplant lasagna
Day 2
• Sightseeing tour
• Changing of the guard
• Lunch: French deli
• Harrods
• Covant garden
• Dinner: fish and chips
Day 3
• Stonehenge
• Salisbury cathedral
• Lunch: boston tea party
• Bath: street performer
• Dinner: Indian
Day 4
• Oxford
• Blackwells: book
• Lunch: tavern
• Stratford upon Avon
• Anne Hathaway's house
• Shakespeare birthplace
• Magic shop
• Dinner: English fusion tomatoe rissoto
Day 1
• Tower of london
• Dinner: eggplant lasagna
Day 2
• Sightseeing tour
• Changing of the guard
• Lunch: French deli
• Harrods
• Covant garden
• Dinner: fish and chips
Day 3
• Stonehenge
• Salisbury cathedral
• Lunch: boston tea party
• Bath: street performer
• Dinner: Indian
Day 4
• Oxford
• Blackwells: book
• Lunch: tavern
• Stratford upon Avon
• Anne Hathaway's house
• Shakespeare birthplace
• Magic shop
• Dinner: English fusion tomatoe rissoto
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
day before I leave
Today Mom, Esther and I decided to pick each other four ingredients and have to make a lunch with it. I chose Mom and Esther's ingredients and Mom choose mine. I had to use baby spinach, quinoa, white beans and Goldfish. I made a salad with the spinach, quinoa, and white beans. I toasted goldfish with some olive oil in the oven to use as some croutons and made a balsamic vinaigrette. It was pretty good but Esther didn't seem to like it as much as me and mom did. Mom had to cook with Frozen fish fillets, granola bars, bananas and seltzer water. She made fish with a ginger orange sauce and some orange soda. It was pretty good but chocolate does not go well with fish. I am totally ready to leave for Europe tomorrow. I am just going to be charging my electronics tonight. I am not excited for the long plane ride though. I have trouble sleeping on planes. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Last day of packing and getting stuff for the plane ride
Today I went over the clothes I had in my suitcase each day with mom to make sure we had all the clothes I need. I did so I checked how heavy it was and it was pretty heavy. I just hope I don't have to carry it that much. Next Mom and I went to pick up Esther from Culinaria her cooking camp. They made zucchini bread Esther got to bring home. It was pretty good. Next I looked for another book on the kindle because I am almost done with the one I am reading. I also got two movies. I got Alien the original one and Predators the new one. I am ready to leave on Thursday so I have nothing to worry about tomorrow. I am really excited to go. I haven't been pool more then once all summer. I don't really like to go to the pool. I don't know why. Esther goes a lot though because of swim team. Thanks for reading.
Monday, July 9, 2012
another boring day
Today Mom and I went to target to get some stuff for my trip. We got some sunscreen and other stuff I need. Esther was at Culinaria. It is a cooking camp. This is the second year she has done it. She likes it a lot. I got the Offspring's new album today. It is really good. I met my new neighbor James today. I didn't get to talk to him for long but I got to meet him. Esther has a swim meet tonight. I do not know what she is swimming. She is swimming a lot this summer. She swims just about every morning from 830 to 930. I am just about ready to leave for Europe. There is only 2 days left before I leave. I am all packed except for my carry-on bag. I will pack it the night before because most of it is electronics and I need to charge them. I am bringing the kindle, my iPod, and some noise cancelling headphones. I will need to remember all my chargers as well. Thanks for reading.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Today I went and saw the movie Prometheus with my dad. It was REALLY good. My dad said he hadn't seen a movie that good in a long time after it was over. The special effects were amazing. Esther and Mom went and saw the new spider man movie while we watched Prometheus. They said it was pretty good. I don't know if I want to see if though because the knew character playing spider man isn't how I imagined him. When both our movies were over we all went to get lunch. Mom, Dad and I all had pizza but Esther had a hamburger. When we got home I played Mario Kart with Esther. I won every time. Mom worked on packing some more of my stuff for Europe today. I will work some more on it tomorrow. I leave on Thursday. Another thunder storm is here today. I do not like the rain. Thanks for reading!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Lazy day
Today I didn't do anything. I spent a couple hours working on my computer. I was modding minecraft with a modpack I had wanted for a while. I got it to work and its a lot of fun. A modpack is a group of modification to the coding of a game. This modpack adds a bunch of items to the game. I am going to start packing tomorrow probably and I might be able to hang out with some of my friends. This week will be pretty boring. I don't have any plans. Dad was looking at show times today for Prometheus so I will probably go see it with him tomorrow. I would really like to be able to hang out with all my friend before I leave for Europe. Esther and Dad saw the hunger games today. Esther had already seen but Dad hadn't so she went with him. I thought the hunger games was okay when I saw it. I still think the book is better though. Thanks for reading.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Cast Party
Today I had camp again. We did a lot of fun stuff like writing parodies for some of the songs we had in the show. My group did a really good one. We also played some of our favorite games. It was a lot of fun. Esther and Mom went to see the movie brave today. They said it was really good. I really want to see the movie Prometheus. It is the prequel to Alien. My friend who saw it said it was awesome. Alien is one of my favorite movies of all time, another one is Predator. This weekend I am going to hang out with some of my friends and finish packing for Europe. I would really like to go see the movie Prometheus with my dad this weekend as well. I am very happy I am going to be here for the baseball all star game. I really want to watch it. Bryce Harper just barely lost to David Freese in the all star voting. I do not know if any Nationals players made it even though they are doing really well. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Today I went to camp and all morning we worked on the show all morning. Then I was planning to buy lunch but the place was closed so I didn't eat any lunch. Then at two we had our show. Mom and Esther came to see is. They both said they liked it. It went really well. We only messed up once but it was no big deal. I think mom and Esther recorded so maybe some video at some point. Tomorrow I have camp even though we performed today. We are going to have a cast party tomorrow. We are going to play theater sports most of the time. Theater sports is a type of impov comedy theater. You have to come up with a scene out of almost nothing. It is a lot of fun. There are a lot of fun games we play. This weekend I need to finish packing for Europe. That is all I have planned for the weekend. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
4th of July
Today is the 4th of July. We went out to eat at Chili's. I had a black bean barbecue burger. Esther had a hamburger but she had to send it back the first time because it was raw. They gave us a new one though. Then Mom and Dad decided we should go to a furniture store because we needed a desk for the living room to put where the piano used to be. We got a set of a desk a stand to put the TV on, a file cabinet and a chair. It was a great deal. Dad won't buy any fire works this year because he doesn't want want to scare sandy. Esther and I really want him to get some fire works though. Mom says they are televising the DC fireworks tonight but it won't be the same. Tomorrow is my show. I am excited to perform. I am going to be really bored next week before I leave because I will have nothing to do. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Last day of rehearsal
Today was the last day we had for rehearsal at camp. We almost ran the whole show. It is one hour and fifteen minutes long. Mom and Esther are going to come and see it. I think they will like it. It is really funny. Our theme is journeys and traveling. Which I think is funny because Ms. Hard is going to Europe with me next week. We aren't doing anything for the fourth of July tomorrow. I don't even think we are going to see the fireworks. I haven't seen them in a couple years. Next week I am not doing anything except getting ready for Europe. I leave on Thursday. I probably won't have enough time to write my blog while I am gone. I will have lots to write about when I get back thought. I am taking a cooking class in France. I think that will be awesome. We are going to be eating a lot of great food because Ms. Hard is a self proclaimed foodie. Thanks for reading.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Today I had camp again. It is the same camp I had last week. We have 1 more rehearsal before we perform because we have the fourth of July off. We perform on Thursday. We our done with our show all we have to do is a dress rehearsal. I am excited to perform it. I think it will be good. Next Thursday I am leaving for Europe. I got a letter from grandma today with some Euro's and Pounds to use on my trip. Thank you. I am really excited to see France. I have already been to England but I will probably see more of it on this trip. I need a book to read on the kindle for my plane ride there and back. Any suggestions? I won't be doing anything for the next couple weeks after my trip. I will probably be hanging out with friend a lot. Esther has a swim meet tonight so it will just be me and dad home tonight. Thanks for reading.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Today I went to Target with Esther and Dad so that Esther could spend her gift certificate she got for her birthday. She didn't actually buy anything though. I had a gift card from my birthday last year. I spent that on a video game I had wanted for a long time. It was on clearance today. It is pretty good so far. It is an old western game. Tomorrow I have camp again. I am excited for it. We are almost done with are script and will definitely be ready for Thursday. We only have two more days to work on it because we have the fourth of July off. I am just about ready for my trip. All I have to do is pack my bag. I am leaving a week from Thursday. Today is the last day of the X games. I am excited to watch the really car finals tonight. In the skateboarding finals there was a guy from Lowell Massachusetts. Unfortunately he didn't place. Thanks for reading.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Thunder storm and x games
Last night there was a huge thunder storm. It knocked down two trees in our back yard and 70% of Fairfax county. We luckily didn't lose power. I spent most of the day watching the X games. Last night was the best trick competition. Jackson Strong won the gold medal this year with an amazing trick. here is a link to the amazing trick he landed to win it. I am also really looking forward to rally car racing. It is my other favorite event. Also i got new clothes for my trip to Europe. A lot of stores weren't open because of power outages. Esther has her show tonight. The first show today was cancelled because of the power outage at the theater but they are still on for tonight. I am looking forward to seeing is. I have my show on Thursday this week. I am excited to perform that too. Grandma asked for the website for arena stage here it is: Thanks for reading!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
More camp
Today I had another day of camp. We got our first scenes today. It is looking pretty good but the play is supposed to an hour long and we only have 3 more rehearsal days. We are going to be cutting it close. Last night I got a call from Arena Stage about the Mentor Ensemble I auditioned for. I got in and rehearsals will begin in October. I am excited to work with them. There is at least one other person who goes to Robinson with me that got in. It will be a lot of fun. The summer X games start tonight. Tonight there is skateboarding big air. That is where skateboarders go off a giant ramp and try to the the best trick possible. They then get rated and the highest scoring person in each heat along with the highest scoring person in all the heats combined that didn't win there heat go to the finals. I am really looking forward to the rally car and the moto x events. Thanks for reading
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Today I had more camp. We started blocking actual scenes for our show today. It was fun and abstract. We also played a really fun game called Assassins and Bodyguards. It is a lot of fun to play. I goof off with my friends a lot during camp. College football just approved a new play off system. I don't think it will work any better then the old one did. I just think it will cause more arguments then the last system did. They used to have just the top two teams play each other in a national championship. Now they are going to have a 4 team playoff. The only problem is there are so many different colleges in college football that a lot of teams will have the same record. If 5 teams are undefeated how are they going to decide what 4 of those teams are going to make the playoff? I just don't think that it will be any better this way. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Today I had camp again. We made scenes based on childhood games. My group got "Duck Duck Goose". It was interesting. I am starting to really like devised theater. This weekend I am going to get some clothes for my Europe trip. I am really excited for going to Europe. It is going to be really hard to adjust to the time zones in Europe. It is 6 hours different. My flight leaves in the middle of the night and we arrive in England in the morning. I am going to be really tired those first couple days. I will be really fun though. I think we are doing an acting workshop in France. That will be awesome. I am also excited to try some new food there. It will be a ton of fun. I am leaving on July 12th and I arrive back home on the 24th. Esther is working on memorizing her lines for "The Wizard of Oz". She is performing it on Saturday. I am going to see it. Thanks for reading.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Stage Door day 1
Today was my first day of my camp. It is called Stage Door, and it is devised theater. It is more abstract then normal theater. Our theme is "Not all who wander are lost". It is an interesting theme. There are about 5 or 6 kids in the camp that go to Robinson and are in my grade. It is a fun and interesting camp. I will have it weekday this week from 9:30 until 3:30. We will write a whole hour long play in seven days and then perform is. Esther is doing a camp this week as well. She is putting on the show "The Wizard of Oz". She got the part of the lion. I am going to start packing for Europe this week so i don't forget anything. I am excited for my trip. Esther and Mom went to see a concert last night. They really liked it. My friend Will is moving in a couple weeks. He is moving to Thailand. I think that will be interesting to move there. Thanks for reading.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Band Practice
Today I had band practice. Our guitarist Jake couldn't make it to practice so it was just me, Cece, and Chase. We got a lot done. Unfortunately we wouldn't be able to practice again for another 2 or 3 weeks. We are all very busy this month. Tomorrow I start my camp called "Stage Door". I have heard it is similar to Voices of Now. I think it will be fun. Kevin Youkilis, Red Sox 3rd baseman, was traded to the White Sox today. He has been injured a lot and has had career lows and in both batting average and RBI's this season. When he was injured the Red Sox brought up rookie Will Middlebrook and he soon became the most productive batter in there lineup. I don't know if Youkilis can recapture his swing before the end of the season. Mom and Esther went to see a concert tonight. Esther's two favorite bands are performing. Thanks for reading!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Acting workshop and mom's birthday
Today I went to an acting workshop. It was an improv comedy workshop so i had to come up with every thing on the spot. It was a lot of fun. I learned a lot as well. Then Mom wanted to go out to eat at a restaurant near where the acting workshop was. It was really really good. I had miniature crab cakes for an appetizer, a salad with a raspberry vinaigrette, fried shrimp as an entree, and chocolate truffle cake for dessert. It was all amazing. The restaurant was called The Carriage House. Tomorrow I am having band practice for most of the day. Then on Monday camp starts for me. I am looking forward to the camp. A lot of my friends are in it. It will be fun. We are going to be writing our own script I think. Then after the camp is over I am leaving for Europe. I can't wait! I will take lots of pictures and post them on my blog when I get back. Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 22, 2012
day 6
Today Esther had a doctors appointment. She had to get two shots in order to go into 6th grade. Afterwards we went to the Silver Diner which is right across the street from the doctors office. Mom got us milkshakes. I had a brownie latte one and Esther had a strawberry one. Tomorrow is Mom's birthday. I haven't got her anything yet though. She wants to see the movie Prometheus tomorrow but Esther can't see it. I don't know what else we are going to do. Tomorrow I am attending a improv workshop in Alexandria. It is held by Ms. Hard's fiances. Ms. Hard is my drama teacher. I am excited for going to Europe in less than two weeks. We will be visiting lots of great places. I will probably not be able to write my blog while I am there but I will try to keep you guys informed on what I am doing there. There is a lot of fun stuff going on in the next couple weeks. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Boring Day
Today was a boring day. I woke up and we went to the gym. Esther and mom took a yoga class while I lifted weights. I have my callback for the mentor ensemble tonight, I spent an hour or so working on my performance. I think it is looking good. The Nationals won the game last night 3 to 2. The Nats scored 3 runs in the first inning but none the rest of the game. The rays scored a 2 runs throughout the game. It was the Rays starting pitchers first game in the major leagues. He started off pretty rocky but recovered and pitched pretty well. Stratsburg pitched really well. It was really cool to see him pitch again. I had seen him on the first day he pitched in the majors. Next week i have a camp where we are going to write a play and perform it. Esther is going to be in a camp to the same week at Robinson. It is also an acting camp. I think that will be fun.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Baseball game
Tonight the whole family is going to a Nationals game. They are playing the Tampa Bay Rays. Our seats are right behind home plate but also all the way upstairs. I am looking forward to the game because they are doing really well this season. This morning we got new carpet in our living room. It is a greenish color. Sandy seems to like it. I had my interview last night for the mentor ensemble. I was have to got back there on Thursday for the callback. If I get in I will have to go down to D.C once a week every week from October till June. They seemed to really like me. I hope I get in. I will be working with teenagers from all over Northern Virginia, Southern Maryland, and D.C. I am also starting to learning to program computers using Basic. I find it very interesting. Lastly I have started reading my book for next years English assignment. It is called Blink by Malcom Gladwell. It is about the sub-conscious decision making part of the brain. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Day 3
Today I woke up and watched Sportscenter. A pitch from the New York Mets made history last night by pitching to straight 1-hitters with more than 10 strike-outs. Then I played Xbox with my friend from Massachusetts. I won most of the games, before was played on the same team. Tonight I have my interview for the Mentor Ensemble. I really hope it goes well. My friend Will is moving to Thailand in a couple weeks. I will miss him. He was my first friend when i moved here. My first camp starts next week. It is at my school and a lot of my friends are doing it this year. We are going to write are own play and perform it. Soon I will start writing a 9th line on my blog in Chinese to get ready for next year. I will provide a translation afterwards though. Thanks for reading.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Day 2
Today I didn't really do much. I went to the gym in the morning and then I hung out with Chase. We played some music together since he didn't get to go to the meeting yesterday. I am doing a couple of camps this summer. I am doing an acting camp at Robinson and another acting camp somewhere else. I got a new game for my xbox today also. On Wednesday I am going to see a Nationals game. They are playing the Tampa Bay Rays. The Nationals are doing really well this season. They are leading there division. The Red Sox on the other hand are really bad. They got a new manager this year and he isn't as good as Francona was. Today I submitted an application to be in the Mentor Ensemble at Arena Stage. I participated in a program called Voices of Now and they invited me to continue to participate in Voices of Now as a Mentor.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
first blog of the year
Today I band practice with Jake, and Cece. I am going to play bass and do some of the backing vocals, Cece is doing the main vocals, Jake is playing the guitar and Chase is our drummer. He was in Baltimore this weekend so he couldn't go to band practice. We choose and practiced are four songs. They are "Caraphernelia" by Pierce The Veil, "if you can't hang" by sleeping with sirens, "Since u been gone" by A Day To Remember, and "If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn" by sleeping with sirens. Today is also fathers day to I got a present for my dad. I got him a new wallet. This summer I am going to England and France with my drama teacher Mrs. Hard and a couple other students. I am also visiting Cape Cod. I am doing two drama camps this summer. I think this summer will be very good. But i am also looking forward to next year.
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