On Thursday I picked up my schedule for the upcoming school year. My schedule is pretty good I am taking all the classes I expected. Apparently my teachers are pretty good. I have my music production class every morning from 7:30 till 9. Then on blue days I will have History of the Americas then Environmental Systems. On gold days I will have English Honors then Calculus. I have pretty much finished my summer homework so I should be able to just enjoy the last weekend of summer. I don't have any classes other then my music production class with any of my friends so I will have to make some new friends. Hopefully It'll be a good year I am pretty happy with my schedule. Esther got her schedule as well. Her schedule is pretty as well. She did however get the same teacher I got in eighth grade. I hated her but hopefully Esther has a better experience. She got one of the best teachers at Robinson for English this year however. He is a lot fun to be around he helps out a lot with the middle school drama program. I think Esther will have a better year then last year.
I downloaded an app on my phone the other day. It counts how many steps you take everyday and tells you have many calories you burn and gives you a step goal for how much weight you want to lose. It has me working up to 10,000 steps a day. I have been going for a few long walks each day some with Sandy some without. I have been averaging about 6000 or 7000 steps a day so far. If I keep walking everyday and eating healthier I am hoping to at least be close to my weight goal by my birthday. The family went out to dinner tonight. It was a pretty good place Dad had wanted to go to for a while. It was pretty good. It is an american food place with a lot of italian food as well. Over all I would be willing to go again. Sandy is also getting sick again. She isn't as much as she should. We are going to take to the vet on Monday. The vet closes early on Saturday and isn't open on sunday's. Hopefully she isn't that sick. She ate dinner last night but she's been looking pretty sad and been sleeping a lot however. She tends to get sick a lot but that happens a lot with her species. She had been pretty healthy over all lately though.
Last blog of the year.
This is the finally blog of the summer. I will be starting school on Tuesday. I don't really have any plans for tomorrow. I will probably hang out with some friends. I also forgot to mention I am taking my road test on Thursday. I will technically have my licence on Thursday. However I won't be able to officially use it till the third week of October. At least I will have it out of the way and won't have to worry about it in October. Other then that not much has been going on. I went to Guitar Center with my friend this morning. He had to pick up a few things and I went with him to keep him company. It was fun. After we went to guitar center he brought me back home. Then I went for a walk. There isn't much else to talk about. I will continue to update you guys through out the year. I am kind of excited to be heading back to school. I think it will be a really good year but I will let you know if it is. Sandy still hasn't been eating that much. We are going to take her into the vet on tuesday most likely. Mom and Dad went out on the boat this morning. Esther and I stayed here and slept in, in order to take advantage of the last two days of summer.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
the past weekend
This weekend I went out to St Louis to visit my grand parents. It was a lot of fun seeing them. I hadn't been out there too see them a quite a few years. While I was there I got to go to a few different record stores I found some really cool records. My favorite two are a Nirvana single and the Goblin LP by Tyler The Creator. I also got to go to a concert of a band I had wanted to see for quite a while. The concert was really good although not many people went. The picture I posted was of the band Widow. They are releasing there new album this fall sometime.
Grandma also did a lot of cooking. She is a really good cook. I helped her make a fudge cake. She gave me the recipe to take back home. I made it today for my family. It was gone before I could take a picture so I'm assuming it was good. The cake it really easy. When I got home from St Louis a record I had been waiting for arrived. It is a really cool record. It is a 12 inch record cut to look like a flower with a 7 inch playing space, The record a split between two of my favorite bands Nai Harvest, and Playlounge. They are both duo's from the UK.
On my last day in St. Louis we drove up the Mississippi. The river was pretty wide where we drove but you could see the other side. There were a lot of tug boats in the water moving crates. We stopped in a town called Grafton to get ice cream. The ice cream wasn't anything special but it was still good. Then we turned around. They dropped me off at the air port on the way back to there house. The flight was really easy. It left on time and even arrived a little early. It was a lot of fun being out of town but it was nice to sleep in my own bed again. Sandy really missed me and mom.
On the plane ride home I finished my book for my summer assignment. The book I read was called Brain on Fire: My Month Of Madness by Suzannah Cahalan. The book was mostly interesting but it got boring at parts. The book is a Memoir of the author. When she was in her mid twenties she started to have seizures and suffer from many common symptoms of Schizophrenia but her and her family where convinced that wasn't what it was. When she finally went into a coma for a month they figured out it was a disease where her body attacks her brain. I am glad I am done with it but it is making me realize that summer is almost over.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
3 blogs
Yesterday I went to the concert. I left for concert at 3. I drove up there while mom was in the car and she drove back after the concert. The drive was about an hour and a half but it was a really easy drive. I got there about 4:30 and surprisingly I was the third person in line at the door. The show was sold out. But this venue only held about 350 people. Since I was third in line I got right up front. All the bands were amazing. I got a 2 setlists from the bands. Setlists are the list of songs they play that they tape on stage so they know what songs they are playing. I got a setlist from the bands Ovlov and Superheaven. I also caught the drummer of basements stick that he threw after there set. Basement's set was amazing. They were really good live. Unfortunately I didn't get many good pictures because I was so close but it was a fun night. I really like the venue and I will definitely be going back the that venue when I get the chance. I am really happy with how the night turned out. That morning I had band practice with my band. Practice actually went really well.
Yesterday I went to the concert. I left for concert at 3. I drove up there while mom was in the car and she drove back after the concert. The drive was about an hour and a half but it was a really easy drive. I got there about 4:30 and surprisingly I was the third person in line at the door. The show was sold out. But this venue only held about 350 people. Since I was third in line I got right up front. All the bands were amazing. I got a 2 setlists from the bands. Setlists are the list of songs they play that they tape on stage so they know what songs they are playing. I got a setlist from the bands Ovlov and Superheaven. I also caught the drummer of basements stick that he threw after there set. Basement's set was amazing. They were really good live. Unfortunately I didn't get many good pictures because I was so close but it was a fun night. I really like the venue and I will definitely be going back the that venue when I get the chance. I am really happy with how the night turned out. That morning I had band practice with my band. Practice actually went really well.
Here is a picture of the setlists and the drum stick I got from the concert on Sunday. The setlist on left is from the band Superheaven. They just recently changed there band name. They used to be called Daylight but had to change there name because of copyright reasons. They put on a pretty good set but the singer lost his voice so they did mostly instrumentals. It was pretty good for being all instrumentals though. The set list on the right is from the opening band called Ovlov. They were really good. Probably the second best set of the night after Basement. After the show was over I bought there album from there merch table. The band members were hanging out at the table and they were pretty cool.
An Extra Blog
Today I hung out with my friends Chase and John. They are the guys in my band. We worked on making a custom guitar mostly for fun. Chase had an old Fender body lying around so we are going to paint it and put new electronics in it. Today we only had time to paint it. The picture that I posted is just the base coat. We painted the whole thing read and then we put the tape on and painted black over it. Tonight John is going to paint a gloss coat over it to seal the paint and add a shine. If everything works it'll be black with red stripes. Tomorrow once its down being painted we are going to put the new pickup, neck, and volume knob on and it should be ready to play.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
8/16 and 8/17
I didn't do anything productive today. I woke up around 10 or so and laid in bed for a few hours and went on my phone. After I finally got out of bed I watched some TV. Then I took Sandy for a walk. Esther and Mom went to one of Esther's friends performance. Her friend gave her the wrong time however and they showed up an hour early. The couldn't stay for the actual performance but they got to see them warm up. I think Esther was kind of bummed that she couldn't see the actual performance but it was the thought to see her friend that counts right? Here is a picture of the band I am seeing tomorrow.

Today I am having band practice. We are planning to start at noon. I am writing my blogs early today because I will be busy most of the day. We are planning to practice until 2:45 or so and then I am leaving for my concert at three. The concert is in Baltimore which is an hour and a half or so from here. But we will probably hit some traffic. I am hoping to get there around five or so. Doors open at six. I am hoping to get towards the front. I have never been to this place before but I have heard good things. I have been looking forward to this concert for quite a while. I probably won't be getting home till after midnight. So that is why I am posting my blogs now. I will be sure to write about the concert in my blog on Monday or Tuesday. I may be trying to complete my blogs early next week so I have some extra money for my trip. Mom is leaving the same day as me except she is going to California to see her parents. So Esther and Dad will be here alone for the long weekend. I think it will be a fun weekend for the whole family even though we won't be together.
Today I am having band practice. We are planning to start at noon. I am writing my blogs early today because I will be busy most of the day. We are planning to practice until 2:45 or so and then I am leaving for my concert at three. The concert is in Baltimore which is an hour and a half or so from here. But we will probably hit some traffic. I am hoping to get there around five or so. Doors open at six. I am hoping to get towards the front. I have never been to this place before but I have heard good things. I have been looking forward to this concert for quite a while. I probably won't be getting home till after midnight. So that is why I am posting my blogs now. I will be sure to write about the concert in my blog on Monday or Tuesday. I may be trying to complete my blogs early next week so I have some extra money for my trip. Mom is leaving the same day as me except she is going to California to see her parents. So Esther and Dad will be here alone for the long weekend. I think it will be a fun weekend for the whole family even though we won't be together.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
blog #1
I am getting really excited to see Basement on Sunday. After I see them there is only 1 of my favorite bands of all time that I have left to see. The last band is called American Football. They are by far my favorite band of all time. They released on album in 1997 and played 12 shows before breaking up. They have recently gotten back together and are playing a few shows this fall but all the ones near me are 18 and up only. I am hoping that they will add some more shows this winter or early next year. I listen to there album at least once a week if not more. When they got back together they released some old demos that were never released. They are pretty good most of them were just early versions of already released stuff. I am hoping now that they are back together they will release more new music and play more shows really soon. My dad really enjoys there music as well. He says it reminds him of old Genesis stuff. American Football's music is very melodic. After they broke up the members went on a did stuff in other bands but I think the American Football album is there best work.
blog #2
I don't have much else to report from around here. Yesterday I traded in my old bass amp to Guitar Center and got $300 for it. With the money I bought a PA system for the band. A PA system is basically a microphone amplifier. You need one to play shows almost anywhere. Also we will be able to have full practices now. We are going to have practice on Sunday before I leave for my concert. I think tomorrow will be a great day. Since I traded in the amp and bought something else from the store I got a 10% discount and no tax on the purchases so I got to pocket $30 of my own as well.
I am getting really excited to see Basement on Sunday. After I see them there is only 1 of my favorite bands of all time that I have left to see. The last band is called American Football. They are by far my favorite band of all time. They released on album in 1997 and played 12 shows before breaking up. They have recently gotten back together and are playing a few shows this fall but all the ones near me are 18 and up only. I am hoping that they will add some more shows this winter or early next year. I listen to there album at least once a week if not more. When they got back together they released some old demos that were never released. They are pretty good most of them were just early versions of already released stuff. I am hoping now that they are back together they will release more new music and play more shows really soon. My dad really enjoys there music as well. He says it reminds him of old Genesis stuff. American Football's music is very melodic. After they broke up the members went on a did stuff in other bands but I think the American Football album is there best work.
blog #2
I don't have much else to report from around here. Yesterday I traded in my old bass amp to Guitar Center and got $300 for it. With the money I bought a PA system for the band. A PA system is basically a microphone amplifier. You need one to play shows almost anywhere. Also we will be able to have full practices now. We are going to have practice on Sunday before I leave for my concert. I think tomorrow will be a great day. Since I traded in the amp and bought something else from the store I got a 10% discount and no tax on the purchases so I got to pocket $30 of my own as well.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Today I was with my friends all day. It was a pretty good day. We all went to get lunch around noon then we went over to my friends house and we started writing music. The stuff we wrote was really good. My friend that was supposed to hang out with my cancelled on me last night but promised we would hang out next week. I am looking forward to sleeping tonight. It has been a pretty good week overall. Esther did more babysitting today. She is actually making quite a bit of money. She is liking babysitting. I am hopefully going to have a job soon. I really need a way to make money during the school year. I will take a part time job to work for a few hours after school most days. I will be getting my drivers licence in mid October and I will probably be using the Honda as my main car. I will take dad to the train station and then take it too school. I am really looking forward to driving. Driving with me permit I have really liked. I am looking forward to being able to have the freedom that driving gives me. Other then that I don't really have much to talk about it has been pretty boring around here.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
A Blog
I haven't done much this week. I have been sleeping in. Esther has been doing some babysitting this week. I have a friend coming over tomorrow. On Sunday I am going to see one of my favorite bands of all time. They are called Basement. I have loved them since mid 2012. This will be my first time seeing them. They broke up in December 2012 and just got back together earlier this year. My favorite songs by them are Earl Grey and Pine. Actually I can't choose a favorite song by them all there songs are really good. So far they have released 2 albums 2 EP's and a Demo. They just released there second EP this summer to go along with there tour. The other bands playing are Superheaven (I have listened to them a few times and there music is pretty good) Pity Sex (I like quite a few of there songs but I don't like all of them), the last band playing is called Ovlov (I have heard very little about this band but the one time I have listened to them they are pretty good). I am very excited for the concert. I also ordered some new school clothes the other day. I am really happy with what I ordered.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
8/9 and 8/10
Lately I have been very interested in classical music. In particular 20th century classical music. I have been reading a lot about the atonal movement. My favorite composers are Schoenberg, Berg and Messian. I think it is very interesting. All of these pieces have no tonal center and are instead written serially. They do not sound like a normal classical piece. In the early 1900's Schoenberg developed the 12 tone technique to write atonal music. You would take the twelve tones on the piano (C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, Gb, G, Ab, A, Bb, and B) and arrange them in a random order. That order would have to be the order for the whole piece. You can't go back and play a note again until you have completed the order. You are however allowed to go back on note from the one you are currently on. You also can play the notes in any octave and play the pattern backwards. This type of classical music is not for everyone but I enjoy it very much. My favorite pieces are Schoenberg's Piano Concerto, Berg's Chamber Concerto for Piano, Violin and 13 Wind Instruments, and Messian's Turangalila Symphony.
Sandy got groomed the other day. She always looks really good after she gets a bath and gets her hair cut. The person who grooms her always does a good job. Sandy can't get really dirty really fast. She loves to play in the grass outside. I really enjoy having sandy around the house. Its nice having someone to play with all the time. She's a really big dog. She weighs a good 80 pounds. She could definitely scare away a burglar but she wouldn't hurt a fly. I am really glad Mom choose to get Sandy from the shelter. She is definitely part of our family.
Lately I have been very interested in classical music. In particular 20th century classical music. I have been reading a lot about the atonal movement. My favorite composers are Schoenberg, Berg and Messian. I think it is very interesting. All of these pieces have no tonal center and are instead written serially. They do not sound like a normal classical piece. In the early 1900's Schoenberg developed the 12 tone technique to write atonal music. You would take the twelve tones on the piano (C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, Gb, G, Ab, A, Bb, and B) and arrange them in a random order. That order would have to be the order for the whole piece. You can't go back and play a note again until you have completed the order. You are however allowed to go back on note from the one you are currently on. You also can play the notes in any octave and play the pattern backwards. This type of classical music is not for everyone but I enjoy it very much. My favorite pieces are Schoenberg's Piano Concerto, Berg's Chamber Concerto for Piano, Violin and 13 Wind Instruments, and Messian's Turangalila Symphony.
Sandy got groomed the other day. She always looks really good after she gets a bath and gets her hair cut. The person who grooms her always does a good job. Sandy can't get really dirty really fast. She loves to play in the grass outside. I really enjoy having sandy around the house. Its nice having someone to play with all the time. She's a really big dog. She weighs a good 80 pounds. She could definitely scare away a burglar but she wouldn't hurt a fly. I am really glad Mom choose to get Sandy from the shelter. She is definitely part of our family.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
8/8 and 8/9
Im writing about what I did today a day later then usual so I don't really remember what I did. So I am just going to try to fill up the space. I have still been working on drums. I am going to be playing drums in my new band. Drums are a lot of fun. I don't have many plans for the next of the summer, now that my class is over. I am going to have to start working on my summer assignments soon. I have one for English and one for Math. Neither assignment is very hard but they will take some time. I want to spend more time with friends as well. I am actually kind of excited for school to start. My schedule should be pretty good this year. Also here is a picture with my earrings.
Im writing about what I did today a day later then usual so I don't really remember what I did. So I am just going to try to fill up the space. I have still been working on drums. I am going to be playing drums in my new band. Drums are a lot of fun. I don't have many plans for the next of the summer, now that my class is over. I am going to have to start working on my summer assignments soon. I have one for English and one for Math. Neither assignment is very hard but they will take some time. I want to spend more time with friends as well. I am actually kind of excited for school to start. My schedule should be pretty good this year. Also here is a picture with my earrings.
Today I woke up around 8:30 to a call from my friends. They wanted to hang out. So I got up and got dressed and then my friends pulled up and we hung out for a while. We headed to my friends house and they should me a song they were working on. I really like it so far. We still need to work on it though. I think we are going to be writing really good music. We are going to be taking our time however so don't expect music soon. I am going to be writing lyrics and some drum parts. Esther and Mom are going to see one direction on Monday. I think it is going to be packed with crazy young girls. I am going to 2 more concerts this summer. I am seeing the band Basement in the seventeenth. I am extremely excited to see them. I never thought I would get a chance to see them because they broke up back in 2012 and just back together now. They are one of my favorite bands of all time. In a perfect world I would want to be playing the type of music that they play but not many people want to play it. The rest of the bands playing are really good as well.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
8/6 and 8/7
Today I woke up around 10 or so. My friend Chase called me around 11 and wanted to hang out. He picked me up and we hung out till two forty five when I had to be home for my piano lesson. My piano lesson went well. I am still working on the same song. I still really like the song. The song is called Drei Klavierstücke Op 11 by schoenberg, Drei Klavierstücke means three pieces in Germany. I am still on the first piece but the pieces are very hard. I am also working my way through all the scales. I have gotten pretty far already. After my lesson I lounged around the house for a little while before my friends came over around five for band practice. Practice went pretty well. We are almost done writing a song. We have everything we need to record it but we want to practice it more before we record it. I am really happy with this band. There is another John in the band so for band purposes I am going to be going by Allan. I don't mind going by Allan. It is a cool name. With my family I am still going to go by John however. Other then that now much happened today.
Today I woke up around seven thirty (early I know). Esther was getting ready for camp and for some reason she woke me up this morning and I wasn't able to go back to sleep. So I just stayed in bed for a little while. I finally got out around 9 or so. I watched a tv show then once everyone left (dad went to work and Mom took Esther to camp) I tried to go back to sleep. At around eleven thirty I had to go to the doctors to get a shot. After my shot I went to the mall. I didn't get anything though. I then went to a tattoo and piercing shop and got my ears pierced. I really like how they turned out. I will post a picture eventually but I am feeling too lazy to upload one today. After I got my ears pierced mom and I went to pick up Esther from camp. On our way home Esther convinced Mom to stop at Starbucks. Esther and I both got some coffee. I always get the same thing at Starbucks. I get an iced Caramel Machiato. It is just Iced Coffee with some milk and caramel. After we went to Starbucks we headed home. Esther's math tutor came over and Esther had a tutoring session. Now it's about 4:30. I might be getting dinner with friends around 6 but other then that I don't have any plans.
Today I woke up around 10 or so. My friend Chase called me around 11 and wanted to hang out. He picked me up and we hung out till two forty five when I had to be home for my piano lesson. My piano lesson went well. I am still working on the same song. I still really like the song. The song is called Drei Klavierstücke Op 11 by schoenberg, Drei Klavierstücke means three pieces in Germany. I am still on the first piece but the pieces are very hard. I am also working my way through all the scales. I have gotten pretty far already. After my lesson I lounged around the house for a little while before my friends came over around five for band practice. Practice went pretty well. We are almost done writing a song. We have everything we need to record it but we want to practice it more before we record it. I am really happy with this band. There is another John in the band so for band purposes I am going to be going by Allan. I don't mind going by Allan. It is a cool name. With my family I am still going to go by John however. Other then that now much happened today.
Today I woke up around seven thirty (early I know). Esther was getting ready for camp and for some reason she woke me up this morning and I wasn't able to go back to sleep. So I just stayed in bed for a little while. I finally got out around 9 or so. I watched a tv show then once everyone left (dad went to work and Mom took Esther to camp) I tried to go back to sleep. At around eleven thirty I had to go to the doctors to get a shot. After my shot I went to the mall. I didn't get anything though. I then went to a tattoo and piercing shop and got my ears pierced. I really like how they turned out. I will post a picture eventually but I am feeling too lazy to upload one today. After I got my ears pierced mom and I went to pick up Esther from camp. On our way home Esther convinced Mom to stop at Starbucks. Esther and I both got some coffee. I always get the same thing at Starbucks. I get an iced Caramel Machiato. It is just Iced Coffee with some milk and caramel. After we went to Starbucks we headed home. Esther's math tutor came over and Esther had a tutoring session. Now it's about 4:30. I might be getting dinner with friends around 6 but other then that I don't have any plans.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
final 2 blogs for the week
Today I went to the Nationals game with my family. It was an event for Dad's company. The game was pretty good. The Nationals won the game 4 to nothing. The Nationals scored a run off an error in the second inning and then scored another three runs in the eighth inning. The Philly's lost yesterday as well. They lost 11 to nothing yesterday though. The Nationals have been doing a lot better this year. Bryce Harper came back off the disabled list. He played the last few innings of the game. He only had one at bat and ended up striking but he shook up the pitcher and allowed the man on base to steal a few bases.
Another blog
This week Esther is going to science camp. She is not looking forward to it at all. She has been complaining about if for the past few weeks already. I am hoping its not as bad as she thinks it will be cause if she complains about it all week I think I will go crazy. I am going to get my ears pierced this week. My parents have agreed to it. I am looking forward to getting them pierced. I have wanted to for quite a while now. I have finally finished my side of the deal in order to get them pierced. I am going to be having band practice at my house this week. It is going to be our first full band practice. There is not much else going on this week. I am going to a concert in a few weeks. I am going to see one of my favorite bands of all time. The band is called Basement. There are a lot of other bands I like playing too. I am really looking forward to seeing Cloakroom. There new album is rumored to be very good. It hasn't been announced but everyone from the label and the friends of the band have said it is one of the best album's they have ever heard. So im assuming its going to be great.
Today I went to the Nationals game with my family. It was an event for Dad's company. The game was pretty good. The Nationals won the game 4 to nothing. The Nationals scored a run off an error in the second inning and then scored another three runs in the eighth inning. The Philly's lost yesterday as well. They lost 11 to nothing yesterday though. The Nationals have been doing a lot better this year. Bryce Harper came back off the disabled list. He played the last few innings of the game. He only had one at bat and ended up striking but he shook up the pitcher and allowed the man on base to steal a few bases.
Another blog
This week Esther is going to science camp. She is not looking forward to it at all. She has been complaining about if for the past few weeks already. I am hoping its not as bad as she thinks it will be cause if she complains about it all week I think I will go crazy. I am going to get my ears pierced this week. My parents have agreed to it. I am looking forward to getting them pierced. I have wanted to for quite a while now. I have finally finished my side of the deal in order to get them pierced. I am going to be having band practice at my house this week. It is going to be our first full band practice. There is not much else going on this week. I am going to a concert in a few weeks. I am going to see one of my favorite bands of all time. The band is called Basement. There are a lot of other bands I like playing too. I am really looking forward to seeing Cloakroom. There new album is rumored to be very good. It hasn't been announced but everyone from the label and the friends of the band have said it is one of the best album's they have ever heard. So im assuming its going to be great.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
8/1 and 8/2
Today I woke up and the house was being cleaned so I just stayed in and worked on my course work. I finished it all by 11. All that I had to do were some final culminating stuff. It was all really easy. Then at around 1:00 we left to go to Robinson to see Esther's show. It was the same program I did when I was here age. I really enjoyed the program and have seen the show every year since I have been in it. This year was the 10th year of them doing the program so they had a few special parts. For the past 10 years they have always started with the same scene but this year they put it at the end. They also had a video commemorating the program. Overall the show was pretty good. Esther will be able to do it for one more year. I might be a counselor next. It pays pretty well. After the show my friend came to pick me up and we went and picked up our other friend and we had a writing session for our new band at my house. I really like what we came up with. After we were done. I fell asleep. It was a good day overall. I don't have many plans for the weekend.
Today I woke up around 10 and went downstairs to find that mom and dad had went out to a movie. I decided to mow the lawn for my dad because I needed some extra money. There is a concert in Philly that me and my friends are planning to go to and I need to pay for my ticket. The concert is going to be really good. It isn't till October but it is already sold out. Tickets went on sale today at 10 A.M, My friend bought three tickets so all three of us could go. After I mowed the lawn I went downstairs and practiced drums for a couple hours. I have started teaching myself drums. That is what I am going to play in my newest band. I REALLY like drums. It is by far my favorite instrument I have learned so far. I have been spending a lot of time learning and I have been getting better at a fairly rapid rate. I am going to continue to practice though. My friend who is playing guitar in the band used to play drums so he just sold me his old kit for really cheap. It is a nice kit though. It sounds really good. I will eventually upgrade when I have enough money but for now it is just fine for what we need.
Today I woke up and the house was being cleaned so I just stayed in and worked on my course work. I finished it all by 11. All that I had to do were some final culminating stuff. It was all really easy. Then at around 1:00 we left to go to Robinson to see Esther's show. It was the same program I did when I was here age. I really enjoyed the program and have seen the show every year since I have been in it. This year was the 10th year of them doing the program so they had a few special parts. For the past 10 years they have always started with the same scene but this year they put it at the end. They also had a video commemorating the program. Overall the show was pretty good. Esther will be able to do it for one more year. I might be a counselor next. It pays pretty well. After the show my friend came to pick me up and we went and picked up our other friend and we had a writing session for our new band at my house. I really like what we came up with. After we were done. I fell asleep. It was a good day overall. I don't have many plans for the weekend.
Today I woke up around 10 and went downstairs to find that mom and dad had went out to a movie. I decided to mow the lawn for my dad because I needed some extra money. There is a concert in Philly that me and my friends are planning to go to and I need to pay for my ticket. The concert is going to be really good. It isn't till October but it is already sold out. Tickets went on sale today at 10 A.M, My friend bought three tickets so all three of us could go. After I mowed the lawn I went downstairs and practiced drums for a couple hours. I have started teaching myself drums. That is what I am going to play in my newest band. I REALLY like drums. It is by far my favorite instrument I have learned so far. I have been spending a lot of time learning and I have been getting better at a fairly rapid rate. I am going to continue to practice though. My friend who is playing guitar in the band used to play drums so he just sold me his old kit for really cheap. It is a nice kit though. It sounds really good. I will eventually upgrade when I have enough money but for now it is just fine for what we need.
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