Monday, July 14, 2008

day 23

Today I had acting camp. This week we are making movies. My group's movie is "Boys in Blue" a parody of "Men in Black". Instead of aliens there are tourists. My friend Tyler and I are the "Boys in Blue". My friend Emma is the chief. Everyone else are tourists. We are doing it all around Woods Hole. We first see the tourist at the sundial. Then they scatter to tourist traps like the aquarium, Cape Cod Sweats, Candy go Nuts, and the bridge. Our finished movie should be approximately 3 minutes. I can't wait to see all the other films!


Grandma said...

How is your neck? How can I see this movie? Grandma

Karen said...

Hi John -

"Men in Black" is a funny movie. I bet your movie will be funny too. That acting camp sure sounds like a lot of fun.

I watched Stargate Atlantis this morning. I downloaded it from iTunes. I thought it was pretty good.
love, karen