Friday, August 5, 2011

Today we are watching my friends dog Bella.  She is a labradoodle.  Her and Sandy are best friends.  I played Xbox today.  I played Call of Duty, and Minecraft.  It was a pretty boring day.  So I dont have much to talk about.  I finished the book I had to read for school.  It was still boring and had a really bad ending.  I still have to read one fiction book for school.  I am reading the book After America right now.  It is about when a giant tidal wave hits america and kills 99% of the population and America is trying to rebuild.  It is really good.  I am noticing now that I am starting to make my lineup for next week I have no where to put all my outfielders.  I have four all star outfielders and three outfield positions.  I don't know who to sit out and who to play.  I am thinking of maybe taking Beltran and putting in Pence because Beltran is doing horribly with his new team and victorino is on fire lately to so i will probably keep him in for another week.  Thanks for reading!


Karen said...

Hi John -

I figured out why my last couple of comments never posted and fixed the problem. So this one should show up! Sorry, I disappeared for a while.

I'm glad you are reading a book you enjoy now! Have fun with Bella and good luck with your team!

love you, karen

Grandma said...

I am all for Victorino - his name alone should bring the team some luck. Congratulations on finishing that book - you are a better man than I. Can you choose your own fiction book - there are a lot of good ones out there. Grandma