So, its summer again. It has been a long year. But I'll spare you that whole story. Now that its summer, it is time to relax. I do have some plans this summer so it won't be entirely unproductive. I am going to Philadelphia from July 13th to August 1st for the University of the Arts summer institute. I will be taking classes in the Music Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology course and at the end I will have 3 more college credits. I am looking forward to being on my own for a while away from everything. I am also working on an album of music. I am hoping to release it sometime this summer. Hopefully before I leave for Philly, but that's pushing it. I want to make it as good as it can be. I am also starting a business with some friends. We are going to release music and make some shirts to sell.
I will be a senior next year. It all happened so fast. This is my last summer as a high school student. That's kind of hard to believe. I will be taking my music class again next year. I am also taking AP Statistics as my math course. I am a little nervous about taking it. It is apparently the hardest math course Robinson offers. Fortunately my favorite math teacher teaches it though. Hopefully it isn't as hard as I'm expecting.
I will probably be visiting some more colleges this summer too. I really like University of the Arts and think I will probably end up there. However it is good to have other options. I am planning to go into Music Business now.
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