Saturday, July 11, 2015

7/11 and off to philly

Today I spent most of the day packing for Philly.  At 1ish I went to run some errands.  I picked up my friend to keep me company.  I went to the local record store and sold a couple of my records for some extra cash for Philly.  I also ran by Target to get some extra shampoo and conditioner.
Esther gets home in a little bit.  It sounds like she had a good time in California.  I think Grandma Eilers really enjoyed having Esther there.  She said she is bringing me back some chocolate.  I will only really see her for a few hours before I am off to Philly tomorrow morning.  Dad is cooking up a special steak dinner tonight to celebrate Esther getting home and my leaving.  I really like steak.  I hope he cooks mine the way he likes cause I like mine different than the rest of my family.  I prefer mine medium rare.  The rest of the family likes them more medium.  It will be a good dinner either way though.
I will probably go to bed kind of early tomorrow because it will be a long day for sure.  Esther leaves again next week to go to Massachusetts to visit the Kerrs.
Off to Philly
Tomorrow I leave for Philly.  We are planning to get on the road at 9.  It's about a 3 hour drive.  Load in at University of the Arts starts at noon so we are planning to be there right as it starts.  Orientation doesn't start for quite a few hours after load in so mom and I will find somewhere for lunch or something to pass the time.
I am excited to go though.  The program I am doing is called Music Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology.  I figure I will have some classes in music production and composition and some that are more focused on the business side of things.  Both really interested me.  I see myself doing both in the future.  I still want to create music but I also want to do stuff under the management umbrella.  I am hoping this program will help me figure out exactly what I want to do after college.
It's going to be a little different being on my own for first couple days but I think I will get into the rhythm of it all.  Hopefully my roomate/roomates are okay because I will be there for quite a while.  I feel like I'll be okay with most people.

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