Saturday, August 8, 2015


Today I got to actually sleep in.  I had been driving Esther to camp everyday and she needed to leave at 9 every morning.  This morning I slept in till 10 or so.  2 extra hours of sleep than I usually get.  I haven't done much at all today.  I've mostly just relaxed.  Esther is making whatever Mom wants for dinner tonight.  I think she's making pasta.  Dad worked late and picked up mom last night.  They were home around nine or so.  I was still up and got see them when they got home.  I don't have any plans this weekend.  I have a Spanish tutor coming over one monday.  I am taking Spanish 3 this year after taking 2 years off.  I am not looking forward to it at all.  I am taking it pass/fail however so I don't have to get an amazing grade in the class.  A couple of the schools I am looking at want 3 years of a language on your transcript.  It is unfortunate that I have to take it this year after 2 years of not touching a spanish book.  It really annoys me that it wasn't something the school let me know when I decided to not continue in a language.

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