Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Jonny stopped and thought about what he had just heard. He didn’t know what to think of it, is it good, Jonny had always wondered what they were talking about, or is it bad. Jonny sat down and started plugging away at breakfast.
There was one thought going through Jonny’s head all day “what are they going to tell me.”
Days felt so much longer in jail. They seemed to drag on and on. Each passing minute felt like an hour. Most of the time Jonny just sat there reading his latest book from the book cart, they had very few books. Jonny had read all books in the cart but one. It was titled “Surviving in the wilderness.”
Jonny closed the last flap of the book just as the lights went out signaling bed time. He started to crawl in to be but George was sitting at the end of the bed blocking him from lying down. George leaned in right next to Jonny’s ear. Jonny could feel George’s warm breath in his ear. It took a while before George spoke. George seemed nervous, Jonny couldn’t figure why. Finally George spoke “Were breaking out, are you in.”
Jonny new well the consequences of breaking out. There were explained to him by the warden his very first day in jail. Jonny could almost remember it word for word. “When we catch you, you are punished, then you are put in solitary confinement and no one will ever see you again.”
Jonny leaned back and whispered “I’m in.”

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

story part 2

He woke up in a cold sweat on the stone hard cot they call a bed in jail. He had the same dream every night for the last month. In fact it was one month ago today. One month since he was put in this rat hole, he felt out of place with all these “high class” criminals. He was just a dirty murderer, no malicious plans, no accomplices, no nothing just him acting alone.
He sat up on his “bed”. He was always the last of his three cell mates to get up but that didn’t really matter. They wouldn’t talk to him anyway, they just whispered to each other.
“Jonny you up?” asked the guard
Jonny leaned his head out of the cell. “Yeah, I’m up.”
“Good Dalton and George had been waiting for breakfast for hours.”
Dalton and George stopped whispering while the guard was looking in the cell. They had been reprimanded for whispering before. They knew the punishment and were extra careful about being caught. At least that’s what the other inmates said. Jonny wasn’t sure what the punishment was no was allowed to talk about it or they were punished.
They got to the cafeteria, normal breakfast just like every other of the last 30 days, eggs and sausage. He was walking to sit with his friends and he caught three words from George “Lets tell Jonny.”

story part 1

He was sitting on his couch just like every day when he got home. But today was different. Instead of a remote in his hand he held a knife and there beautiful white couch was stained red now. He could hear sirens in the distance he wondered how close they were. He wondered when they would take him.
No more than 15 minutes later he heard the door being broken down. He just stared right at the ground where the trail of blood was left. The top edge of the door landed right where his feet were. He still stared straight forward the door didn’t even startle him. He was shaking on the couch. The cops came in did their usual routine “Put your hands up” etc. He didn’t listen. He still just sat.
They took the knife put it in a evidence bag. He was handcuffed and put in the bag of a squad car.
“25 year in the state jail”
25 years… 25 years… 25 years… 25 years

day 3

Me and my friends have a fantasy baseball league. I am now 4-0. I have not lost a game yet. I am the only undeafeated team left. I can't wait till I go visit Cape Cod. Only a week left now. It is going to be fun. I am going to see all my old friends. I haven't seen them in at least a year if not 2. I am going to start building models. My first two come in the mail tomorow. They are both cars. So i am going to be building models to take up a few hours everyday. I have new favorite band now. They are Three days Grace. They are punk. I like punk music the best. I don't really have much else to write about but I have to take up some more space so. I just finished a really good book. It is called Blockade Billy by Stephen King. It is about this baseball player who is not who he says he is. I am working on the bass some more. Will is starting the drums and my friend Francis plays guitar so maybe a band soon. My sister is doing a cooking camp this week and my favorite restraunt is on the way so I get to go there a day this week. I am only doing 2 camps this summer and one of them is in MA. So thats it. I dont have anything else to write bout

Saturday, June 25, 2011

day 2

Today we went to red robin for lunch. It was fun. Then we went to a sporting goods store and got some sandals for me. Esther was mad because she didnt get anything. We are having some construction done on our house. We are building a mud room. It should be done in a week and a half. Sandy is very happy. She likes her trainer, Staci. She has learned sit, stay, lie down, heel, stop, and roll over. We are going to meet Staci at the Petco near our house so Sandy can meet one of her dogs. Sandy is are dog. She is a goldendoodle. I have started playing the bass guitar. I am teaching myself. I am currently learning the song Dance, Dance by Fall out boy. I have some new favorite bands. I really like punk rock now. I recently saw my favorite band of all time, Coheed and Cambria, in concert. It was awesome. Next year I am taking all honor class's. My electives will be Advanced Drama and Chinese. The gold cup final is tonight. That is a soccer tournament. The US is in the finals. They are going to play Mexico. I have not started righting my stories because I am kind of rushed to finish my blog today. Thank you for reading my blog.

Friday, June 24, 2011

first post of the summer

Once again it is summer. I am very happy school is over. This year will be different than the other years though. Instead of saying what I did every day I will be writing short stories. I have already started three so I will have people vote on them. I will post one every day then whicheve one gets the most votes I will continue to write. This will start tomorrow. My plans this summer are, TV camp, MA, Acting camp, pool, and hang with friends. In TV camp I will go to the public access channel here in virginia and be on TV. I will be visiting Massauchusetts this summer too. I will see all my friends from when I lived their. My grandparents will visit us in the rental house for a while. I am doing an acting camp while i am in Massauchusetts. I have done this acting camp a couple years in a row now. I will go to the pool when it gets to hot to do anything else. I will also probably hang out with my friends alot to. So it will be a pretty boing summer. I hope you still enjoy my blog eventhough it will go through some changes this year. I look forward to the comments you will post. Also we have new neighbors that have just moved in. They look like a nice family