Friday, August 28, 2015

wisdom teeth

Today I got my wisdom teeth out.  I had to wake up around 8 to get ready.  We had to be at the place at nine so mom could fill out all the paper work.  They finally called me back at ten.  They explained the procedure then sent mom back to the waiting room.  They put my to sleep and did the procedure.  It sounds like it went pretty well.  I'm supposed to stay still as much as I can today and just relax.  I'll I've been able to eat are milkshakes and some soup.  It sounds great but it really isn't.  I miss normal food already.  It'll be a good 4 or 5 days before I can eat normally again.  Needless to say the rest of the day was pretty boring.  I mostly just relaxed in my room and laid in bed.  I'm hoping I feel a little better tomorrow.  The numbing has just went away now.  I wish it was easy to recover.  When they removed the teeth they couldn't just pull them out so they had to shatter them  to get them out.  It feels good to finally have it over with.  We had to keep putting it off because of family things.  We were supposed to originally do it the week I got back from Philly.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Today I realized that school is about to be starting again.  My counselor called today because my schedule wouldn't work the way I had set it up before the summer started.  So we got that all fixed.  I had to change what math course I was planning on taking because of my music class.  The schedule is completely different this year because school is starting forty minutes later than we did last year.  The schedule sounds really confusing and I will be missing twenty minutes of a class every other day because of the music class I am taking over at the other school.  So it will definitely be interesting getting used to the new schedule.  My music teacher emailed all the second year students yesterday so we can all get together and talk about the curriculum for the upcoming year.  The second year students curriculum is pretty open.  We basically just have to pitch an idea for a project to him and he clears it.  It'll be nice to have that freedom now that I know more about the programs.  I am looking forward to taking the class again.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

8/23 and end of week

Mom got home last night.  Its nice that she's home again.  It was a pretty lazy day overall.  I mostly just relaxed and worked on some music.  In the evening Mom, Esther and I went out an ran some errands.  We went to the grocery store to pick up the groceries for the week.  Last week while she was gone, we only picked up groceries for the next few days so we were going every couple days.  I feel like things are a lot more organized when Mom is home.  She always has everything all planned out.  Dad, on the other hand, knows what needs to be done for the day and gets that done but only for the day.  Both are fine but I tend to feel more organized when mom is around.
It was pretty boring the rest of the day though.  Dad found out that Heroes is on netflix so he's been watching that again.  I never really got into it though.  I tend to watch more comedies than dramas as far as TV shows go.  With music on the other hand I tend to like darker music more.  I think its kind of interesting.
Extra blog
There really isn't much else going on for the rest of the summer.  I think Mom and I might go visit some more colleges in the last week of august.  If we do go we are going to go visit Monmouth, Connecticut College, and Lebanon Valley College.  Monmouth is in New Jersey, Lebanon Valley is in Pennsylvania and Connecticut College is in New London, Connecticut.  Connecticut College is one of my top choices right now based on program alone.  I hope the campus is just as nice when I go to visit.  The other two are pretty low on my list but who knows, that might change after I visit.  I continues working on the common application today.  Luckily all the schools I am applying to but one use the common app.  Also luckily I only had to write one essay that works for all the colleges I am applying to.  It looks like my college application process is going to be fairly easy but I still have to do auditions.  I have started working on two of the four pieces I need for my auditions.  My first one is February.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Mom came home today.  She got home around 9.  It was a kind of eventful day though.  Dad, Esther and I went to go get dinner at panera before we picked up mom.  We had just finished dinner and had stopped for gas.  When dad tried to start the car again... it wouldn't start.  We had just put a brand new battery in it so we were very surprised.  We called AAA but had to wait almost an hour for anyone to come help us so Dad called a cab for me and Esther to get home.  Mom took a cab home from the airport.  Dad had to get the car towed to the auto shop and we'll wait till monday to get is serviced there.  Dad wasn't home till around 10 though.  Dad was very frustrated.  Dad and I came to the conclusion it was something to do with the computer.  When we turned on the car both the park and drive lights turned on and the engine wouldn't turn over.  It was very weird.  I hope its not too much of a problem to fix though.  I like having the minivan to myself and being able to have a car whenever I need it.

Friday, August 21, 2015


Its been pretty quiet around here.  Dads been working till around two or so everyday then coming home.  When we got home Dad and I took sandy over to burke lake park and walked her around the lake so she could stretch her legs.  She hasn't been feeling real great lately.  I think she really misses mom.  She gets home Saturday evening.  I really haven't seen her that much this summer.  I was in philly for most of the summer then shes been gone for most of august.  It will definitely be nice to see her when she gets back.
There is only three weeks left before school starts again.  We start again on September eighth.  I don't really know when locker day is however.  I already know what my schedule is basically so there won't be any surprises.
There aren't any more plans for this summer really.  I am getting my wisdom teeth taken out next week but other than that there isn't much else.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


We didn't do much today.  Dad went to work for a while so Esther and I were home alone for most of the day.  Esther and I went to the grocery store to get some stuff for dinner.  We are going to make dinner tonight.  We are planning to make pasta.  Dad got home around 2:30 or so and him and Esther went to the pool for a quick swim.  When they got back Dad and I went over to walmart to get a charger for the car.  The battery in the pilot isn't working so we are going to try to troubleshoot it.  There really isn't much else to talk about.  Its been a pretty quiet week around here.  There is only another 2 weeks or so of summer.  I don't think school will be so bad this year.  I am taking English, Spanish, Geography, and Statistics this year.  I will also be taking the music class I took last year again.  Some of the classes are more difficult than others but overall I don't think they will be terribly difficult.  School starts about an hour later than usual this year so I'll get an extra hour or so of sleep which will be nice.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Today Dad decided to stay home and work from home.  He didn't have to much work to do so Esther,  Him and I went to get lunch then went to Ikea and the Mall.  Dad was looking for a new cabinet for the dining room.  However they aren't making the one he was looking anymore so we didn't end up getting one.  We went to the mall afterwards and looked around.  Dad and Esther had never been to this mall before so we kind of just explored.  Dad and Esther ended up each getting a shirt from Hot Topic.  We got lunch at this place called Bonefish Grill.  It was okay, it wasn't really anything special.  I got some fish tacos.
I don't have any more plans today.  We got home around 4 or so.  I think dad is going back to work tomorrow but I don't really know.  We have absolutely no plans this weeks as we were supposed to go to Yellowstone this week.  The last few of my friends are leaving for college this week so I am trying to see them before they leave.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Today I had my class.  It went pretty well.  We looked at the schools I am applying to and it looks like I only have to write one essay that I can use for all the colleges I am applying too.  I have 5 on my list to apply to.  I think 5 is a pretty good number.  All the schools are on the east coast.  The farthest one away is in New York which is about 9 hours away or so.  The closest one is still in Virginia but it is still about 3 hours away.  I don't want to be too close to home but I also don't want to be across the country.  I think going back up north would be perfect for me.  My top two choices are Connecticut College and University of the Arts.  Connecticut College has a Recording Technology Major that I am very interested in.  University of the Arts has a Music Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology major.  The one at Uarts is a little more broad in its major but the one at Connecticut College is more specific on what I want to do.  I am really looking forward to maybe visiting it later this summer.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

8/8 part 2

Tomorrow I am going to a college essay writing class.  It is my second class in the program now.  The first one went pretty well.  I mostly just worked on my first essay and good a solid draft done.  There are three classes in total.  The second one is tomorrow and the final one is next sunday.  They are three hours in the morning from 9-12.  It isn't that bad though.  The teachers there are nice.  Its weird thinking I'll be in college next year.  It's coming up so fast.   I will be applying to schools before I know it.  I only have a few colleges on my list right now but I think the schools I have now are enough.  The 4 I have on my list are Connecticut College in Connecticut, Syracuse in New York, Christopher Newport in Virginia, and University of the Arts in Pennsylvania.  Hopefully Mom and I will go visit Syracuse and Connecticut College the last week of this summer.  Connecticut College seems like it would be a really good place for me.  I am really looking forward to visiting it.  They have a recording technology major there that is supposed to be really good.


Today I got to actually sleep in.  I had been driving Esther to camp everyday and she needed to leave at 9 every morning.  This morning I slept in till 10 or so.  2 extra hours of sleep than I usually get.  I haven't done much at all today.  I've mostly just relaxed.  Esther is making whatever Mom wants for dinner tonight.  I think she's making pasta.  Dad worked late and picked up mom last night.  They were home around nine or so.  I was still up and got see them when they got home.  I don't have any plans this weekend.  I have a Spanish tutor coming over one monday.  I am taking Spanish 3 this year after taking 2 years off.  I am not looking forward to it at all.  I am taking it pass/fail however so I don't have to get an amazing grade in the class.  A couple of the schools I am looking at want 3 years of a language on your transcript.  It is unfortunate that I have to take it this year after 2 years of not touching a spanish book.  It really annoys me that it wasn't something the school let me know when I decided to not continue in a language.

Friday, August 7, 2015


I haven't really done much since I got back.  Mostly relaxing.  I've been making a lot of music.  I will probably release another EP of songs I've done before the end of the week.  I released one on the last day I was in Philly as well.  You can listen to it here: 
Esther has been going to a camp at robinson all week.  The camp is called Stage Door.  I did it when it was her age as well.  Their final show was yesterday so I went and saw it.  It was pretty good.  Esther did really well.  Today is her final day at the camp.  They are just having a party I think.  After she finishes her camp she wants to go to Five Guys to get a burger so I am going to take her over there.  Mom gets home from California tonight too.  I think dad is sending Esther and I to pick her up from the airport.  I haven't seen her in almost a month.  It'll be nice to see her.
I am going to a concert on Tuesday with my friend Kelly.  I haven't been to a concert in quite a while so it'll be fun.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

More about Philly

I got out of classes everyday at 4 except for Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Those days classes went till 7. We either had extra time to record in the studio or we ran the live sound for the music performance kids.  I enjoyed the long live sound sets.
The food at the cafeteria was pretty bad.  It got worse as the weeks went by too.  So I ended up eating out quite a bit.  I went to Wawa a lot.  The sandwiches there were pretty cheap and really good.  I got sushi a couple days too.  
We also had Satudays and Sundays off for the most part.  Saturday mornings we would have some kind of field trip.  The first saturday we toured the Kimmel Center.  That is where the Philly orchestra plays most of there shows.  It was really interesting.  The tour was just over an hour which I feel like is the perfect time for a tour.  The second saturday we went to the Mutter museum of medical abnormalities.  It was really weird.

back in virginia

I got back to Virginia Saturday evening.  I had a lot of fun.  I don't know if University of the Arts is my first choice anymore but  I will definitely be applying.  Every morning I had the same two classes.  I had Music Business then Digital Media.  Music Business is just what it sounds.  Its about the laws in the music business and contract writing and such.  Digital Media is about how the business has changed now that everything is online.  Both classes were interesting but digital media could get boring sometimes.  In the afternoon we broke up to into groups.  One day we had Live Sound then Radio and the other day we had Recording and Digital Audio.  Radio was mostly boring because only two people could be on at a time so it was mostly sitting around.  Live Sound was really interesting and a lot of fun.  Recording could be fun but a lot of the time there were too many people working on the song at once so the end product was all over the place.  Digital Audio was just learning how to use computer programs to create music.  It was mostly free time to work on whatever.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

7/11 and off to philly

Today I spent most of the day packing for Philly.  At 1ish I went to run some errands.  I picked up my friend to keep me company.  I went to the local record store and sold a couple of my records for some extra cash for Philly.  I also ran by Target to get some extra shampoo and conditioner.
Esther gets home in a little bit.  It sounds like she had a good time in California.  I think Grandma Eilers really enjoyed having Esther there.  She said she is bringing me back some chocolate.  I will only really see her for a few hours before I am off to Philly tomorrow morning.  Dad is cooking up a special steak dinner tonight to celebrate Esther getting home and my leaving.  I really like steak.  I hope he cooks mine the way he likes cause I like mine different than the rest of my family.  I prefer mine medium rare.  The rest of the family likes them more medium.  It will be a good dinner either way though.
I will probably go to bed kind of early tomorrow because it will be a long day for sure.  Esther leaves again next week to go to Massachusetts to visit the Kerrs.
Off to Philly
Tomorrow I leave for Philly.  We are planning to get on the road at 9.  It's about a 3 hour drive.  Load in at University of the Arts starts at noon so we are planning to be there right as it starts.  Orientation doesn't start for quite a few hours after load in so mom and I will find somewhere for lunch or something to pass the time.
I am excited to go though.  The program I am doing is called Music Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology.  I figure I will have some classes in music production and composition and some that are more focused on the business side of things.  Both really interested me.  I see myself doing both in the future.  I still want to create music but I also want to do stuff under the management umbrella.  I am hoping this program will help me figure out exactly what I want to do after college.
It's going to be a little different being on my own for first couple days but I think I will get into the rhythm of it all.  Hopefully my roomate/roomates are okay because I will be there for quite a while.  I feel like I'll be okay with most people.

Friday, July 10, 2015

7/9 and 7/10

This morning mom and I left to visit some colleges for the next two days.  The first college we visited was Christopher Newport University.  I really like the campus.  If I were to go there however I would double major in Music Composition and Business Management.  I will definitely be applying there in the winter.  I think I would be happy there.  After the tour I had an interview at the school.  I think it went well.  Hopefully it gives me a better chance to get in.  We went into Norfolk to stay for the night.  The view from the hotel was really nice.  It was right on the water.  We went to this really good Thai restaurant for dinner.  I had a crab rangoon appetizer and pad thai.  It was some of the best thai food I've had.  There was a record store near the restaurant that I went into.  They had two records I had been looking for.  They both had sold out online before I could get a copy.  The two records I got were The Money Store and The Powers That B.  Both are by the band Death Grips.  They are a experimental hip-hop band from LA.  I have been a fan of theres for a while now.  It takes a while to get into them at first.
Today we visit Randolph-Macon College.  I really didn't like it.  The school was really small, only 1500 students.  It really felt like Robinson, my high school, in all the worst ways.  It seems like a lot of the parents come out to the football games and the community is really invested in the school.  It sounds like a good thing I know, but it is something I am trying to get away from.  The music program also does not sounds competitive at all.  I talked to one of the people in the program and he said people come in to major in music there and might not have played an instrument before.  So I am definitely not going to be applying there.  After our visit we started headed home.  The drive was fine.  There wasn't too much traffic.  Now that we're home the frantic pack for Philly starts.  I leave Sunday morning so we only have one full day to pack everything I need for the next 3 weeks.  That's what I will be doing all day tomorrow.  We made sure we had everything we needed for philly before we went to visit college so we won't be running all over.  It shouldn't be so bad.  I'll be able to do laundry there.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

7/6 and 7/7

Today I spend the whole day with my friend.  She's been working at a bakery in town and today was her last day off before I leave.  We went to the mall first.  I got a new pair of earrings.  Then we went to get lunch.  Then we went over to her house and I helped her dye her hair.  Other than that I didn't do much.  Tomorrow I am getting lunch with my friend Kate.  There isn't much to talk about really.  I have pretty much just been relaxing.  It's been nice.
The end of the week is coming fast now.  I am really looking forward to going to philly.  Philly is one of my favorite cities.  I think I am going to really enjoy being able to experience living in a city.  I haven't really had an experience like that before.  I used to live in a small town in Massachusetts and now I live in the middle of suburbia.  It'll definitely be something new for me.  3 weeks is going to be a good time to help me decide if I really want to go to college in a city.  Its scary knowing how different things will be this time next year but its also exciting.  I just hope that I will end up somewhere where I'll be happy.
Today I got lunch with my friend Kate.  We went to Cafe Rio.  Its a Mexican place.  I always get the  sweet pork tacos.  I think they are really good.  We caught up for a while.  We've both been busy and haven't had a lot of time to hang out.  After we had lunch I went to go get my hair cut.  The place I usually go is closing on august 1st.  The same woman will still be cutting my hair but she doesn't know where she will be going quite yet.  After my hair cut went over  to my friends house and ended up spending the night there.
Tomorrow  I don't have anything going on.  I have a piano lesson for twice as long because Esther isn't back from California yet.  It sounds like shes had a good time visiting out there.  She gets back on saturday so I'll get a chance to see her for a little bit before I leave for philly.
Mom and I are driving to Newport News thursday morning to visit Christopher Newport college.  I haven't seen it yet but I have heard really good things about it.  I don't really want to stay in Virginia for college but I will be visiting with an open mind.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

7/3 and 7/4

Today Mom woke up early to take Esther to the airport.  She's going out to California to visit my Mom's parents.  Dad woke me up around 7 cause there were cleaning ladies coming.  He sent me to Starbucks to get drinks for us.  He always gets half iced tea, half lemonade.  I always get an iced coffee.  Then I brought the drinks back home and worked on my computer for a bit.  I later ran to walmart to get more weed killer for him.
I am visiting two college this upcoming week.  The first one is Christopher Newport.  They have a strong business program and their music program is starting to be really good.  I am also visiting Randolph-Macon University.  I don't know much about it but they have an arts management degree and the school is really small like I want.  Their are less then 2000 students there.  My first choice is still University of the Arts.  I really like the city of philly and the school looks like it is everything I am looking for.  Hopefully I will have a list of 6 or 7 schools I want to apply to by the end of the summer so I can get started.
Today is the fourth of july.  I woke up around 10 and went to go get groceries for dinner tonight.  We grilled hamburgers and chicken thighs.  Mom made a cucumber salad.  I got some onion rings and cole slaw and baked beans.  It was a very american dinner.  Dad and I got a pack of fireworks to set off tonight too.  We aren't planning to go see them at the country club this year.  Esther's not here and to be honest, I am not really interested.  I enjoy lighting them off myself anyways.
It has rained really hard pretty much every day so far this summer.  It is starting to get annoying.  It downpours for like 20 minutes a day then stops.  It started raining while Dad and I went to got get fireworks.  The people running the stand were desperately trying to get all the fireworks out of the way of the rain.  It was kind of funny.
I have an ACT prep class tomorrow morning.  I am not looking forward to it but it is at the same place I had my SAT prep and that really wasn't so bad.  It is only one week and it is only about the one section I did worst on.

Friday, July 3, 2015

7/1 and 7/2

Today I hung out with my friend.  I hadn't seen her in a while cause she leaves a little ways from me.  It's about a 20 minute drive each way.  But she is leaving for college just a few days after I get back so I probably won't get a chance to see her before she leaves.  Luckily we got to hang out today though.  I got home around 6 that night so I didn't really do much else.
Esther leaves for California on Friday morning.  I won't see her for almost a month starting Friday.  I can't say I'm too sad about it though.  She is going to visit my moms parents for the next two weeks and by the time she gets back I'll already be in Philly.
The power was out this morning when I woke up.  Sandy woke my up because she was barking at the battery backups we have connected to the computers.  They beep when the power goes out so I had to get up and turn them off so she would stop barking.  There was work being done on some power lines up the street so they had to turn it off for a few hours.  It came back on before noon though.  There has been a surprising amount of construction going on around here the past few weeks.
Today I didn't really have any plans.  I spent a lot of time working on a song.  It's coming together really well.  Its a very 1990's hip hop style beat, I'll probably end up rapping over it as well.  I went to get coffee with one of my friends around 4.  It was nice.  Esther and mom finished packing for Esther today as well.  Her plane leaves early tomorrow morning.  Mom is going to take her and Dad and I are going to stay here.  Dad got home around 7 tonight.  He was in Colorado for work and got a chance to visit his brother and parents.  
Once Esher leaves Mom is going to start stressing about me leaving I think.  She always stresses out about this stuff.  I'm not to worried about it however.  I'm sure I'll have everything I need.
I am visiting some more colleges next week as well.  I am visiting Christopher Newport and Randolph Macon.  They are both in Virginia.  I've heard good things about both schools.  Especially Christopher Newport.  I have an interview scheduled there when I visit too.  I am nervous though because I don't think I'm ready to interview for colleges yet.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

6/29/15 and 6/30/15

I went to a concert Saturday night.  It was in Baltimore and it didn't start till late so Mom and Esther came up to Baltimore with me and we rented a hotel room.  The concert started at 8 and there were 5 or 6 openers.  The group I went to see didn't even start till almost 11.  Their set was about an hour and a half.  So the show wasn't even over to 12:30.  I stayed a little after as well to buy a shirt.  I went to see the group Seshollowaterboyz.  They are a group of hip hop artists from LA that do a lot of songs together.  Most of the time during the set at least one or two of them aren't performing so it was interesting.  They were really good performers too.  The crowd was pretty intense too.  I crowd surfed and danced as well so I was really sore the next day.  We drove home the next morning.  I didn't do much that day.  Mostly just relaxed.  I got dinner with a friend that night though.  I've been trying to hang out with as many of my friends before I leave for philly.  A lot of them will be leaving for college pretty soon after I get back.  I figure they will be busy packing by the time I get back so it will be best to see them before I leave.
Today I woke up to Sandy barking.  The power had went out because there was construction and Sandy was scared from the beeping on the battery backups.  The power came back on around noon.  I left to hang out with my friend soon after.  We got lunch together and caught up because we hadn't seen each other in a while.
I've been working on some music  now that I have things set up.  I am planning to release some form of EP before I leave for philly.  I have two tracks done right now.  I want to do one or two more before I release it.  Other than that I don't have many solid plans before leaving.  I will still try to write my blog when I am in philly but I don't know how busy I will be.  I think Dad is letting bring a laptop but I don't know which one I will be bringing.  I'm sure  I will find someway to keep everyone updated though.  I leave a week from Saturday.  I still need to go shopping for the rest of the stuff I need.

Saturday, June 27, 2015


I didn't do much today.  I woke up around 10 then worked on some music in my room for a  while.  I got a rough draft of a song done.  Then I got lunch from a deli down the street.  Its a Korean deli.  I usually get the bulgogi sub.  Bulgogi is a Korean beef dish.  I think it is really good.  I went over to my friends a little later.  We worked on writing some more music.  Mom made burritos for dinner.  They were good too.  I don't have many plans for next week either.  I am going to make sure I work on more music and hang out with some more friends before I leave for Philly.  I think I will need to start packing early next week too.  I will be gone for 3 weeks which is a pretty long time to be away from home.  A few of my friends will have left for college already by the time I get back so I need to find time to see them before I leave.  I have enjoyed this summer so far and am looking forward to relaxing even more next week.  I will make sure to upload some music next week as well.  I have started setting a studio up in my room.  Hopefully by the end of the summer I will have everything I need to have a real nice studio all set up.

Friday, June 26, 2015


Yesterday I decided to spend the night at my friends.  We worked on some music and watched some movies and had a chance to catch up a little.  I hadn't seen him in about a week because he is a lifeguard at one of the pools so he works a lot in the summer.  I am going to start looking for a job once I get back from Philly I think.  Quite a few local places are hiring right now so I am pretty optimistic about getting one.  I have a few things I am still saving up for.  I am probably going get a new microphone next.  I am still deciding between a few but I have narrowed it down to 3.  I also am going to get a pair of monitors to mix on.  Other than that I should be all set to make all the music I want at home.  It is exciting to be able to do it all at home instead of having to go somewhere else.  Once I start making music I will start including it in my blogs.
I leave for Philly in two weeks.  I think Mom and I are going to the mall or something tomorrow to get the rest of the things I will need for the trip.
I am going to a concert in baltimore on Sunday.  I am see Seshollowaterboyz.  They are a rap group from LA that I am a fan of.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


Today mom, Esther and I all woke up early and went to First Watch for breakfast.  I got some breakfast tacos.  They were okay but they needed more egg and more salsa in my opinion.  There was a lot of chicken and not enough of the other stuff.  Then we headed back home to pick up Sandy and take her for a bath.  She was starting to get pretty dirty.  I decided to stay home however.  Dad was still at home because he decided to go into work late.
I've finally started getting bored of the summer.  My key for protools should come today as well.  I am excited to finally get back to work on some music.  I have plans for a big album this summer.   I am going to write hip-hop/jazz inspired instrumentals and have my favorite local artists and friends featured on it.  Hopefully I'll be able to finish it up before the end of the summer.
I am starting to think about packing for Uarts now.  I leave in two weeks.  I am mostly excited but a little nervous to be on my own for so long for the first time.  I think I'll be okay.  After the first few days I'll get used to it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Today I woke up around 11 and made myself breakfast.  Mom had already left to run some errands.  I went to get some coffee with my friend once I woke myself up a little bit.  We hung out for a while before I headed back  home for my piano lesson.  I am working on a rhapsody by Brahms right now.  If I decide to apply to a school that had an audition component, it will be one of my audition pieces.  The pieces is cool but it is also pretty difficult.  I am about halfway through the piece right now and am hoping to finish it before the end of the summer.  I am planning to practice a lot this summer since I have more time. I don't know if I will apply to any audition schools though because I am more interested the business side of music.  It is stressful trying to figure out the next step in my life after high school but it is also exciting.  Mostly it is stressful not knowing what's next.  I think once I commit to a college I won't be so stressed anymore.  Mom wants me to visit more colleges this summer.  She has a bunch picked out, but most of them I'm not really interested in.  There are a lot of specific things I am looking for in a college.


Today was mom's birthday.  I got her some flowers and some chocolates.  She enjoyed them.  I took Esther to the mall while mom went to the college to take her test.  I got some new earrings but Esther didn't end up getting anything.  Then we headed home.  We just barely beat mom home.  She got a 98% on her test.  She has done very well in her classes.  Dad came home early so we could go to moms favorite restaurant for dinner.  It is called Trummer's on Main.  I got BBQ bone marrow to start, it was really good.  I have had bone marrow once before and I really liked it.  Then for my entree I had smoked pork cheeks.  While we were eating a huge storm hit and the power in the restaurant ended up going out but they still could cook.  The power was out at home when we got home too.  Sandy was really scared and didn't want us to leave her alone.  So I stayed downstairs for a while and read to keep her company.  The power finally came back on around 10:00.  At the beginning of the year Dad and I made a deal that if I could get a 3.5 GPA or higher for the year he would buy me a Macbook and my counselor emailed us telling me that I'd gotten a 3.7.  I am very proud of myself.

Monday, June 22, 2015

First Post of 2015

So, its summer again.  It has been a long year.  But I'll spare you that whole story.  Now that its summer, it is time to relax.  I do have some plans this summer so it won't be entirely unproductive.  I am going to Philadelphia from July 13th to August 1st for the University of the Arts summer institute.  I will be taking classes in the Music Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology course and at the end I will have 3 more college credits.  I am looking forward to being on my own for a while away from everything.  I am also working on an album of music.  I am hoping to release it sometime this summer.  Hopefully before I leave for Philly, but that's pushing it.  I want to make it as good as it can be.  I am also starting a business with some friends.  We are going to release music and make some shirts to sell.
I will be a senior next year.  It all happened so fast.  This is my last summer as a high school student.  That's kind of hard to believe.  I will be taking my music class again next year.  I am also taking AP Statistics as my math course.  I am a little nervous about taking it.  It is apparently the hardest math course Robinson offers.  Fortunately my favorite math teacher teaches it though.  Hopefully it isn't as hard as I'm expecting.
I will probably be visiting some more colleges this summer too.  I really like University of the Arts and think I will probably end up there.  However it is good to have other options.  I am planning to go into Music Business now.