Saturday, July 4, 2015

7/3 and 7/4

Today Mom woke up early to take Esther to the airport.  She's going out to California to visit my Mom's parents.  Dad woke me up around 7 cause there were cleaning ladies coming.  He sent me to Starbucks to get drinks for us.  He always gets half iced tea, half lemonade.  I always get an iced coffee.  Then I brought the drinks back home and worked on my computer for a bit.  I later ran to walmart to get more weed killer for him.
I am visiting two college this upcoming week.  The first one is Christopher Newport.  They have a strong business program and their music program is starting to be really good.  I am also visiting Randolph-Macon University.  I don't know much about it but they have an arts management degree and the school is really small like I want.  Their are less then 2000 students there.  My first choice is still University of the Arts.  I really like the city of philly and the school looks like it is everything I am looking for.  Hopefully I will have a list of 6 or 7 schools I want to apply to by the end of the summer so I can get started.
Today is the fourth of july.  I woke up around 10 and went to go get groceries for dinner tonight.  We grilled hamburgers and chicken thighs.  Mom made a cucumber salad.  I got some onion rings and cole slaw and baked beans.  It was a very american dinner.  Dad and I got a pack of fireworks to set off tonight too.  We aren't planning to go see them at the country club this year.  Esther's not here and to be honest, I am not really interested.  I enjoy lighting them off myself anyways.
It has rained really hard pretty much every day so far this summer.  It is starting to get annoying.  It downpours for like 20 minutes a day then stops.  It started raining while Dad and I went to got get fireworks.  The people running the stand were desperately trying to get all the fireworks out of the way of the rain.  It was kind of funny.
I have an ACT prep class tomorrow morning.  I am not looking forward to it but it is at the same place I had my SAT prep and that really wasn't so bad.  It is only one week and it is only about the one section I did worst on.

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