Sunday, July 31, 2011

Today I didnt do anything.  I played xbox for a while.  Then I watched X games.  Shaun white won skate vert.  That was really cool.  Travis patrana broke his leg and  a couple of bones in his ankle.  But he is still planning to compete in Rally cars.  He is going to use hand controls for the throttle and clutch.  It will be interesting to see how well he does.  Tomorrow is the last day.  Both Chris and Lucas are going to be at soccer camp all next week so I will have nothing to do.  So the next two weeks will be really boring.  I don't have anything going on for the next two weeks.  I guess I could shop for school supplies but we still have a month till school.  The summer had gona by so fast only 4 more weeks.  I wish it was longer.  Thanks for reading!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Today Chris came over and we played NCAA football 12.  I was Boise St, my favorite college, and he was Air Force.  I won 42-24.  Then I went over to camp.  Today was our practice audition in front of Ms. Hard and her friends.  They said I need more confidence on the stage.  But other than that they liked it.  Now I am at home.  I am pretty tired and am looking forward to watching more of the X games tonight.  Yesterday I watched the Skateboard park eliminations, the Best Whip contest, Step up, and MotoX best trick.  It is supposed to be really hot this weekend like in the 100s.  So I will be spending alot of time at the pool.  NCAA football 12 is really good.  Since today was the last day of the camp I will have nothing going on for 2 whole weeks then I have TV camp then that last week I will get ready for school.  Thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Today I was at home while Esther went to swimming.  Then we went out to the library to return a book.  Then  I went gamestop and got NCAA football 12.  Then  I got lunch from my favorite restraunt Sechuan East.  It is an asian place.  I always get the same thing.  Then I got home and watched baseball.  The X Games start today.  It is my favorite sports event.  It is 4 days for the summer and 4 days for the winter.  I like the summer better.  The X Games are the extreme games.  They are all the extreme sports like Motocross, BMX, and Skateboarding.  It starts at 7 tonight.  It starts with the BMX best trick finals.  That is my favorite one.  I will watch alot of X Games this Weekend.  Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Today we did nothing all morning. Then I had camp.  We worked more on are monologues and picked songs.  I am doing a Charlie Brown monologue and I am singing "How can love survive" from the Sound of Music.  Friday is going to be fun.  I am working on a song in this computer program we have downstairs.  Eventually I am going to hook up a USB microphone and be able to play my bass, guitar and sing into my songs.  I am listening to mostly Punk rock music.  My favorite band is Blink 182.  They just released there first song in 8 years.  It is ok it didn't live up to expectations though.  I also like the band Yellowcard.  I am teaching Sandy a trick.  I am teaching her to touch my hand when I say touch.  It is pretty easy because Sandy is a really smart dog.  So that is it thanks for reading!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Today Mom went out and did her meals on wheels route.  Esther and I stayed at home and watched the dog.  I lost my first fantasy baseball games so far this season to Lucas.  I am now 7-1.  But I should bounce back with a win next week I am getting Jose Reyes next from Lucas so now I have the best Catcher the Best 1st baseman, the best 2nd baseman, the best 3rd baseman, the best outfielder, the 4th best outfielder, the 5th best outfielder, the best shortstop, and the 9th best pitching staff.  I have an amazing team.  Lucas came over after Mom got home from Meals on Wheels.  I beat him at Slam and Casino.  Then we went to the pool.  Then his dad came to pick him up.  Now I am writing my blog and listening to music.  Thanks for reading!
today the power was out for most of the morning.  So we played board games and stuff like that.  It got really boring.  Then just after the power came back on I had to go to camp.  It is an audition boot camp with the director of the musicals  at my school.  We are doing the Sound of Music.  I want to be Uncle Max.  We are getting ready for an audition at the end of the week where Ms. Hard's friends who are casting directors come in and they are going to give us tips on auditions.  Lucas is coming over tomorrow.  I read more of the book I have to read for school.  It is still REEEEAAAAALLLLLYYY boring.  I have a math packet i will probably start soon.  Ugh it feels like school already!  Thats it for today.  Thanks for reading!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

today Mom and I went to pick up sandy.  She was really happy to see us.  Dad and Esther went to see the last harry potter movie.  They liked it.  Then I walked over to chris's house and hung out with him for a while.  Then he came back here and we played xbox.  Then he had to leave.  Then mom called me for dinner.  We looked through the mail that we had missed.  There were two things for me.  A gameinformer magazine and a BMX magazine.  I am sad we had to leave Massachusetts.  It was a LONG drive yesterday.  I am really tired today.  Tomorrow I don't have any plans.  Tomorrow will be pretty boring.  Mom might make me do this camp in Monday and Wednesday.  But I don't want to.  So that is it for today.  Thanks for reading!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Today we are driving back to Virginia. I didn't want to leave yet. I wish we had another week or two there. But now we have to go home. Dad decided to take a longer way hoping we would miss traffic but it is taking us a lot longer. I am really bored. But we still have 2 hours. It's going to be forever before we get there. We have nothing going this week. I will have some friends over play Xbox and just be lazy this week. Jarrett and I went to the fair yesterday. That was fun. We played alot of the games. Then we went on some rides. Then we had lemonade and fried dough. It was yummy. Then we took jarrett home. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Today we went to the beach with Aaron and Adam.  They fought the whole time so it was not fun at all.  Then finnally grandma came to drop off Esther.  I left with grandma.  We had lunch at the beach.  I had a cheese sandwich a root beer and some chips.  Then when I got home i took a shower.  Jarrett and Gibson are coming over tomorow.  That will be fun.  We will probabaly go to the beach.  I havent seen them in soooooo long.  Jarrett is going to spend then nght on Thursday.  The US is in the womans world cup final.  I hope they win.  I don't really follow soccer though.  All my friends do. We ordered pizza for dinner but they delivered it to the wrong house so we had to wait an exra 30 minutes.  By the time it got here they just gave it to us for free.  Thanks for reading!
Today I went  to acting camp.  Today we could go to the candy store for snack.  I got a lot of different kinds of candy.  Esther got more than i did because she brought her own money too.  We filmed our movie today too.  It went well.  We will get the DVD of it on monday.  Esther filmed hers on tuesday.  Hers is about Woods Hole being haunted.  We will watch them all on Monday.  They are always really good.  Grandma and grandpa got here yesterday.  It is nice to see them.  I havents seen them in forever.  I am going to play alot of cards with grandma.  I will eventually beat her at slam.  I hope.  Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Today we rode our bikes to woods hole for acting camp.  My group was going to film our movie today but we didn't have enough time so we played theatre games the whole time.  It got pretty boring.  Then I rode my bike home.  I rode home really fast because I didn't have to wait for Esther.  She was really mad because I was going faster than she was.  I was just barely in front of her though.  Mom just came home from picking Esther up.  She fell off her bike.  Now she is in a bad mood.  That is really bad.  Now she will yell at everyone for the rest of the day.  Grandma and Grandpa come today.  Mom is about to leave to pick them.  Dad comes back on friday.  I miss sandy :(.  I know she is doing fine though.  I am having a good time in Massachusetts.  Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I have to read this book for school called Nothing but the Truth.  It is about this kid who doesnt like his english teacher.  When he gets tranfered to her home room class he sings along to the star spangled banner when is plays in the morning and he gets in trouble and gets sent to the principles office.  I dont think that is fair.  He is just showing patriotism.  Although there is a rule that the students are supposed to be quiet during the star spangled banner he was not being disrespectful or anything.  Even after he goes to the principals office he continues to sing in class.  Although I think he should get in trouble for continually breaking the rules the "rule" he broke was not a fair rule.  So I think he should not have gotten in trouble for singing.
Today we were going to ride our bikes to acting camp but my bike tire popped so mom had to drive us.  Esther decided to stay to for the second act.  Two of the consoleors stay after and do more thearter games.  Mom came and picked me up after acting camp.  We went to Fish Monger for lunch.  I had a cape cod reuben.  Mom had a lobster roll.  It was yummy.  Then I came home and watched Masterchef.  My least favorite person finally went home.  Then Mom had to go back to Woods Hole to pick Esther up from camp.  When they came back mom had gotten cookies from Pie in the Sky.  So we had cookies.  Tonight we are going to say hi to the Kerrs.  Esther is excited.  We are about to leave so I finishing up my blogs before we leave.  So thats all we have done today.  Thanks for reading!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Today I went to acting camp.  We are doing movies this week.  I like my group.  Esther is coming with me this year.  I wish she didn't come though.  Luckily I am not in Esthers group this week.  Next week we are doing music videos.  All the same people are there as last year.  Esther and I are riding our bikes to acting camp this year.  It is about two and a half miles.  We left late this morning so we almost missed the beggining of camp.  Esther is pretty slow on her bike and I have to wait up for her all the time.  It gets annoying.  But she was faster on the way home.  I think she had a good time at acting camp.  She doesnt know anybody there though.  Then when Esther and I got back from camp we played a couple games of cards.  I won twice and Esther won  twice.  Then we went to the beach.  It was fun.  Esther kept trying to fight with me.  So I walked home early.  Now I am writing my blog.  So thats all I have done today.  Thanks for reading!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Today we packed for our trip. It was boring. We went to the mall to get a couple more things for our trip. Esther got a book and some shoes. Then we went home. I bought some songs for my iPod so I wouldnt get bored on the trip. Esther got some movies to watch. Sandy is going to staying with our friends the second week we our gone. Our neighbors are going to watch gooey. I have to read a book for school so I am going to bring it on the trip. I will probably not read it though. We are going to be driving all day tomorrow. I am going to get bored. I am now catching up on my blogs. I don't know what else to write about. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Today we went to a whole bunch of stores to get what we needed for Massachusetts.  We needed a rain coat, a strap for esthers goggles and a lot of other stuff.  Then we came back home.  Then Lucas came over.  I beat him in basketball twice.  We then walked back home and played zombies.  We died a lot.  Mom is overwhelmed by packing. I am just trying to stay out of her way.  Then Lucas's dad came to pick him up.  Then Esther and Mom went to a swim meet.  I then ordered pizza.  Then Dad came home and we had pizza for dinner.  I ordered a medium cheese and a medium green pepper and pineapple.  Sandy wanted to go for a walk so we took her for a walk.  Then Mom called and said Esther was misbehaving.  So Dad went to pick her up from the swim meet.  I am really bored now.  I don't know what else to write about.  Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lazy day

Today was just a lazy day.  I got pretty far on zombies.  I think I got to round 15.  Then dad and I went to target to get some stuff while  Mom and Esther went to see the movie Monte Carlo.  We got cat food, dog food, mostly stuff for Massachusetts.  Mom is getting overwelmed by all we have still to do for Massachusetts.  Then I played bass.  Then more video games.  I also won my fantasy baseball game.  Still undeafeted.  I leave for Massachusetts pretty soon.  I am excited.   I am now 5-0 in fantasy baseball.  I am playing my friend chris this week.  His team is really good.  I will win this weeks though.  I play bass in the rest of my free time.  I am getting pretty good.  I do not know what I will do in my free time in Massachusetts.  I play mostly punk rock songs.  Right now I am working on Carouel by Blink 182.  They are one of my favorite bands of all time.  I am hoping Chris can come over some time this week but he is insanely busy.  Alot of my friends are insanely busy this summer.  I should have signed up for more camps this summer.  Thanks for reading.

Monday, July 4, 2011

river riders

Today we drove to West Virginia to go tubing.  It was really boring.  We did the flatwater tubing.  Then Dad and I went back to river riders to see if we could go to the white water but it was really expensive.  We had lunch and waited for Mom and Esther to come back.  Then we drove home.  Since Mom and Esther had not had lunch we stopped at Wendy's.  We bought some fireworks.  We are going to set them off on the 4th of July.  We don't really have any plans this weekend. Only a couple more days till I got to Massachusetts.  I don't really have any plans while I am there.  Just go to camp, and see friends.  I have been pretty bored this summer.  This week I plan to just have friends over.  Then we leave on friday.  I don't know what else to write about. I am only doing two camps this summer.  The acting camp I got to every year in Massachusetts and a TV camp with the public access channel here in Virginia.  I have never done the TV camp before.  I hope it is fun.  Thats it.  Pretty boring.  That is the one thing I hate about summers.  You have nothing to do and you get really bored.  Thanks for reading.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Pool and friend

Today I had lucas over.  We place Black Ops Zombies.  We made it to round 10 on the hardest zombies map.  We even turned on the power.  Then we went to the pool.  We played water basketball.  The pool was almost empty though so it was one on one.  Then we went and annoyed Esther and her friends by cheating in sharks and minnows.  It was so funny.  Then we went back and played more Black Ops.  I beat him.  Then he had to leave for soccer.  I am still undeafeated in fantasy baseball.  I now have the three best outfielders.  So i am now probably undeafetable.  I went to library and got the book I am legend.  I also got Deathnote volumes 7,8, and 9.   L dies in 7 :(.  He was my favorite character.  But Ryuk is back, he is my second favorite character.  Deathnote is about this notebook where by writing someones name in the book they die.  It is very good.  It had been over for a couple years now but the last volumes are hard to find.  There are 13.  I own 1 through 6 but then the comic store didn't have 7,8, or 9 so i was stuck.  But I found them at the library.  So I can go get 10 from the store.  Thats it another boring day.  Now just a week till we leave.  I am going to see all my old friends.  I can't wait.  Thanks for reading.

Boring day

Today I went to pick up my sister from cooking camp.  She really likes the cooking camp.  Then we went to my favorite restraunt.  It is called Sunflower.  Sunflower serves only vegetarian food.  They have amazing tofu.  I got the General Tso's surprise.  Mom had Sweet and Sour tofu.  It was really good.  Then I went home to watch sandy while Mom and Esther went to get their hair cut.  Esther got red highlights.  I dont like them but she seems to.  I am learning the song Lazy Eye on the bass.  It is by the Silversun pickups.  I really like the song.  I hope you liked the story.  I may continue it later but for now its done.  Just over a week till a go to Massachusetts.  I am so excited.  I built my first model yesterday.  It was fun.  I made a camaro.  On Saturday we are going white water rafting.  That will be fun.  It is an hour and a half though and we have to be there by 10:30 so we will have to wake up early.  Then I had my friends Will, and Chris.  We played Black Ops with Alex.  Will won most of the time.  But it was still fun.  Tomorow I will have my friend Lucas over.  I am running out of stuff to write about.  I have had a pretty boring summer so far.  Not doing to many camps like I did last summer.  Thats all for today.  Thanks for reading.