Sunday, July 24, 2011

today Mom and I went to pick up sandy.  She was really happy to see us.  Dad and Esther went to see the last harry potter movie.  They liked it.  Then I walked over to chris's house and hung out with him for a while.  Then he came back here and we played xbox.  Then he had to leave.  Then mom called me for dinner.  We looked through the mail that we had missed.  There were two things for me.  A gameinformer magazine and a BMX magazine.  I am sad we had to leave Massachusetts.  It was a LONG drive yesterday.  I am really tired today.  Tomorrow I don't have any plans.  Tomorrow will be pretty boring.  Mom might make me do this camp in Monday and Wednesday.  But I don't want to.  So that is it for today.  Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hi John -

I'm sorry you couldn't stay longer in Massachusetts. But I'm glad you were able to go and see your friends.

What is BMX?

Thanks for writing! - karen