Thursday, June 26, 2014

Pretty boring day

Yesterday we didn't do very much.  Esther woke me up around 10:30 to say that we going to go to the mall when Mom got back from Sunrise.  So I started getting ready to go to the mall.  I needed to get some new shorts.  So when Mom got back we headed to the mall.  Esther wanted to use some her gift cards from her birthday.  I also picked out two more pairs of shorts for the summer.  Then we headed home.  We just hung around home for the rest of the day.  I am planning to go to the library or Barnes and Nobles tomorrow to pick out a book or two for our drive to Massachusetts next Friday.  I don't have any books in mind but I will probably find something.  Esther, Mom and Esther's friend are going to take a tour of the Washington Monument tomorrow.  They invited me to go but I want to stay home and watch the U.S Germany World Cup Game.  I think it will be a very good game. The U.S has to draw or tie to move on.  If they lose Portugal has to beat Ghana by one point for the U.S to move on.  The World Cup has been very good this year so far.  It is going to be interesting to see how things play out.

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