Saturday, August 10, 2013


Today Esther had her show.  It started at one forty five.  It was okay.  There were some really good bits but a lot of it was very boring.  They tried to do a commentary on how technology has taken over our lives but it ended up being a little preachy.  There was a really good bit where two of the actors broke the fourth wall.  It was by far the longest stage door I have ever seen.  It was over two hours long.  I think next year they should keep it a little shorter.  After it was over Esther wanted to go to dairy queen to celebrate.   A bunch of Esther's friends who went to go see the show went too.  I saw one of my friends there.  It was blizard day at dairy queen.  They donated half the money they made from blizzards to charity that day.  Tomorrow is Esther's last day of camp is tomorrow.  They just have a big party all day.  Esther is very excited for it.  I studied for my drivers test for the rest of the day.  I am planning to go take the test on Monday I hope I pass it.  The DMV is at the mall so Esther is excited to go too.  I am nervous though.  All my friends who have taken it said it was pretty easy though.

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