Saturday, July 7, 2007

day 18

Today I went tubing for the first time on my family's new tube. Tubing is when you go in the water on a thing sort of like an inner tube but without the hole in the middle and then Dad lets us out on a rope while we're sitting on the tube and then Dad tows us. My friend Jarrett came tubing with my family. He tried tubing for the first time. Today was the annual Paul White road race. My babysitter Eileen came and walked up to the finish line with us. My sister and I both got Italian ice. Mine was cherry and my sister's was blue raspberry, lemon, and cherry.

1 comment:

gramma said...

hi John -
Tubing sounds like alot of fun! I'd like to try it, if your dad will go slow. Is the water cold? Gramma