Monday, June 28, 2010

day 4

Today Omid and Iman came over. They are twins. I know them from school. We went to the pool. We played TIPS. To play TIPS you need at least two people and a ball. It is just like pass but you have to be in the air when when you catch it and still be in the air when you throw it. If you drop it or you make a pass you get a letter. First person to spell TIPS loses. Then we went off the diving board. Then we had pizza and ice cream at the pool. Then we went home. We played Last word. It is a board game. Each person has a subject card. Then you flip a letter. If you are the person. To think of a word that applies to your subject and starts with the letter you hit the buzzer. You and the other players take turns saying words from the subject card that the person who was first to put down their subject card. The person who says the last word before the buzzer goes moves ahead one space. Then they had to go home. Then we went to the library. I read two books today. I had the best day of the summer so far.

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