Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day 25

Today my group taped "Boys in Blue". I think it came out really well. I'm going to get a DVD of all the movies. I will be able to post my video when I get the DVD. The movie is about 3 1/2 minutes long. Today in science school we went on OceanQuest, a boating service that takes people on educational cruises through Woods Hole passage. We looked at the murain on the first island in the Elizabeth Island Chain. A murain is all the different sized sediments the glaciers from the last ice age left behind. Surprisingly MOST(everywhere except Falmouth)of Cape Cod is murain, but Falmouth is an Outwash Plain. That means the melted ice ran down and picked up some murain and made Falmouth.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

I'll be thinking about you today as you start filming. Good luck! Love, Grandma