Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thunder storm and x games

Last night there was a huge thunder storm.  It knocked down two trees in our back yard and 70% of Fairfax county.  We luckily didn't lose power.  I spent most of the day watching the X games.  Last night was the best trick competition.  Jackson Strong won the gold medal this year with an  amazing trick.  here is a link to the amazing trick he landed to win it.  I am also really looking forward to rally car racing.  It is my other favorite event.  Also i got new clothes for my trip to Europe.  A lot of stores weren't open because of power outages.  Esther has her show tonight.  The first show today was cancelled because of the power outage at the theater but they are still on for tonight.  I am looking forward to seeing is.  I have my show on Thursday this week.  I am excited to perform that too.  Grandma asked for the website for arena stage here it is:  Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Were you awake during the storm, John? Give us a review of Esther's play tomorrow. thanks for the websites, I am enjoying them. Grandma