Thursday, August 23, 2012

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Today Charleston and his family were here.  They are staying here for another two nights.  Dad was having breakfast in Woods Hole with some of his old friends and Charleston had to work down in Woods Hole in the morning.  So the rest of us went down to the Surf drive.  We saw an old friend there.  He taught karate to Esther and I.  His wife was also a teacher at our North Falmouth Elementary.  Lilly, Charleston's Daughter, had never been to a beach before.  I think she liked it.  Esther built a sandcastle with Lilly.  It turned out pretty well.  After we were there for a while we went back to the rental house.  After we had lunch I went over to my friends house.  When I got back Dad's friend Matt was over.   I talked with them for a while before I got tired and decided to go to bed.  Thanks for reading.
Today we went to Betsy's diner for breakfast.  Charleston ordered the super platter.  It had two eggs, two pancakes, sausage, toast and home-fries.  He finished it all.   I ordered the veggie omelet.  I couldn't even eat half of it.  Lilly wanted to go to the bookstore for story time.  Esther and Kelly, Charleston's wife, went with her.  The rest of us stayed here.  After lunch Charleston and his family headed to airport to head back to South Carolina.  Soon after Sarah Kerr came over to spend the night with Esther.  After dinner Dad and I went down to Woods Hole to go fishing with Louis.  Dad's old friends AJ and Joe were out on there sail boat so we tied our boat up to theirs and talked with them for a while.  Then after low tide had passed we went fishing some more.  We still didn't catch anything.  Thanks for reading.
Today we all went to Old Silver beach.  Dad and I build a ball drop.  It wasn't very long because the beach was kinda full.  Esther and Sarah were swimming most of the time but they stopped for a while and built a sandcastle.  It came out surprisingly well.  It had three towers a wall and a moat.  After we headed out to the Wild Harbor General Store to get some sandwiches.  Then we headed home.  We all had sandwiches for lunch.  After that I went over to my friends house.  On Thursday we don't have any plans at all.  On Friday though, we are having a cook-out with the Kerr' out on Devils Foot.  It is an island off of Woods Hole.  It will probably be fun.  I don't want to leave Falmouth.  I am having a good time here.  We only have one and half weeks before school starts.  Thanks for reading.


Karen said...

Hi John -

I'm enjoying reading about your week in Falmouth. Sounds like you are having a great time up there! How long has it been since you moved to Virginia?

I hope you had a good day today. Have fun at the cook-out tomorrow!

Love you -

Grandma said...

OK - enough, John. I want an entire blog devoted to explaining details about this person you refer to as "my friend."
I think that you and Esther must have read very carefully that article on building with sand that I sent you. I hope that someone will take a picture of the next sand castle.
Love, Grandma