Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Today I went to camp.  We finished recording our show.  Tomorrow we will be when we edit the show.  Since only one person can edit at a time we are supposed to bring a book.  I am reading the book the Passage.  It is really good.  Then when I got home from camp Lucas and Chris came over.   We played Xbox for a while then we went to to Tiger Mart to get some sodas.  Then we came back home and played some more Xbox.  I had a really good night in fantasy yesterday.  Gonzalez scored 16 points, Kemp and Bonifacio scored 11.  Uggla is still on my team.  I am winning 108-44.  Chris, Lucas and I also played Monopoly.  We got bored before we finished but Lucas was winning in money and I was winning in properties.  Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Properties are, of course, much more important than money.
Go Uggla! Is he for real?