Friday, July 6, 2012

Cast Party

Today I had camp again.  We did a lot of fun stuff like writing parodies for some of the songs we had in the show.  My group did a really good one.  We also played some of our favorite games.  It was a lot of fun.  Esther and Mom went to see the movie brave today.  They said it was really good.  I really want to see the movie Prometheus.  It is the prequel to Alien.  My friend who saw it said it was awesome.  Alien is one of my favorite movies of all time, another one is Predator.  This weekend I am going to hang out with some of my friends and finish packing for Europe.  I would really like to go see the movie Prometheus with my dad this weekend as well.  I am very happy I am going to be here for the baseball all star game.  I really want to watch it.  Bryce Harper just barely lost to David Freese in the all star voting.  I do not know if any Nationals players made it even though they are doing really well.  Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hi John -

I hope you get to see the Prometheus this weekend. I've never seen Alien or Predator. I always thought Alien would be too scary. Some day I will have to watch it, though, because it is a classic.

I am hot, hot, hot. I am suffering terribly. (Do you feel bad for me??)

I can't wait to get all of the great stuff you are going to send to me from Europe! You could start by practicing over the next few days. Go out to the stores and buy something and send it to me (preferably something that doesn't melt, because I had some chocolate earlier and it was soft and gooey).

I am going back to the bedroom where the little window A/C unit is chugging away and cool down.