Sunday, July 29, 2012


Today Esther and I stayed at home while Mom and Dad ran some errands.  I watched the Olympics most of the time.  Esther was on her iPod most of the time.  When they came home they brought Wendy's.  I got a fish sandwich.  The rest of the family got hamburgers.  Mom and Esther had a swim banquet yesterday.  Dad and I didn't go.  We stayed home and we watched the Olympics for a while, then we were walking sandy but ended up talking to our neighbor Marty for a while.  They are moving to North Carolina so they are giving us some of there lamps they don't want to move to the new house.  We watch there cats whenever they are away.  After we were done talking to him Dad and I went to Dairy Queen.  I got a blizzard but couldn't finish it.  Dad got a sundae but couldn't finish his either.  Thanks for reading.

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