Sunday, August 16, 2009

day 54, 55, 56

Day 54
Two days ago was the last day of vacation bible school. We did water balloon games. Some of the things we did was play catch with the them. Then we did some relays. Then I had my piano recital. I played Humoresque, Highly strung, When Rivers Flowed on Mars, and Little Song. The other people that played where, Cooper, Jessie, Karen, Hannah, and Grace. There was an intermission. They had snacks and stuff too. There was cake at the end too. It was good. It was lemon flavored. Hannah and Grace are going off to college this year so the concert was a goodbye concert to them. Cooper and I are good friends. Tomorrow I am going to Jame's birthday party it will be fun.
Day 55
Yesterday I went on the boat with my neighbor Jack and his sister Bridget. My dad and there dad came to. We went to west Falmouth. We also went swimming. Then we went to Megansett. The ice cream truck pulled up while we were there so my dad docked and we all got ice cream. I got a malt crunch and Dad got an ice cream sandwich. Then we went home. There dad invited us over to go swimming at there house at four 'o clock. So we did. That was also fun. Then I went to Jame's. The people that came were, Gibson, Cooper, Nicky, and I. We all went swimming in his pool too. I went swimming THREE time yesterday!!!!!!!! I got him a gyroscope and magic eye glasses.
Day 56
Today I slept in to eight ten. Then we went to church it was our last day at that church. They got ice cream for fellowship cause we are leaving. I had hot fudge sauce on mine. Liese gave a puzzle and a lollipop for helping out at bible school that week. Lukas was there to. We hung out the whole time. In Sunday school we learned about baby Moses. Then we colored. I drew a abstract picture of Esther. Then I drew a picture I call a random fence, a random boy, and a random cookie. I think I am going to swim with my neighbors after I finish my blog. They are swimming in there pool. There pool is and above ground pool. It isn't very deep. But it is really big.


Karen said...

Three days all at once - that's a lot of writing! It sounds like you've had lots of swimming, lots of ice cream and lots of fun!!

Here's hoping you have more of the same!
love, karen

Grandma said...

What a busy week you had, John. And what a busy week the one ahead will be, filled with many new experiences. I know you will help your parents and Esther will need your help too. But it will all be wonderful! Is this your last post? I will miss them. Love, Grandma.